[Intelligence Seminar] TOMORROW: Alan Yuille, GHC 6115, 1:00, "Recursive Compositional Models for Computational Vision"
Noah A Smith
nasmith at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Mar 24 09:28:48 EDT 2010
Intelligence Seminar, cosponsored by the Center for the Neural Basis
of Cognition and the Machine Learning Department
Thursday, March 25, 2010 -- NOTE SPECIAL TIME AND LOCATION!
1:00 pm
GHC 6115
Host: Tai Sing Lee
Please contact Barbara Dorney (dorney at cnbc.cmu.edu) for meetings; he
will be available from 1pm 3/24 to 6pm 3/26.
Title: Recursive Compositional Models for Computational Vision
Alan Yuille, Departments of Statistics, Computer Science and Psychology, UCLA
Recursive Compositional Models (RCMs) are a class of probability
models designed to detect, recognize, parse, and segment visual
objects and label visual scenes. They take into account the
statistical and computational complexities of visual patterns. The key
design principle is recursive compositionality. Visual patterns are
represented by RCMs in a hierarchical form where complex structures
are composed of more elementary structures. Probabilities are defined
over these structures exploiting properties of the hierarchy (e.g.
long range spatial relationships can be represented by local
potentials). The compositional nature of this representation enables
efficient learning and inference algorithms. Hence the overall
architecture of RCMs provides a balance between statistical and
computational complexity.
Joint work with L. Zhu and Y. Chen.
Alan received his B.A. in mathematics from the University of Cambridge
in 1976, and completed his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at Cambridge
in 1980. Following this, he held a postdoc position with the Physics
Department, University of Texas at Austin, and the Institute for
Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara. He then joined the Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory at MIT (1982-1986), and followed this with a
faculty position in the Division of Applied Sciences at Harvard
(1986-1995), rising to the position of associate professor. From
1995-2002 Alan worked as a senior scientist at the Smith-Kettlewell
Eye Research Institute in San Francisco. In 2002 he accepted a
position as full professor in the Department of Statistics at the
University of California, Los Angeles. He has joint appointments in
the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Psychology.
He has over two hundred peer-reviewed publications in vision, neural
networks, and physics, and has co-authored two books: Data Fusion for
Sensory Information Processing Systems (with J. J. Clark) and Two- and
Three- Dimensional Patterns of the Face (with P. W. Hallinan, G. G.
Gordon, P. J. Giblin and D. B. Mumford); he also co-edited the book
Active Vision (with A. Blake).
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