[ACT-R-users] iccm21: due 15 Apr or 7 may/VISCA/books/jobs

Frank Ritter fer2 at PSU.EDU
Tue Mar 30 15:34:54 EDT 2021

ICCM newsletter Mar 2021

Here is the latest newsletter on ICCM. I hope you are staying safe in 
the pandemic if it is near you. There are several resources in this 
mailing.  Garrett Barch helped prepare this.

Frank Ritter

frank.e.ritter at gmail.com https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.frankritter.com%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988740307%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=r9HAlbjAZ01ebpBT6bVVdUNGfZ8okssyOr4KNfGXVto%3D&reserved=0


1)  ICCM 2021, 15 April for abstract, 7 May for papers

2) ICCM and MathPsych mailing lists


3) Virtual International Symposium on Cog Architecture (VISCA 2021),
     8-11 June 2021


4)  Book: Building better interfaces for remote autonomous systems

5) Book: Computational Models of Reading: A Handbook

6)  Book: Linguistics for the Age of AI

7)  New program in spectator sports, Penn State

8) Connectionists: Live Lecture Morency: Multimodal AI: Understanding 
Human Behaviors,
     6 Apr 21, 17-18 CET. Upcoming AIDA AI excellence lectures


10)  Schlegel Chair in Technology for Healthy Aging

11)  Series on COVID-19 by a nursing professor


1)  ICCM 2021, 15 April for abstract, 7 May for papers

Conference submissions open     Open now

MathPsych submissions close     15 Apr 21 (19:59 EDT)

ICCM submissions close     7 May 21 (19:59 EDT)

Review period ends (MathPsych)    1 May 21

Review period ends (ICCM)     31 May 2021

Video submissions due     13 Jun 21

Interactive conference starts     1 Jul 21

Interactive conference ends     12 July 21

Announcing virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2021 and Call for Symposia

We invite you to virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2021, the joint gathering of the
54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology and the
19th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling (ICCM): the premier
conference for research on computational models and computation-based
theories of human cognition. Following our success in previous years,
ICCM has again joined forces with the Society for Mathematical
Psychology to create a conference in which all sessions are open to all
attendees, and cross-talk is highly encouraged.

Virtual MathPsych/ICCM 2021 is a forum for presenting and discussing the
complete spectrum of cognitive modeling approaches, including
connectionism, symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling,
and cognitive architectures. Research topics can range from low-level
perception to high-level reasoning. We also welcome contributions that
use computational models to better understand neuroscientific data.

Format and venue

Following the model of the successful 2020 virtual meeting, the
conference will be fully online, with no in-person component, and all
submitted presentations to be provided as recordings.

The conference will once again take place on the Society for
Mathematical Psychology’s online venue, mathpsych.org. Access will be
provided upon registration.

The interactive component of the virtual conference will run from July
1, 2021 to July 12, 2021 and will involve live Q&A sessions, live
plenary talks, social events, and more. Pre-recorded talks and posters
and a discussion forum will be available throughout the conference

Call for symposia

Symposia are blocks of four to eight regular-length presentations on a
relatively narrow topic. “Regular length” means that there are 20
minutes total per presentation (this includes time for questions and
answers). To propose a symposium, send an email to
conferencecommittee at mathpsych.org with subject line “Symposium:”
followed by a short title. In the body of the email, please provide a
symposium title; a 200-250 word abstract; and a proposed list of
speakers. Please also indicate which speakers (if any) have already
agreed to contribute.

The deadline for symposium proposals is April 1, 2021. The conference
committee will review proposals within one week. The strongest proposals
involve a topic that is of interest to many conference attendees, while
also attracting new people who don’t normally attend the conference.
Ideally, many of the proposed speakers have already agreed to

Submission categories

There are four submission categories. In all cases, submitters should
send in an abstract for review. Once the abstract is accepted,
submitters will be invited to submit a recorded presentation. These
recorded presentations will be made available for viewing some time
before the interactive component of the conference starts.

