[ACT-R-users] Saving a model's state

Schoppek, Wolfgang Wolfgang.Schoppek at uni-bayreuth.de
Wed May 8 07:44:30 EDT 2024

Hi all,
I'm wondering if anybody has written a LISP function that creates ACT-R code from the current state of the model that can be included in an existing model in order to load the last state of the model at a later point in time. For my purposes, something like that for new chunks would suffice.

An example:
My model has created the new chunks chunk23, chunk34, chunk45.
I can get a list of those using sdm.
I can print their parameters using sdp.
What I'm looking for is a function that translates this into something like
  (chunk23 isa ...)
 (chunk34 ...
(sdp chunk23 :reference-count 5 ...)
(sdp chunk34 ...

... which I can add to my model later to start it from the state it reached at the end of the last run.

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