[ACT-R-users] 2023 AAAI Fall Symposium on Integration of Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models

Christian Lebiere cl at cmu.edu
Sun Jul 2 14:40:35 EDT 2023

We are pleased to announce the 2023 AAAI Fall Symposium on Integration of
Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models October 25-27: Westin
Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia, USA.

This symposium aims to explore possible integrations of cognitive
architectures and generative models, two very different approaches for
developing general embodied intelligent agents with possibly complementary
strengths and weaknesses. An important goal is to understand the strengths,
weaknesses, trade-offs, and challenges among alternative approaches to
integration, as well as potential directions for future research. We hope
to include a broad range of researchers whose interests span cognitive
architectures and generative models.

General information about the AAAI Fall Symposium Series, including
registration and hotel information can be found at

Information specific to the  Cognitive Architectures and Generative Models
symposium can be found at: https://integratedcognition.ai/fss-2023/

Key dates for our symposium:
July 28: 2-8 page papers due via EasyChair
August 11: AAAI opens registration
August 18: Notification of acceptances/rejections of papers for
presentation as talks/posters
September 1: Posting of accepted papers
September 29: Final registration deadline
October 4: Schedule of symposium posted
Oct 25-27: Symposium held Westin Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia, USA

Organizing Committee:
John Laird, Center for Integrated Cognition/IQMRI
Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University
David Reitter, Google Deepmind
Paul S. Rosenbloom, University of Southern California
Andrea Stocco, University of Washington
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