[ACT-R-users] Deadline Upcoming: Call for Submissions for Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2023

Society for MathPsych societyformathpsych at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 07:14:54 EDT 2023

*Second Call for Submissions: Virtual MathPsych / ICCM 2023, mathpsych.org
<http://mathpsych.org>, June 19-23, 2023*

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a Call for Submissions to Virtual MathPsych/ICCM
2023! This meeting will be held completely online, in addition to In-Person
MathPsych / ICCM / EMPG 2023 in July at the University of Amsterdam, The

Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2023 will follow the model of the successful 2020,
2021, and 2022 virtual meetings, with pre-recorded talks, posters, and a
discussion forum on our virtual meeting platform mathpsych.org, from June
19 to 23, 2023.  For submission instructions, deadlines, and registration,
and other information, please visit mathpsych.org/conferences/vmp2023.

We consider the Virtual and In-Person meetings to be two fully separate
conferences, with separate registrations, submissions, and deadlines.  All
members are invited to attend and present at both events.

The Virtual MathPsych/ICCM conference showcases leading research on
mathematical and computational theories of human cognition. We welcome
contributions from the complete spectrum of formal approaches to modeling
cognition, including connectionism, symbolic modeling, dynamical systems,
Bayesian modeling, and cognitive architectures.

We also welcome submissions that were made to In-Person MathPsych / ICCM /
EMPG 2023.

Abstracts can be submitted via the conference website at
mathpsych.org/conferences/vmp2023. The submission deadline is 3 May 2023
23:59 anywhere on earth.  Due to the tight timeline for reviews, there will
not be an extension of the submission deadline. Decisions will be made by
19 May 2023. If you have questions, you can contact us at
conferencecommittee at mathpsych.org.

Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2023 will feature four types of submissions:


   MathPsych Virtual Talk

      Submission length: up to 250 words

      Video duration: up to 15 minutes

      Live Q&A: exact times TBD, dates between June 19-23

      Note that not all Virtual Talks will feature in a Live Q&A session.

   MathPsych Virtual Fast Talk

      Submission length: up to 250 words

      Video duration: up to 5 minutes

   ICCM Extended Abstract

      Submission length: up to 2 pages (use the Cognitive Science Society

      Video duration: up to 5 minutes

      Live online poster session: exact times TBD, dates between June 19-23

   ICCM Full Paper

      Submission length: up to 6 pages (use the Cognitive Science Society

      If accepted as talk

         Video duration: up to 15 minutes

         Live Q&A: exact times, dates between June 19-23

      If accepted as poster

         Video duration: up to 5 minutes

         Live online poster session: exact times, dates between June 19-23

All Virtual MathPsych/ICCM submissions due 3 May 2023.

Please note that you can submit the same abstract to both the in-person and
virtual events.

See mathpsych.org/conferences/vmp2023 for formatting details and templates.

The Virtual MathPsych/ICCM conference organizing committee
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