[ACT-R-users] Retrieving sub-data
Philippe de Rochambeau
phiroc at free.fr
Thu May 26 10:49:40 EDT 2022
I am currently working on the below ACT-R Model.
How do I retrieve man-1’s number of eyes?
Many thanks.
Best regards,
——————————————— Code ------------------------
(define-model model1
(sgp :esc t :lf .05)
(chunk-type man name nbr-eyes nbr-hands nbr-feet)
(chunk-type retr-man man)
(man-1 ISA man name "John Doe"
nbr-eyes 2 nbr-hands 2 nbr-feet 2)
(retr-a-man ISA retr-man man man-1)
(P prod0
ISA retr-man
man =h0
ISA retr-man
!output! ("~%Man : ~a~%"
(goal-focus retr-a-man)
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