[ACT-R-users] ICCM23: Other conferences, anti-covid steps and tool, Ukrainian seminar
Frank Ritter
frank.ritter at PSU.EDU
Tue Sep 20 08:25:22 EDT 2022
This issue has no MathPsych/ICCM in it, perhaps for the first time.
The other announcements were timely, so I send it out now.
The bonus is a current update on medical and healthcare in Ukraine. It
will likely be available recorded
Frank Ritter frank.e.ritter at gmail.com https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.frankritter.com%2F&data=05%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7Cd916bb7550694946d54608da9b0330c6%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637992735242316747%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=bI2i%2Ba%2F8HCJTM5EAN4hOumLYcDdTlsp1HZShJz1%2BP9Y%3D&reserved=0, with
help from Aidan Engleka
Table of Contents
ICCM (and related conferences) ANNOUNCEMENTS
1) Call for CogSci 2024 Conference Co-Chairs, due 30 Sep 2022
2) Neuromatch Conference 2022, Submission deadline Sep 5, conference
Sept 27-28
3) Call for Visiting Scholars in Theoretical Sciences at Okinawa
Institute of Science and Technology, including a new Thematic Program
with a symposium.
4) CogSci Mind Challenge, Opens Sep 1
Other Conferences
5) MOBITAS 2023 5th International Conference on HCI in Mobality,
Transport and Automotive Systems
6) COVID guidelines to protect faculty
7) Post-doc researcher at the Saxe Lab
8) Webinar on crisis healthcare in Ukraine, 10-noon, 21 Sep 22
ICCM (and related conferences) ANNOUNCEMENTS
1) Call for CogSci 2024 Conference Co-Chairs, due 30 Sep 2022
The Cognitive Science Governing Board actively encourages expression of
interest from groups of scholars that wish to Co-Chair the upcoming
CogSci 2024 Meeting.
Get inspired by previous CogSci themes and
help shape the direction of CogSci 2024, by bringing together your
group's specialisation and experience to create a first rate program.
Submissions are welcome from all regions of the globe. There is no
requirement that any of the Co-Chairs live or work near the physical
conference venue. In fact, collaboration among varied institutions and
countries is encouraged.
We welcome proposals from all interested cognitive scientists. We
especially encourage proposals consistent with our diversity, equality,
and inclusion objectives of increasing leadership in cognitive science
among those historically under-represented.
Conference Co-Chairs are responsible for selecting the conference theme,
invited speakers, and invited symposia, as well as the papers and
posters that most conference attendees view as the substance of the
Annual Meeting. For more details on the process, and to submit your
statement of interest, please click on the button below.
The deadline for co-chair proposals is 30 Sep 2022.
2) Neuromatch Conference 2022, Submission deadline Sep 5, conference
Sept 27-28
After four successful conferences, Neuromatch is pleased to be holding
our fifth. The scope of NMC 2022 includes computational neuroscience and
machine learning work that has a biological link.
We are excited to have a slate of excellent speakers and panelists lined
up including:
Keynotes from Larry Abbott, Rosa Chan, Ida Momennejad, and Mac Shine
Panel on spiking computation: Priya Panda, Katie Schuman, Peter Suma
Panel on the future of scientific publishing: Tim Behrens, Simine
Vazire, Abeni Wickham
Bridging-the-gap with computational psychiatry: Xiaosi Gu, Quentin Huys
Each of our conferences has led the way in providing new innovations to
the virtual conference space, and this year we are excited to offer you:
*This year, all talks will be provided with a DOIfor a permanent
identification of your contribution presented at NMC 2022.
*The main talks will be hosted on Crowdcast. Instead of posters, we
offer flash talks(brief pre-recorded videos), and dedicated meet up
times for discussion within Reddit.
*A new edition of NMC for kids: a special session of talks for a
younger audience and the young at heart interested in neuroscience,
plus a new “Escape Room” experience.
*Last year, we pioneered a new mechanism to connect talks in the
conference to corresponding preprints on bioRxiv and medRxiv, and we
will provide links to preprints on other platforms such as OSF
preprints as well.