MathPsych      Submission length     <= 250 words
Virtual Talk    Video duration      < 15 min
                         Live Q&A          TBD,  July 1–12

MathPsych          Submission length   <= 250 words
Virtual Fast Talk   Video duration        < 5 min

ICCM Extended   Submission length   <= 2 pages
Abstract             Video duration         < 5 min
                            Live online poster session,  TBD,  July 1–12

ICCM              Submission length      <= 6 pages
Full Paper      Video duration            <= 15 min.
                         Live Q&A (if accepted as talk) ,  July 1-12
                        may be accepted as poster

Note that not all Virtual Talks will feature in a live Q&A session.


A how-to guide for prerecording your video presentation along with
uploading instructions will be made available on the conference website.

Confirmed speakers and events

We are pleased to announce these world-class invited speakers and events:

     * Interview with Senior Fellow Award winner James T. Townsend 

     * The 28th Annual ACT-R Workshop (Dan Bothell and Christian Lebiere)

     * Professional Development Workshop (Women of Mathematical Psychology)

     * Dora Matzke (U of Amsterdam; Estes Early Career Award winner)

     * Joseph Austerweil (U of Wisconsin-Madison; Estes Early Career 
Award winner)

     * Guy Hawkins (U of Newcastle; Estes Early Career Award winner)

Other events will be announced as they are confirmed.

Joachim Vandekerckhove, Conference Chair, Society for Mathematical 
Terry Stewart, Conference Chair, International Conference on Cognitive 
Pernille Hemmer, President, Society for Mathematical Psychology
Leslie Blaha, Secretary/Treasurer, Society for Mathematical Psychology

2) ICCM and MathPsych mailing lists

This mailing list is maintained by ritter at Penn State.

There is another list maintained through MathPsych

(MATHPSYCH at listserv.syr.edu)  Email them as appropriate to be on or off.

3) Virtual International Symposium on Cognitive Architecture (VISCA 2021)
     8-11 June 2021

Over the last forty years, there has been continual research in
cognitive architecture – the computational substructure underlying
cognition. VISCA is an attempt to bring together leaders in the field to
share their current research across the breadth of cognitive
architecture, including research on modeling human behavior,
neural-cognitive architectures, functional capabilities of cognitive
architectures, components of cognitive architectures, and applications.
Our goal is to enable anyone in the world to participate. Please share
this webpage with colleagues and friends who might be interested.

There are no registration fees or other costs. All that we ask is that
you register so we can provide you access to the symposium and the
materials we collect. The symposium will be a live event, June 8-11,
with the exact times varying each day, but always between 10am-1:30pm
EDST. Each day will consist of a series of 30 min talks followed by a 30
min moderated discussion session. Videos of the presentations will be
available after the symposium.

We will use Zoom Webinar for the presentations. An email will be sent to
all registrants with details of how to participate. Email
laird at umich.edu if you have questions.

For those interested in the Soar cognitive architecture, the Soar
Workshop will be held 14 Jun.

[There is a program on the web site, and there is something for everyone
(interested in cognitive architectures!) ]

4)  Book: Building better interfaces for remote autonomous systems

Jacob Oury and I just published a book on how to design interfaces for
remote, autonomous systems. It is open access, so it is freely
available. Rather than sending you a copy, we can send you this link
(below). It is related to our foundations for designing user-centered
systems (Ritter, Baxter, & Churchill), but far shorter (125 vs. 442

It is a short read on how to build better systems by taking the user
into account. It includes a worked example on how to build interfaces
for a Mars rover (timely) that provide the operator better situation
awareness and that are clearer and faster to use.

Open access (free) link:

Oury, J. D., & Ritter, F. E. (2021). Building better interfaces for
remote autonomous systems: An introduction for systems engineers. In the
series: SpringerBriefs in Human-Computer Interaction. Cham, Switzerland:
Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 125 pages.

5) Book: Computational Models of Reading: A Handbook

[I've read this, and it provides a comprehensive review of reading
models and how they can be put to work, and offers a nice summary

Author: Erik D. Reichle

In the Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures

This book

     * Reviews computational models across all areas of reading research:
        word identification, sentence processing, discourse
        representation, and eye-movement control

     * Provides introductory chapters on both reading research and
       computational models

     * Sets a new benchmark model of reading--one that, like E-Z Reader,
        spawned the development of many competitor models (e.g., SWIFT,
       Glenmore, SERIF, EMMA, OB1-Reader)

6)  Book: Linguistics for the Age of AI

By Marjorie McShane and Sergei Nirenburg

[I’ve read it, and it has numerous lessons on how to build agents that
interact with language.]

