[ACT-R-users] Cognition-Inspired AI: An Open AI Journal special issue accepting submissions now!

Cassenti, Daniel N CIV USARMY CCDC ARL (USA) daniel.n.cassenti.civ at mail.mil
Tue Jan 14 13:05:34 EST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

A special issue of The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal on Cognition-Inspired AI is open for submissions. The open-access publication fees have been waived, so this is a great chance for us ACT-R researchers to get our ideas into the literature for how to use ACT-R and cognitive modeling to develop better AI. The special issue has been announced here: https://benthamopen.com/TOAIJ/special-issue/ with the call for proposals and abstract submission linked. 

The special issue is open to anyone. If you know of anyone who could use the publishing credits (e.g., graduate students or post-docs), please spread the word. With a March deadline for submission and a tentative May publication date, the special issue would provide a quick turnaround to bolster CVs for upcoming job applications. As the special-issues editor, I'm happy to take your questions or offer formal invitations to submit. Please see my contact information below, if interested.


Daniel N. Cassenti, Ph.D.
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
2800 Powder Mill Rd
Adelphi, MD 20783
301-394-2138 (Office)
301-787-3695 (Mobile)
daniel.n.cassenti.civ at mail.mil

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