[AI Seminar] AI Seminar sponsored by Apple -- Nika Haghtalab -- Jan 23

Adams Wei Yu weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Jan 22 17:34:10 EST 2018

A gentle reminder that the talk will happen tomorrow (Tuesday) noon at *GHC

On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 3:04 AM, Adams Wei Yu <weiyu at cs.cmu.edu> wrote:

> Dear faculty and students,
> We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, Jan 23, at noon in GHC 6115
> for AI Seminar sponsored by Apple. To learn more about the seminar series,
> please visit the AI Seminar webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.
> On Tuesday, Nika Haghtalab <https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~nhaghtal/> will give
> the following talk:
> Title: Machine learning by the people, for the people
> Abstract:
> Typical analysis of learning algorithms considers their outcome in
> isolation from the effects that they may have on the process that generates
> the data or the entity that is interested in learning. However, current
> technological trends mean that people and organizations increasingly
> interact with learning systems, making it necessary to consider these
> effects, which fundamentally change the nature of learning and the
> challenges involved. In this talk, I will explore three lines of research
> from my work on the theoretical aspects of machine learning and algorithmic
> economics that account for these interactions: learning optimal policies in
> game-theoretic settings, without an accurate behavioral model, by
> interacting with people; managing people's expertise and resources in
> data-collection and machine learning; and collaborative learning in a
> setting where multiple learners interact with each other to discover
> similar underlying concepts.
> Bio:
> Nika Haghtalab is a Ph.D. candidate at the Computer Science Department of
> Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Avrim Blum and Ariel Procaccia.
> Her research interests include learning theory and algorithmic economics.
> She is a recipient of the IBM and Microsoft Research Ph.D. fellowships and
> the Siebel Scholarship.
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