The open access (free) edition of this book was made possible by
generous funding from Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and
Peter Baldwin. [That is, you can download it now.]

One of the original goals of artificial intelligence research was to
endow intelligent agents with human-level natural language capabilities.
Recent AI research, however, has focused on applying statistical and
machine learning approaches to big data rather than attempting to model
what people do and how they do it. In this book, Marjorie McShane and
Sergei Nirenburg return to the original goal of recreating human-level
intelligence in a machine. They present a human-inspired, linguistically
sophisticated model of language understanding for intelligent agent
systems that emphasizes meaning—the deep, context-sensitive meaning that
a person derives from spoken or written language.

With Linguistics for the Age of AI, McShane and Nirenburg offer a
roadmap for creating language-endowed intelligent agents (LEIAs) that
can understand, explain, and learn. They describe the
language-understanding capabilities of LEIAs from the perspectives of
cognitive modeling and system building, emphasizing
“actionability”—which involves achieving interpretations that are
sufficiently deep, precise, and confident to support reasoning about
action. After detailing their microtheories for topics such as semantic
analysis, basic coreference, and situational reasoning, McShane and
Nirenburg turn to agent applications developed using those microtheories
and evaluations of a LEIA's language understanding capabilities.

McShane and Nirenburg argue that the only way to achieve human-level
language understanding by machines is to place linguistics front and
center, using statistics and big data as contributing resources. They
lay out a long-term research program that addresses linguistics and
real-world reasoning together, within a comprehensive cognitive

Open access PDFs here:

Table of contents and preface here:

7)  New program in spectator sports, Penn State

[included because of cognitive science aspects]

Penn State will be announcing at the very end of the end of this month a
new degree program in Spectator Sports, as an interdisciplinary minor.
Many Penn State students choose Penn State because of the abundance of
opportunities to be a spectator rather than a participant in sporting
events. Because of the local pandemic Penn State administrators have
reached out to the faculty and student leaders to create a new program
in spectator sports that can be done remotely. Alumni board member
Brandon Short (and former All-American linebacker) notes that providing
further opportunities to recruit students who want to watch sports is
the best way forward for Penn State because this program will increase
student applications, allow us to maintain or increase our academic
standards due to demand outpacing supply. It helps recruit talented
faculty and staff. It increases giving across the university and it
enhances the local economy.”

The minor, available through all programs, will draw on the multiple
strengths of Penn State, including athletic facilities and academic
strengths using the multiple stadiums (softball, field hockey, tennis,
football, hockey, another football, soccer, baseball, another baseball,
golf) as well as courses on folk psychology, cognition, statistics and
probability, crowd psychology, and leisure studies. Students will not be
fully qualified as journalists, but some time will be spent on writing
letters to the editors and presenting positions on call-in programs. It
will also draw on the best turf grass program in the US

The first class will be expected in two years when the stadium is open
again (tickets will be guaranteed upon appropriate donations to the
football foundation). Graduates will be qualified to be professional
spectators upon graduation. Football is finally going to serve the
university, fulfilling Jay and Joe Paterno’s dream. Concentrations are
anticipated in (gridiron) football and restful yoga. Sandy Barbour, the
Athletic Director and assistant lecturer in the program, noted “The
university is looking for sponsors from such sources as the NHL, NBA,
and WNBA. We will continue to fundraise to make this and future projects
a reality.”

