[ACT-R-users] iccm24: program, jobs

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at PSU.EDU
Sun Jun 2 21:28:39 EDT 2024

See you at ICCM 24 in Tilberg. I have a room, registered, and will look 
forward to seeing you.

with some help from Eric Shoch

Table of Contents

ICCM (and related conferences) ANNOUNCEMENTS
1) ICCM with MathPsych, 19-22 July 24

Other Conferences
2) BRIMS 2024, September 18-20, 2024, Hybrid.

3) ACS 2024 - 11th Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 
17-19 Jun

4) I/ITSEC 2024 Call for Scholarship Applications, Applications Due 21 Jun

5) IST HCI Faculty

6) IST Cyber Security Faculty

7) IST Associate Deans

8) Post-doc at Notre Dame in responsible AI for Education, due 17 Jun 24

9) Graduate student openings, U. of Waterloo, CA, rolling

10) Rotating Program Officers/Directors at NSF,
     Consideration started in March.


  Professors need not be just a pretty face: How faculty directories can 
decrease the opportunity for bias ....

ICCM (and related conferences) ANNOUNCEMENTS
1) ICCM with MathPsych, 19-22 July 24

The program has been announced.

On 19 July there is a tutorial on how to publish your model, and
   workshop on Reinforcement learning for modeling human choice

ACT-R Workshop is 23 July

You should organize your housing (through the conference site or
hotels.com or other), and your registration is discounted through June
by $50.

2) BRIMS 2024, September 18-20, 2024, Hybrid.

All papers are eligible to be considered for the Best Paper
Award. Papers with student first authors will be considered for the
Best Student Paper Award. Those receiving these awards will be invited
to publish an extended version in a special issue of the journal
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory.

Currently, deadline is 2 June.

3) ACS 2024 - 11th Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems, 
17-19 Jun

Palermo, Italy

ACS is an annual conference for research on the initial goals of
artificial intelligence and cognitive science, which aimed to explain
the mind in computational terms and to reproduce the entire range of
human cognitive abilities in computational artifacts. Many researchers
remain committed to this original vision, and Advances in Cognitive
Systems provides a place to present recent results and pose new
challenges for the field. The meetings bring together researchers with
interests in human-level intelligence, complex cognition, integrated
intelligent systems, cognitive architectures, and related topics.

The conference welcomes many types of research, includingdemonstrations
of new capabilities, empirical studies of implemented systems, and
formal analyses of complex tasks.

Authors of papers accepted for oral presentation may be invited to
publish an expanded version in Advances in Cognitive Systems, an
archival electronic journal associated with the conference. Authors
should examine the review form at https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cogsys.org%2Freview-form%2F&data=05%7C02%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C8cdfc339bac54db30c3408dc836c81e6%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C638529749271598212%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=WyGjkawbc1KHOqA6PoL9LYi1V0P5%2BR9Y91NZIwegTVw%3D&reserved=0
before submission, as referees will expect papers to address the
questions therein.

Nothing at this time.

4) I/ITSEC 2024 Call for Scholarship Applications, Applications Due 21 Jun

I/ITSEC is one of the largest and most respected conferences on
modeling, simulation, training, and educational technologies and
methods. This year, they are pleased to again offer scholarships at
the Masters level in the amount $5,000 and at aDoctoral level in the
amount of $10,000. The scholarships are offered to stimulate student
interest and university participation in preparing individuals for
leadership in the Modeling & Simulation, Training and Education
communities. By investing in our future workforce, these scholarships
encourage expansion of the I/ITSEC community and promote innovation
through direct investment in our community’s future leaders.  The
scholarship recipient(s) will be invited to attend I/ITSEC ‘24
(December 2-6, 2024) at the expense of the I/ITSEC organization, where
they will be recognized, view the latest in simulation, training and
education technologies and meet leaders from Government, Industry and
Academia associated with this community.

5) IST HCI Faculty

The College of IST at Penn State will be reruiting 1 to 2 HCI tenure
track and 1 to 2 teaching track faculty in Fall 2024.  Contact any HCI
faculty or watch the website.

6) IST Cyber Security Faculty

The College of IST at Penn State will be reruiting 1 to 2
cybersecurity tenure track and 1 to 2 teaching track faculty in Fall
2024.  Contact any cybersecurity faculty or watch the website.

7) IST Associate Deans

There are two associate dean openings.  Candidates are being
evaluated.  Apply rapidly if you are interested. One is for faculty
affairs and one is for undergraduate education.

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for
TWO Associate Dean positions. I have already sent these out separately
but thought it may be convenient to have both links in one place.

*Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. *Penn State employees can view
  and apply

*Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies. *Penn State employees can
  view and apply

We are planning to begin interviews in June and to hope to have the
new Associate Dean start on 1 Aug 24.

8) Post-doc at Notre Dame in responsible AI for Education, due 17 Jun 24

ND Learning and the Lucy Family Institute for Data and Society at the
University of Notre Dame seeks candidates for a Postdoctoral
Fellowship in Responsible AI for Education. This role involves
practical experience as well as innovative research in engaging
faculty and students with the rapidly advancing landscape of AI
technology in the support of teaching and learning.

The position will involve collaboration with experts across the Kaneb
Center for Teaching Excellence, the Office of Digital Learning,
Teaching and Learning Technologies, the Lucy Family Institute for Data
and Society, and ND Learning’s and the Lucy Family Institute’s network
of partners across Notre Dame. The postdoc will be co-mentored by
Professor Ron Metoyer, Vice President and Associate Provost for
Teaching and Learning and Professor of Computer Science and
Engineering, and Prof. Nitesh Chawla, Director of Lucy Family
Institute for Data & Society and Frank M. Freimann Professor of
Computer Science & Engineering.

More at their site.

9) Graduate student openings, U. of Waterloo, CA, rolling

The Human Optimization Modelling Lab (HOMLab) in the Department of Systems
Design Engineering at the University of Waterloo has a fully funded
position for new graduate students (either Master’s or PhD). Ideal
candidates should have a good understanding of both computer
programming and human factors/cognitive psychology. Experience with
machine learning and/or ACT-R is a plus. Research will involve human
data collection, statistical analysis, and computational modelling of
human performance, mental workload, and situation awareness in the
transportation domain, such as driving and piloting. The start date
could be in the coming Fall, Winter, or Spring term.

*Contact*: shi.cao at uwaterloo.ca

Shi Cao (pronounced like SHER TSAO), PhD, PEng
Assoc Prof, Systems Design Engineering (SYDE)

University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1

10) Rotating Program Officers/Directors at NSF,
     Consideration started in March.


The Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences at NSF is looking for
Rotating Program Officer/Directors (PO). Rotators typically serve terms
of 2-3 years and work alongside permanent POs, doing pretty much
everything the permanent POs do. At the moment, we?re looking for POs
for two positions:

1. Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence

2. Cognitive Science & Artificial Intelligence

Candidates must have a Ph.D. in an appropriate field plus be six or
more years post-PhD.  We look for a record of successful research,
research administration, and/or managerial experience pertinent to the

  Professors need not be just a pretty face: How faculty directories can 
decrease the opportunity for bias ....


Frank.Ritter at psu.edu
Professor, College of IST
PSU Graduate Teacher of the Year, 2022
(814) 865-4453

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