[ACT-R-users] Question regarding buffer-chunk command via RPC

Arun Krishna arunbkris at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 02:25:55 EDT 2020

Hi Dan,

Thank you very much.
I am able to get the filled slots using chunk-filled-slots-list command
and  get the values of the slot successfully by using chunk-slot-value


On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 3:36 AM Dan Bothell <db30 at andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

> That is the correct return value from buffer-chunk when given a buffer
> name.  It returns a list of the names of the chunks in the buffers
> provided, and that is all that is returned in Lisp as well -- the (D-0) at
> the end.  The output to the command-trace with the buffer's chunk
> information is a side effect of calling buffer-chunk, and you will see that
> when you call it remotely as well.
> If you want the text output that is shown, you can use the
> printed-buffer-chunk command.  If you want to know what slots a chunk has,
> then you would use the chunk-filled-slots-list command, and to get the
> value of a slot in the chunk you would use the chunk-slot-value command.
> Dan
> On 7/26/20 1:24 PM, Arun Krishna wrote:
> Hi,
> My java application uses RPC to communicate with ACT-R.
> Mainly uses the evaluate method and is working in many cases.
> But buffer-chunk command is not working via evaluate eventhough
>  buffer-read command works.
> For example
> -----------------------------------------------
> JSONArray jsonArray3 = new JSONArray();
> jsonArray3.put("{\"method\":\"evaluate\",");
> jsonArray3.put("\"params\":");
> jsonArray3.put("[\"buffer-read\",\"maneuver-left\",\"goal\"],");
> jsonArray3.put("\"id\":1}");
> Works and I am getting proper out put
> {"result": ["D-0"], "error": null, "id": 1}
> --------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> But when I use buffer-chunk
>  JSONArray jsonArray3 = new JSONArray();
>     jsonArray3.put("{\"method\":\"evaluate\",");
>     jsonArray3.put("\"params\":");
>     jsonArray3.put("[\"buffer-chunk\",\"maneuver-left\",\"goal\"],");
>     jsonArray3.put("\"id\":1}");
> I am getting {"result": [["D-0"]], "error": null, "id": 1} which does not
> include the contents in the
> goal buffer.
> When I use the same command via ACT-R command line, buffer-chunk works and
> gives complete output
> (buffer-chunk goal)
> GOAL: D-0
> D-0
>    STATE3  "active"
> (D-0)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Can you please let me know how to get the full contents in the
> goal/retrieval buffer via RPC?
> (Note: I am using ACT-R\examples\connections\Java\simpleACTRtest.java for
> testing)
> Thanks & Regards,
> Arun
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