[AI Seminar] AI Lunch -- Ramanathan V. Guha (Schema.org) -- May 16
Adams Wei Yu
weiyu at cs.cmu.edu
Fri May 12 21:40:44 EDT 2017
Dear faculty and students,
We look forward to seeing you Next Tuesday, May 16, at noon in NSH 3305 for
AI lunch. To learn more about the seminar and lunch, please visit the AI
Lunch webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.
On Tuesday, Ramanathan V. Guha <http://www.guha.com/cv.html> will give a
talk :
Title: Communicating Semantics
Messages often refer to entities such as people, places and events. Correct
identification of the intended reference is an essential part of
communication. Lack of shared unique names often complicates entity
reference. Humans do not and cannot have a shared unique names for
everything. Yet, we communicate in our daily lives about things that do not
have a unique name (like John McCarthy) or lack a name (like his first
car). Our long term goal is to enable programs to achieve communication
just as effectively.
Humans overcome the lack of shared unique names by using descriptions. We
use some shared language and shared domain knowledge to construct uniquely
identifying descriptions for such entities. We call this `Reference by
Description' and argue that it could form the basis for a programatic use
of descriptions.
We introduce a mathematical model of `Reference by Description'. We use an
information theoretic approach to address questions such as: What is the
minimum that needs to be shared for two communicating parties to understand
each other? When can we bootstrap from no shared language? What is the
computational cost of using descriptions instead of unique names?
In addition to their inherent interestingness, these questions also have
practical applications that range from database/application integration to
privacy preserving information sharing.
Guha is the creator of widely used web standards such as RSS, RDF and
Schema.org and products such as Google Custom Search. He has made
substantial contributions to Netscape’s browser, Google’s Adwords,
Google Now, etc. He was a co-founder of Epinions.com and Alpiri. Until
recently, he was a Google Fellow. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from
Stanford University and B.Tech in mechanical engineering from IIT Chennai.
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