Registration costs are set at 15 USD to cover technical costs, and if
this is a difficulty, the fee can be waived without questions.
Important dates:
*5 Sep 2022: Abstract submission deadline
*7 Sep 2022: Abstract acceptance and live talk selection news
*22 Sep 2022: Video submission deadline for flashtalks
* 27 – 28 Sep 2022: NMC 2022
Each of the two conference days will have two sessions, each of which is
4 hours long.
3) Call for Visiting Scholars in Theoretical Sciences at Okinawa
Institute of Science and Technology, including a new Thematic Program
with a symposium.
Please check the links below and apply by
30 Sep 2022. We strongly encourages applications from women and
other underrepresented groups.
1) First Call for Thematic Program Pre-Proposals
We are excited to launch Thematic Activity as new part of the TSVP, with
an open call for pre-proposals. Thematic Programs (TPs) are expected to
be held at OIST for 2 weeks to 3 months, starting in the second half of
2023. TPs will be hosted by a group of two or more researchers
(coordinators) who will be invited to stay at OIST for the duration of
the TP. Successful proposals will be provided with the financial and
administrative support needed to bring participants to OIST, 4-8 of whom
are expected to be present at any one time. Where it fits the goals and
timeframe of the program, a symposium linked to the program can be
hosted at OIST. While the scope of the Thematic Program should be
theoretical, a diverse base of participants is encouraged, which may
include experimental scientists.
2) Open Call for Visiting Scholars FY2023
Visiting Scholars have been arriving through the TSVP since Mar 2022,
and now we are starting the call for FY2023 (Apr 2023-Mar 2024).
Visiting Scholars will have the opportunity to carry out independent
research at OIST, and to interact with one or more OIST Research Units
during their stay. Visits will usually be of 3 to 12 months, with
support provided for travel, accommodation and living expenses at the
level of per diem. In exceptional situations, where the applicant does
not receive any salary from grants or their institution at the time of
their visit to OIST, successful candidates may be able to apply for
support with salary. Visits of 1 to 3 months may also be approved where
special circumstances prevent a longer visit.
4) CogSci Mind Challenge, Opens Sep 1
The Cognitive Science Society is excited to announce our
latest initiative, the CogSci Mind Challenge. This competition
challenges cognitive scientists to address a thought-provoking question
in Cognitive Science but for an audience of non-experts, particularly
high school and early college students.
Do you have what it takes? We challenge you to create a 5-minute
video answering the question "Can Machines Think?" The video should
communicate cognitive science concepts in an engaging manner for people
unfamiliar with Cognitive Science. The top video will receive a
$1000 prize and be featured on the CSS website. Submissions open on
Sep 1st. See the website for more details.
This competition is part of our new outreach efforts to support
increased awareness and understanding of Cognitive Science among diverse
audiences. We encourage submissions from people with diverse backgrounds
and perspectives, and for this contest to reflect the Cognitive Science
Society's core values of interdisciplinary breadth and
inclusiveness. Consider sharing this opportunity with others who have a
passion for Cognitive Science, including faculty, graduate students,
senior undergraduates, and industry cognitive scientists.
As part of this competition, actual high school students will be
providing feedback on the videos. We are currently connecting with
students both to be judges in this competition and as a way to outreach
with students about Cognitive Science. If you know of a student group or
outreach group that services high school or early college students that
we could connect with, you can contact our outreach coordinator, Monique
Crouse, at mcrouse at ucsc.edu.
CogSci Mind Challenge, Cognitive Science Society
Become A Member
News from the Cognitive Science Society
5) MOBITAS 2023 5th International Conference on HCI in Mobality,
Transport and Automotive Systems
23-28 July 23 in Copenhagen, Denmark
Human computer interaction in the highly complex field of mobility and
intermodal transport leads to completely new challenges. A variety of
different travelers move in different travel chains. The interplay of
such different systems, such as car and bike sharing, local and
long-distance public transport and individual transport, must be adapted
to the needs of the travelers.
Intelligent traveler information systems must be created to make it
easier for travelers to plan, book and execute an intermodal travel
chain and to interact with the different systems.