8) Connectionists: Lecture Morency: Multimodal AI: Understanding Human 
     6 Apr 21, 17-18 CET. Upcoming AIDA AI excellence lectures

From: "Ioanna Koroni" <ioannakoroni at csd.auth.gr>
  To: <Connectionists at mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu>

Dear AI scientist/engineer/student/enthusiast,

Prof. LP Morency (CMU), a prominent AI researcher internationally, will
deliver the e-lecture:

‘Multimodal AI: Understanding Human Behaviors’, on Tuesday 6 Apr 21
17-18 CET (8:00-9:00 am PST), (12:00 am-1:00am CST),

see details in: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.i-aida.org%2Fai-lectures%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988760295%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=G%2F1NjCdswH3gnKQeZtsEPW2YoEAqQ4gFEztay%2B1a1mg%3D&reserved=0

You can join for free using the zoom link:

The International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA), a joint initiative of the
European R&D projects AI4Media, ELISE, Humane AI Net, TAILOR, VISION,
currently in the process of formation, is very pleased to offer you top
quality scientific lectures on several current hot AI topics, starting
with the above mentioned e-lecture.

Lectures will be offered alternatingly by:
     Top highly-cited senior AI scientists internationally or
     Young AI scientists with promise of excellence (AI sprint lectures)

Lectures will be typically held once per week, Tuesdays 17-18 CET
(8:00-9:00 am PST), (12:00 am-1:00am CST). Attendance is free.

Other upcoming lectures:

1. Prof. Anibal Ollero (U of Seville, Spain), 4 May 21 17 – 18 CET.

2. Prof. John Shawe-Taylor (University College London, UK), 18 May 21 17 
– 18 CET.

More lecture info: https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.i-aida.org%2Ffuture-lectures%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988760295%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=IlOf11movRNp6dKQkszcZ2EAUZvIYMl8ZdjmeYg0ucc%3D&reserved=0

These lectures are disseminated through multiple channels and email
lists (we apologize if you received it through various channels).

If you want to stay informed on future lectures, you can register in the
email lists AIDA email list and CVML email list.

Best regards,

Profs. M. Chetouani, P. Flach, B. O’Sullivan, I. Pitas, N. Sebe

9)  Schlegel Chair in Technology for Healthy Aging

Dear colleagues, below an exciting opportunity at U of Waterloo in 
Ontario, CA.

The Dept of Systems Design Engineering (SYDE) in the Faculty of
Engineering at the U of Waterloo, Canada, in partnership with the
Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging (RIA), is excited to announce a
search for the Schlegel Chair in Technology for Healthy Aging. The
position is expected at the rank of Associate Professor, but other ranks
will be considered. The successful candidate will demonstrate
foundational engineering research; an understanding of the complexities
of introducing technology to meet the particular needs of seniors; an
aptitude for real-world implementation, co-designing, and co-creation;
and awareness and familiarity with developing, testing, and transferring
technology within the ecosystem of healthcare. A strong interest in
studying the social and ethical considerations around technology and
aging is important. The new Schlegel Chair will conduct
transdisciplinary research into—and design systems, processes, and
policies related to — subjects such as human factors of technology use
by seniors, sensor and device design, wearable technologies, smart homes
for seniors including remote sensing, body-ware networks, rehabilitation
engineering, intelligent assistive devices, and IoT for seniors. RIA
offers exciting opportunities for community-based research and co-design
through a unique partnership with Schlegel Villages which provides a
full range of high-quality, independent living, assisted living, and
long-term care for more than 5000 seniors across 19 locations in
Ontario. The University of Waterloo, located an hour west of Toronto, is
the home of Canada’s largest engineering school and ranks among the top
50 engineering schools worldwide and is well-known for its long-standing
creator-owned IP policy. Please see the full ad at:


Prof. Kerstin Dautenhahn, IEEE Fellow
Canada 150 Research Chair in Intelligent Robotics
U. of Waterloo,
Depts. of Electrical and Computer Engineering/Systems Design
Cross-appointed with the David R. Cheriton School of CS at
U of Waterloo,
Director of Social and Intelligent Robotics Research Lab (SIRRL)
200 University Ave. W.
Waterloo, ON
kerstin.dautenhahn at uwaterloo.ca


10)  Post-doc and grad students in gamification and forestry, Tampere U, 

Tampere U and Tampere U of Applied Sciences create a unique environment
for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and
education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in
technology, health and society https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tuni.fi%2Fen&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988760295%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=iMkmyHqvSQCiKm02kkbniXu%2BodnuQMw%2FTqDW09yiWgM%3D&reserved=0

