[ACT-R-users] macOS and Clozure Common Lisp updates

db30 at andrew.cmu.edu db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Jan 6 13:39:40 EST 2020

If you were using CCL from the App Store with a macOS prior to 10.15
and updating the CCL software caused it to stop working, Clozure has
released a version of CCL that will work again:


If you are using macOS 10.15.1 with CCL from the App Store, the system
update to 10.15.2 will break that version of CCL (it fails at startup
most of the time).  Clozure does not yet have a fix for that.

The ACT-R standalone application does still run under 10.15.2.

Hope that's helpful,

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