Innovative means of transport are developed, such as electric vehicles
and autonomous vehicles. To achieve the acceptance of these systems,
human-machine interaction must be completely redesigned.
Previous proceedings:
Papers abstracts are due 21 Oct 22, posters 20 Jan 23.
6) COVID guidelines to protect faculty
We just published this onto the AAUP blog.
[For my part, I have an Aranet 4 CO2 monitor. My teaching room was at
1400 ppm the first day, and with "a little adjustment" (ie turning on
the ventilation), the room came down to 500-600. I think in time these
will be more common.
I also ask students to mask, and get some 80-85% compliance. ]
I append the 13 steps. We (PSU and the US) really should be requiring
masking and vaccination, as we do with measles and polio. But, COVID
deaths are now down to only 3x traffic deaths per day....
*Evidence-based guidelines to help protect faculty: *
1. Be vaccinated and boosted as suggested by your healthcare provider.
Vaccinate your family; flu shot, too.
2. Encourage people with whom you interact to be vaccinated; encourage
your university to require it.
3. The CDC advises you have a greater chance of catching COVID-19 in an
unventilated or poorly ventilated space if you have been within six
feet of an infected, unmasked person for fifteen minutes or a masked
person for twice that. Do not hesitate to mask inside (exposure is
4. Consider taking supplementary vitamins, such as D and C. Do other
things to keep healthy: reduce stress, get outside, exercise, eat a
balanced diet.
5. If you get sick, and especially if you have underlying risk factors,
get tested by a pharmacy that can immediately treat you with
6. Require the folks you interact with to also be properly masked when
the ventilation or their vaccination status is unknown.
7. Choose better, easy-to-wear masks (N95, KN95, or KF94). Wear them in
higher-risk areas.
8. Maintain six feet or more of distance from others, particularly if
they may be unvaccinated, infected but asymptomatic, or coughing or
9. Provide office hours remotely.
10. If you have been exposed, quarantine and teach remotely. If you are
sick, isolate and look after yourself .
11. Pay attention to ventilation: open windows, insist on better
ventilation, teach in larger rooms with more space between occupants
or outside, whenever possible; and check your room ventilation with
CO2 monitors.
12. Assist with contact tracing in your classes. Seating charts or daily
pictures help. Provide flexible attendance policies for those sick.
13. Encourage your university to share information, including detailed
numbers about ventilation, infection rates, and contact tracing to
help judge risk. Until they do so, stay in a safe place when you can.
7) Post-doc researcher at the Saxe Lab
The Saxe lab https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saxelab.org%2F&data=05%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7Cd916bb7550694946d54608da9b0330c6%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637992735242472975%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=5XTgxujw%2FpuKZDQ5Xx4QT1OwOojsxw%2BfglImoNHMZgo%3D&reserved=0 is looking for an outstanding
postdoctoral researcher to join the group's research programme at
UCL. The role lies at the interface of deep learning theory and
theoretical neuroscience and will involve conducting research into
artificial deep networks using techniques from applied mathematics. A
particular focus is on understanding how depth affects learned
representations and network behaviour.
Funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation the Gatsby Computational
Neuroscience Unit (GCNU) founded in 1998 is a world-leading centre for
research in computational theoretical neuroscience and in probabilistic
and statistical machine learning. The Unit's co-location with the
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre at UCL creates the potential for a uniquely
close interaction between theory and experiment in neuroscience and the
integrated study of perception, control and learning.
The appointment will initially be for a period of 2 years with the
possibility of extension at the end of the period.
To apply see the further details at the link below. Screening starts
from *25 Aug 2022*.
8) Webinar on crisis healthcare in Ukraine, 10-noon, 21 Sep 22
Ukraine: Responding to the Humanitarian and Medical Crisis
September 21, 2022, from Warsaw, Poland, and other locations
Virtual Event - 10:00 am-noon, Eastern US Time
Free registration and CME and CNU available.
Full program on the web site.
Frank.Ritter at psu.edu
Professor, College of IST
PSU Graduate Teacher of the Year, April 2022
(814) 865-4453
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