[AI Seminar] Can't (wait to) vote? Try RoboVote!

Ariel Procaccia arielpro at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Oct 11 21:58:44 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

For the past year and a half we've been working on RoboVote (
http://robovote.org/), a not-for-profit voting website that provides
optimization-driven methods for making collective decisions. Check out
RoboVote's about page <http://robovote.org/about> for (somewhat AI-centric)
information about the website, its algorithms, and the theory underlying
them, as well as info about the amazing team.

RoboVote will publicly launch in the week of Oct 24-28. In the meantime
we're ironing out some last kinks, and *we ask for your help in testing the
website*. Please try the demo or create an account and some actual polls.
If you have any suggestions for improvement, encounter any bugs, or
experience display issues (RoboVote is responsive and should look good on
all devices), please submit your comments through RoboVote's feedback form.
We would really appreciate it!

Ariel and Nisarg
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