[ACT-R-users] Saving a model's state

Schoppek, Wolfgang Wolfgang.Schoppek at uni-bayreuth.de
Wed May 8 08:26:58 EDT 2024

Dear David,
thank you, that works well!
I probably will adapt it to my purpose, but it is a great starting point.
Best regards,

Von: ACT-R-users [mailto:act-r-users-bounces at act-r.psy.cmu.edu] Im Auftrag von David Cserjan
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 8. Mai 2024 13:57
An: act-r-users at act-r.psy.cmu.edu
Betreff: Re: [ACT-R-users] Saving a model's state

Dear Wolfgang,

Have you looked into the save-chunks-and-productions.lisp in the extras folder? I never tried it but to me it reads as if it could do what you are looking for!

the readme:
The save-chunks-and-productions.lisp file defines a new command called
save-chunks-and-productions that can be used to write a model's current
declarative memory, set of productions, general parameters related to
declarative and procedural, the appropriate chunk and proceduction
parameters, and the chunks currently in buffers out to a model file.

It can be loaded by calling (require-extra "save-model") and that
can be placed into a model file to have it loaded automatically.
Alternatively, one can put the save-chunks-and-productions.lisp file
into the tools directory of the distribution to have it always loaded
or it can be explicitly loaded as needed.

To use it call the save-chunks-and-productions function passing it
a string which indicates a file to open and write the model information

More details on exactly what is saved and how to call the new command
can be found in the comments of the save-chunks-and-productions.lisp
Am 08.05.2024 um 13:44 schrieb Schoppek, Wolfgang:
Hi all,
I’m wondering if anybody has written a LISP function that creates ACT-R code from the current state of the model that can be included in an existing model in order to load the last state of the model at a later point in time. For my purposes, something like that for new chunks would suffice.

An example:
My model has created the new chunks chunk23, chunk34, chunk45.
I can get a list of those using sdm.
I can print their parameters using sdp.
What I’m looking for is a function that translates this into something like
  (chunk23 isa …)
 (chunk34 …
(sdp chunk23 :reference-count 5 …)
(sdp chunk34 …

… which I can add to my model later to start it from the state it reached at the end of the last run.


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