[AI Seminar] Theory Seminar Course: Greatest Hits in Computer Science Theory 2016

Bernhard Haeupler haeupler at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Aug 30 12:11:25 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I am excited to teach the "Greatest Hits in Computer Science Theory 2016 
<http://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Ehaeupler/15859F16/index.html>" this semester.

In this seminar PhD level course we will discuss the latest 
breakthroughs and greatest results in theoretical computer science 
published over the last two years in FOCS/STOC/SODA. The class is once a 
week Thursday from 12:00PM - 2:50PM.

Have a look at the list of suggested papers 
<http://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Ehaeupler/15859F16/papers.html>. So many cool 
things to learn!

If you are a PhD student interested in doing research in theory this 
might be your most efficient way to catch up on the the newest results 
and a great starting point for new research projects.

I hope to see you in class.



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