[AI Seminar] Fwd: ML Seminar - Francesca Rossi - March 3, 2017@ 10am in NSH 3305

Manuela Veloso mmv at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Mar 3 08:26:28 EST 2017

Friendly reminder!


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	ML Seminar - Francesca Rossi - March 3, 2017@ 10am in NSH 3305
Date: 	Wed, 1 Mar 2017 11:40:35 -0500
From: 	Sharon Cavlovich <sharonw+ at cs.cmu.edu>
To: 	ml-seminar at cs.cmu.edu

Please join us for a special ML seminar on March 3rd!

If you would like to meet with Francesca during her visit, please go to 
to sign up for meetings.


March 3, 2017
NSH 3305

Francesca Rossi, Professor -  University of Padova

Title: Ethical AI


Intelligent systems are going to be pervasive in our everyday lives. 
They will take care of elderly people and educate kids, they will drive 
for us, and they will help doctors understand how to cure a disease. 
However, in order to get all their beneficial effects in these and other 
scenarios, we need to trust that they can discriminate between good and 
bad decisions. In other words, that they function according to ethical 
principles, professional codes, social norms, and moral values that are 
aligned to those of humans. Therefore it is important to understand how 
to embed ethical principles into intelligent machines, as well as to 
assess the ethical capabilities of an AI system.

In this talk I will review the main approaches and research efforts 
related to AI ethics, with special attention to the possible use of 
preference-based frameworks to model and reason with ethical principles 
in the context of individual or group decision making.

I will also discuss the main initiatives around the ethical development 
and deployment of AI systems, describing their goals and potential in 
building beneficial AI.

Affiliation: IBM Research and University of Padova

Short bio:
Francesca Rossi is a distinguished research scientist at the IBM T.J. 
Watson Research Centre, and an professor of computer science at 
the University of Padova, Italy, currently on leave.
Her research interests focus on artificial intelligence, specifically 
they include constraint reasoning, preferences, multi-agent systems, 
computational social choice, and collective decision making. She is also 
interested in ethical issues in the development and behaviour of AI 
systems, in particular for decision support systems for group decision 
making. She has published over 170 scientific articles in journals and 
conference proceedings, and as book chapters. She has co-authored a 
book. She has edited 17 volumes, between conference proceedings, 
collections of contributions, special issues of journals, as well as 
the Handbook of Constraint Programming.  She has more than 100 co-authors.

She is a AAAI and a EurAI fellow, and a Radcliffe fellow 2015. She has 
been president of IJCAI and an executive councillor of AAAI. She is 
Associate Editor in Chief of JAIR and a member of the editorial board 
of Constraints, Artificial Intelligence, AMAI, and KAIS. She co-chairs 
the AAAI committee on AI and ethics and she is a member of the 
scientific advisory board of the Future of Life Institute. She is in the 
executive committee of the IEEE global initiative on ethical 
considerations on the development of autonomous and intelligent systems 
and she belongs to the World Economic Forum Council on AI and robotics.
She has given several media interviews about the future of AI and AI 
ethics (including to the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, 
Motherboard, Science, The Economist, CNBC, Eurovision, Corriere della 
Sera, and Repubblica) and she has delivered three TEDx talks on these 

Sharon Cavlovich
Senior Administrative Assistant to the Department Head | Machine Learning Department

Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue | Gates Hillman Complex 8007
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412.268.5196 (office) | 412.268.2205 (fax)

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