[AI Seminar] AI Seminar sponsored by Apple -- Guoqing Zheng -- May 15
Adams Wei Yu
weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Sun May 13 05:09:00 EDT 2018
Dear faculty and students,
We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, May 15, at noon in NSH 3305 for
AI Seminar sponsored by Apple. To learn more about the seminar series,
please visit the AI Seminar webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.
On Tuesday, Guoqing Zheng <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~gzheng/> will give the
following talk:
Title: Generative Adversarial Permutation Learning
Permutation learning refers to the task of recovering the mapping that
permutes an object to another one. The (original object, permuted object)
pair encodes information that is critical in identifying the underlying
permutation and has received increasingly attention in the research
community. In this talk, we study the problem of unpaired permutation
learning, i.e., only samples of original objects and that of permuted
objects are observed while no paired link between the two is given. We
propose to tackle the unpaired permutation learning under the adversarial
training framework; specifically, a permutation generative network is
trained to generate approximated permutations conditioned on the permuted
object, by which the permuted object can be transformed back to the
original space, and a discriminative network is trained to distinguish real
objects from the original space and the recovered ones. Preliminary
empirical experiments on sorting numbers and recovering scrambled images
demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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