[ACT-R-users] ICCM: running studies online workshop online, Symposium on Cog Arch, neurocourse

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at PSU.EDU
Sat May 30 16:00:25 EDT 2020

There are two online events that I thought you might be interested in, 
and one online event looking for TAs and mentors. Sorry for the lack of 
formatting this time. Looks like high value items with short time till 
they happen, so sent informally.  ICCM papers are under review right now.

[1] a running online studies symposium, and

[2] a symposium on cognitive architectures

[3] a neurocourse looking for mentors and TAs

Bonus: books and journals available as PDFS

Oh, and our tutor has a new section on masks: http://StopTheSpread.health

The D2P-STOP tutor is a computer-based tutor that teaches knowledge to 
help interrupt the transmission of COVID-19 caused by the Sars-Cov-2 
virus. These skills are also applicable to other respiratory pathogens 
and will also generally help decrease infections.


[1] From the cogsci mailing list:

1. June 5 (Fri) 9:30am(PDT)/12:30pm(EDT):
Webinar on using video-chat for online developmental research (Hyowon Gweon)

From: Hyowon Gweon <hyo at stanford.edu>
To: "cogdevsoc at lists.cogdevsoc.org" <cogdevsoc at lists.cogdevsoc.org>,
"Announcements at lists.cognitivesciencesociety.org"

Dear colleagues,

The use of online research methods in behavioral sciences has been 
rising for the past years. Especially due to the current pandemic, many 
developmental researchers are starting to consider conducting online 
research. Among various options, video-chat is particularly useful for 
studies that benefit from having live social interactions with child 
participants. Rather than a temporary solution during the COVID-19 
situation, we see video-chats as a promising source of high-quality data 
to complement traditional in-person testing and increase the diversity 
of our participant pools.

To share practical information about video-chat methods and help 
researchers make informed decisions, two teams have joined forces to 
host a webinar: Mark Sheskin (TheChildLab.com<http://TheChildLab.com>, 
with Frank Keil) who has years of experience conducting online 
video-chat studies using AdobeConnect, and Hyo Gweon (Social Learning 
Lab<http://sll.stanford.edu>, with Aaron Chuey and Megan Merrick) who 
has been developing and sharing materials for running studies via Zoom.

We will demo example study sessions, compare different options 
(especially Zoom, AdobeConnect), and discuss best practices for the 
field moving forward. We hope that by the end of the webinar, you will 
have a clearer sense of how to start your own online research!

Event: Video-chat Studies for Developmental Research: Options and Best 
Date & Time: June 5 (Friday), 9:30am - 11am PDT / 12:30pm - 2pm EDT
Where: Please register at http://tiny.cc/cogdev for a free ticket. We 
will send out a zoom webinar link to participants before the event.

Please feel free to share this email with your students, colleagues, and 
anyone else you think might be interested.

Hope to see you there!

Hyo Gweon, Mark Sheskin, Aaron Chuey, Megan Merrick

Hyowon Gweon, PhD

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Stanford University

Web: sll.stanford.edu.    Phone: +1 (650) 498-1194



 From the Soar Mailing list/ ICCM mailing list

Cognitive architecture symposium

(apologies for multiple emails - you might get even more...)
A funny thing happened in inviting some additional speakers to talk at
the Soar workshop. They all said yes. Instead of just expanding the
Soar workshop to incorporate all of those talks, we decided to create
a new symposium: VISCA-2020, the Virtual International Symposium on
Cognitive Architecture. We are moving the Soar workshop to June 3, and
VISCA will be June 4-5. The complete announcement for VISCA is
attached. Please visit http://visca.engin.umich.edu to learn more and
register for the symposium. (You need to register separately for

John Laird




 > We're running a massive online school in comp.neuro in July.


 >     Call for applications: Neuromatch Summer Academy Students, TAs and
 >     Mentors
 > The pandemic has shut down nearly every summer program in the world at
 > which students, postdocs and faculty would normally gather to acquire
 > crucial skills and build networks.  We’re building a program to
 > replace this loss. Our plan is to have a 3-week online course July
 > 13-31 focused on computational analysis and simulation of neural data
 > with intensive mentoring by knowledgeable TAs and faculty mentors to
 > help with projects. Tuition will be relatively minimal  (~ 100-200
 > USD) and also voluntary. TAs will be paid a stipend for their time
 > because it will be intensive. Mentorship by faculty will be
 > substantially less work.
 > Interested in signing up as a potential participant, a TA, or a
 > faculty mentor?  Fill out one of the three forms below. Also, please
 > feel free to send this out as widely as possible.  We’re trying to
 > cast a global net, especially to people outside of the US and Europe.
 > Tutorials will take place in parallel tracks in different time zones
 > and in multiple languages when possible.
 > Note that the deadline for applications is April 27.
 > Webpage: https://neuromatch.io/academy/
 > Form for student applications

 > Form for TA applications
 > Form for Mentor Applications
 > --
 > Brad Wyble
 > Associate Professor
 > Psychology Department
 > Penn State University

 > http://wyblelab.com




Free Resources on MUSE During COVID-19

In response to the challenges created by the global public health crisis 
of COVID-19, Project MUSE is pleased to support its participating 
publishers in making scholarly content temporarily available for free on 
our platform. With many higher education institutions moving into an 
exclusively online learning environment for the foreseeable future, we 
hope that easy access to vetted research in the humanities and social 
sciences, from a variety of distinguished university presses, societies, 
and related not-for-profit publishers, will help to support teaching, 
learning, and knowledge discovery for users worldwide.

Read the full announcement about free access to MUSE content.. To assist 
libraries with making the temporarily-free books and journals easily 
discoverable by users, we have created collections and associated 
metadata files, available in our library resources. Please contact MUSE 
Customer Support with any questions.

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