[AI Seminar] FW: Paul Milgrom

Tuomas Sandholm sandholm at cs.cmu.edu
Fri Dec 9 20:00:23 EST 2016

Talk of interest to some of you..


From: Alexey Kushnir [mailto:alexey.kushnir at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 09, 2016 2:08 PM
To: Tuomas Sandholm
Subject: Paul Milgrom

Dear Tuomas,

I want to attract your attention to the next Tepper microeconomics seminar speaker, who might be of your interest.

Paul Milgrom<http://www.milgrom.net/> will be presenting next Thursday December 15th at 4:00-5:30 in Tepper/GSIA Faculty Conference Room 322. This is actually his first time visiting CMU!

Feel free to pass this information to anybody who might be interested. Let me also know if you want to join lunch or dinner with him.


Alexey Kushnir,
Assistant Professor of Economics,
Tepper School of Business,
Carnegie Mellon University,
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