[ACT-R-users] ICCM2020: MathPsych/ICCM 2020 not to be held physically, details to follow

Frank Ritter fer2 at PSU.EDU
Wed Apr 1 20:39:00 EDT 2020

We will have our usual bulletin out this week.  But, this is breaking 
news - Frank

MathPsych/ICCM 2020 not to be held physically, details to follow

Dear Colleagues,

As President of the Society for Mathematical Psychology (SMP), I am 
writing on behalf of the Executive Committee of SMP and the leadership 
of the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling (ICCM) to update 
you on the COVID-19 pandemic impact on the 53rd Annual Meeting of the 
SMP, and the 18th Annual Meeting of the ICCM.

It is now clear that it will not be possible for us to hold our annual 
conference [physically] in Toronto this year. To be clear we have not 
taken this unprecedented decision lightly. However, for the health and 
safety of our membership, and given the newly instituted closure of 
public events in Toronto through June 2020, and the cancellation of the 
Cognitive Science Conference we strongly believe this to be the right 

Although we are disappointed about not being able to host a physical 
meeting this year, we are excited about the possibilities of hosting the 
conference through alternative venues, such as a virtual meeting. We 
will announce further details in the coming weeks. At this time our 
submission portal remains open.

We remain fully committed to making sure the award winners for 2020 will 
still receive their much-deserved recognition. This includes William K 
Estes EARLY CAREER AWARD winners Dora Matzke and Joseph 
Austerweil, Society for Mathematical Psychology SENIOR FELLOW 
AWARD winner Jean-Claude Falmagne, R. Duncan Luce OUTSTANDING PAPER 
AWARD (the Journal of Mathematical Psychology) TBD, and Computational 
Brain & behavior OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD TBD. We will announce further 
details in the coming weeks.

We thank our conference chair, Joachim Vandekerckhove, and 
Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Blaha for their tremendous efforts in these 
difficult times.

If you have any questions or concerns these can be directed to the 
Society Conference Chair, Joachim Vandekerckhove joachim at uci.edu 
<mailto:joachim at uci.edu>, or the Society President, Pernille 
Hemmerpernille.hemmer at psych.rutgers.edu 
<mailto:pernille.hemmer at psych.rutgers.edu>


Pernille Hemmer, President SMP

Frank.Ritter at psu.edu
Professor, College of IST
(814) 865-4453

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