The openings are positioned in the Forest-Human-Machine Interplay
(UNITE) Flagship’s work package on Gameful Forest Interaction for
Meaningful Experiences and Practices led by Professor of Gamification
Juho Hamari. See the job listing here. https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F30UjEDw&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988760295%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=xHJq7aSrthmL3uRKH%2BZ49tZzZYYL9fBxon6s9RaT9v8%3D&reserved=0

“Investigating new ways of gathering, understanding and using data from
nature stands at the core of our activities, through which we seek to
strengthen the multifaceted relationships that exist between humans and
ecosystems. Examples of gamified applications include location-based
gaming, drone racing, playful wearable technologies, simulation games,
game-based decision-making systems and VR/AR technologies” – Juho Hamari

The main areas of research within this project are exemplified in the
below figure and we are looking for candidates who can conduct research
in one or more of these areas:


The accepted candidates will work in the close collaboration of other
researchers of the UNITE flagship, the members of Gamification Group,
Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies as well as in the context
of the larger strategic profiling area of the Tampere University in
Gamification, Extended Reality and their application towards holistic

- Flagship consortium: UNITE | Forest-Human-Machine Interplay is an
internationally leading research Flagship consortium composed from
Tampere U, U of Eastern Finland, Finnish Geospatial Research Institute
FGI and Natural Resources Institute Finland. The position offers unique
vantage points and entry to an ambitious consortium that represents top
international scholarship in the areas of gameful technologies and
bioecology. UNITE brings together the world’s leading research groups in
the fields of forest sciences, geoinformation and sensor development,
and gamification.

- Gamification Group (GG) at Faculty of information Technology and
Communication Science, Tampere U (headed by Prof. Hamari) is
internationally referred for seminal academic and societal contributions
in the areas of novel technologies such as motivational information
systems (e.g. gamification, game-based learning, quantified-self,
persuasive technologies), internet commerce (e.g. crowdsourcing,
crowdfunding, sharing economies, game economies), new media (e.g.
esports, streaming, immersive journalism) as well as human-computer
interaction (VR/AR, wearables, transhumanism, user interfaces). However,
GG is especially recognized as the birthing ground for the general
umbrella field of gamification research where GG is one of the most
prolific research groups internationally in its pursuit to wield gameful
approaches towards the flourishing of the planet, people and prosperity.

See more Gamification Group. https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwebpages.tuni.fi%2Fgamification%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988760295%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=A4VSvj%2BhCgAt57BuM8YrloPu0uVnV4WwnhVGO2cma90%3D&reserved=0 New
fields of research emerging from our basic research include:
Gamification and augmented reality:

- The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies is led by Tampere U
(Prof. Frans Mäyrä). CoE-Gamecult is a joint project between researchers
from the Tampere U, U of Turku, and the U of Jyväskylä. Across these
institutions, over 30 researchers from the humanities, social sciences
and technical sciences are engaged in exploring topics related to the
research themes of the centre. See more Game Culture Studies.


Work is mainly composed of research activities including research
planning, data gathering (possibly including the development of
technical solutions for experiments), data analysis, article
preparation, dissemination and publishing. Moreover, the candidate is
expected to participate in project-wide collaboration and research
funding acquisition efforts. Teaching load is between 0-10% which will
be negotiated. In the PhD candidate position, candidates will be
expected to enroll into an applicable doctoral program in the Faculty of
Information Technology and Communication Science. The candidate may
start the enrollment to a doctoral program after the candidate has been
recruited, and therefore, the candidate does not need to hold a doctoral
program position before applying.

The research in the positions is related to the work package “Gameful
forest interaction for meaningful experiences and practices” which
overall is composed of:

   1) creating gamification applications / prototypes embedded in 
human-nature interaction,
   2) conducting multi-method research on how these gamification
    approaches progress fruitful human-nature interaction related to
   cognitive, affective, social, motivational and cultural dimensions and
   3) developing human-nature interaction leading to ecological,
   economical, social and cultural sustainability.

