[AI Seminar] AI Seminar sponsored by Apple -- Alec Koppel -- Feb 20
Adams Wei Yu
weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Sat Feb 17 15:40:38 EST 2018
Dear faculty and students,
We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, Feb 20, at noon in *NSH 1507* for
AI Seminar sponsored by Apple. To learn more about the seminar series,
please visit the AI Seminar webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.
On Tuesday, Alec Koppel <http://koppel.bitballoon.com/> will give the
following talk:
Title: Nonparametric Stochastic Methods for Continuous Reinforcement
Reinforcement learning is a generic framework to describe an autonomous
agent seeking to learn behavior sequentially in uncertain environments
based on rewards. This framework has gained increasing relevance for
autonomous control, management science, and econometrics. Unfortunately,
heuristics or intractably complicated tools are still prevalent when state
and action spaces are continuous. In this talk, we develop new algorithms
for estimating the value function or action-value function in continuous
Markov Decision Problems (MDPs). The core of these methods are
nonparametric (kernelized) extensions of stochastic quasi-gradient methods
operating in tandem with sparse subspace projections. The resulting tools
yield the first convergence results for Value or Q-function estimation when
these functions have an infinite nonlinear parameterization, addressing in
the affirmative a long-standing open question posed by Tsistiklis and Van
Roy (1997). We then demonstrate on the classic Mountain Car domain that we
can obtain comparable performance to existing approaches to TD or Q
learning with orders of magnitude fewer data samples and interpretable
representations of the learned functions.
Alec Koppel began as a Research Scientist at the U.S. Army Research
Laboratory in the Computational and Information Sciences Directorate in
September of 2017. He completed his master's degree in Statistics and
doctorate in Electrical and Systems Engineering, both at the University of
Pennsylvania (Penn) in August of 2017. He is also a participant in the
Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship
Program sponsored by the American Society of Engineering Education. Before
coming to Penn, he completed his Master's degree in Systems Science and
Mathematics and Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics, both at Washington
University in St. Louis (WashU), Missouri. His research interests are in
the areas of signal processing, optimization and learning theory. His
current work focuses on optimization and learning methods for streaming
data applications, with an emphasis on problems arising in autonomous
systems. He co-authored a paper selected as a Best Paper Finalist at the
2017 IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers.
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