[ACT-R-users] New ACT-R software version available

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Tue Jul 18 12:33:31 EDT 2023

A new version of the ACT-R software is now available on the prerelease page
of the ACT-R web site:


It will be moved to the current version in early August unless people
report problems with it.

There are very few changes in the operation of ACT-R, and you can find the
details in my slides from the workshop:


The most significant change is to the macOS version of the standalone
application.  That now includes applications that are compiled for both
Intel and Apple silicon processors, and the scripts to run it will pick
the appropriate version.  That should be a lot faster than the previous
versions that had to run under Rosetta on the new processors.  The version
for Apple silicon also uses SBCL instead of CCL (which is still used for
the Intel version).  I've turned off some of the SBCL warnings and updated
the tutorial code so that things should look the same regardless of
which version you're using.

If you have any questions or problems with this version let me know.
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