We expect that the suitable candidate will have experience, background,
skills and interest (and impactful academic outcomes for the postdoc
candidates) in the topics related primarily to gamification keywords,
but also preferably to forest and outcome related keywords.


The below requirements are the qualities we envision to be suitable for
the tasks defined in this project. However, we encourage all candidates
who see themselves contributing to the project in unique ways to apply.

Minimum qualifications:
-Applicable degree: i.e. Master’s degree or equivalent and PhD degree in
case of Postdoctoral Reseach Fellow position

Useful dimensions of candidate’s background:
-Forestry sciences / geoinformatics
-Educational sciences (especially public understanding of science)
-Applied psychology
-Computer science / Human-computer interaction / Information systems
-Economics (i.e. business, marketing, finance)
-Tourism / leisure
-Media / communication studies
-Design (e.g., industrial product design, interaction design, graphic 
design, game design)
-Possible methodological skills:

Aptitude for quantitative and / or qualitative empirical research 
(especially field/lab experiment)
-Aptitude for psychophysiological and psychometric measurement
-Ability to independently develop gamified or VR environments (software)
-Ability to develop working prototypes of wearable and drone systems 
-Understanding and experience in design driven methodologies (research 
through design, participatory design, co-design, design science)
-Advantageous qualities:
-Impeccable academic article writing /preparation productivity
-Drive for rigorous and impactful research
-Drive for a career in research
-Interest in ecology, nature, forests, nature-related activities.

-Positions will be filled for a fixed-term period 2-4 years.
-A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees.
-The employment starting date is as soon as possible.

-Salary will be based on both the job requirements and the employee’s
personal performance in accordance with the Finnish University Salary
System. Researcher’s and Doctoral Researcher’s job demand levels are 2-4
and Postdoctoral Research Fellow’s demand level is 5. In addition,
employee will be paid performance-based salary element. The minimum
starting salary will be approximately 3400 EUR/month in a Postdoctoral
Research Fellow position and approximately between 2300 – 3000 EUR/month
in Researcher and Doctoral Researcher positions depending on the career

-Please read more about working at Tampere University 
and Tampere University as an employer

Tampere is one of the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries and
offers a dynamic living environment. The Tampere region is one of the
three most rapidly growing urban areas in Finland and home to a vibrant
knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial
powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a
centre of Finland’s information society. The city campus of Tampere U,
where the candidates will be located, is walking distance to the city
centre. Tampere is an epicenter of game research internationally. More
information on Tampere (https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fvisittampere.fi%2Fen%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988770298%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=BFqdV3K3mn1eBGQULJ2vyMN7kO1kZRroj%2FmA0W997vU%3D&reserved=0) and in Finland

Please submit your application through the online recruitment system
(https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F30UjEDw&data=04%7C01%7Ciccm-l%40lists.psu.edu%7C0a5bf8247d3747911a4f08d8f3b2e6d9%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637527296988770298%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=f3w%2FMMzQDT9apJXF5GEM%2BAHTBal1WgXQqh1U1QipT0Y%3D&reserved=0). The closing date for applications is 4 Apr 21
(at 23.59 EEST / UTC+3). Please write your application and all
accompanying documentation in English and attach them in PDF format

List the attachments that candidates should append to their applications:
-List of publications
-One or two samples of academic writing (e.g. articles)
-A letter (max 2 pages) that briefly outlines: Motivation to apply,
earliest starting date, tentative research plan outlining your ideas
about the research topics you would like to research in the position and
any other miscellaneous remarks that the candidate wishes to make.

For more information about the positions, please contact

Professor, Juho Hamari, juho.hamari at tuni.fi
Dr. Oğuz ‘Oz’ Buruk, oguz.buruk at tuni.fi


     To unsubscribe from CHI-JOBS send an email to:
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11)  Series on COVID-19 by a nursing professor

I end up watching this when I can. Dr. John Campbell is a retired
nursing professor in the UK. Ernest, honest, well read, modest. Great
stuff. Wizard, or pukka, as he would either say or understand.


Frank.Ritter at psu.edu
Professor, College of IST
(814) 865-4453

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