[AI Seminar] AI Lunch -- Ariel Procaccia -- November 22

Ellen Vitercik vitercik at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Nov 16 20:27:49 EST 2016

Dear faculty and students,

We look forward to seeing you this Tuesday, November 22nd, at noon in NSH
3305 for AI lunch. To learn more about the seminar and lunch, please visit
the AI Lunch webpage <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~aiseminar/>.

On Tuesday, Ariel Procaccia <http://procaccia.info/> will give a talk
titled "Computational Social Choice: For the People."

*Abstract:* Computational social choice deals with algorithms for
aggregating individual preferences or opinions towards collective
decisions. AI researchers (including myself) have long argued that such
algorithms could play a crucial role in the design and implementation of
multiagent systems. However, in the last few years I have come to realize
that the "killer app" of computational social choice is helping people --
not software agents -- make joint decisions. I will illustrate this theme
through two recent endeavors: Spliddit.org, a website that offers provably
fair solutions to everyday problems; and Robovote.org, which provides
optimization-driven voting methods. Throughout the talk, I will devote
special attention to the theoretical foundations and results that make
these services possible.
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