[AI Seminar] Online AI Seminar on May 19 (Zoom) -- Laura Leal-Taixe -- Multi-Object Tracking: Towards end-to-end learning and data privacy. AI seminar is sponsored by Fortive.

Aayush Bansal aayushb at cs.cmu.edu
Wed May 13 21:53:39 EDT 2020

Laura Leal-Taixe (Technical University of Munich, TUM) will be giving an
online seminar on "Multi-Object Tracking: Towards end-to-end learning and
data privacy" from *12:00 - 01:00 PM* on May 19.

Zoom Link: *https://cmu.zoom.us/j/262225154

CMU AI Seminar is sponsored by Fortive.

Following are the details of the talk:

*Title: *Multi-Object Tracking: Towards end-to-end learning and data privacy

*Abstract: *In this talk, I will go over two of our recent works in
multi-object tracking that aim to push the field towards the end-to-end
learning paradigm. In the first one, we study the power of using the
regression head of the detector for tracking, hence converting a detector
into a tracktor. Even if this approach yields state-of-the-art results, it
has obvious shortcomings which we analyze and aim to overcome in the second
work. Towards this end, we leverage the graphical model formulation of
multi-object tracking in order to cast the tracking problem as an
end-to-end learning problem. I would also like to talk about a brand new
aspect of multi-object tracking that we are working on, one which we
foresee will have a strong impact in the way the field is applied to
society, namely, data privacy.

*Bio*: Prof. Dr. Laura Leal-Taixe is a tenure-track professor (W2) at the
Technical University of Munich, leading the Dynamic Vision and Learning
group. Before that, she spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at ETH
Zurich, Switzerland, and a year as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the
Computer Vision Group at the Technical University in Munich. She obtained
her PhD from the Leibniz University of Hannover in Germany, spending a year
as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. She
pursued B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering at the Technical
University of Catalonia (UPC) in her native city of Barcelona. She went to
Boston, USA to do her Masters Thesis at Northeastern University with a
fellowship from the Vodafone foundation. She is a recipient of the Sofja
Kovalevskaja Award of 1.65 million euros for her project socialMaps.

*Laura is available for one-on-one (virtual) meetings on May 19. Please
send me an email if you would like to schedule a meeting with her.*

To learn more about the seminar series, please visit the website:

Aayush Bansal
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