[ACT-R-users] 2019 ACT-R Workshop

Christian Lebiere cl at cmu.edu
Tue Jun 18 11:28:04 EDT 2019

A draft ACT-R Workshop schedule has been posted on the website:


Let me know if you have a correction or last minute addition. Looking
forward to seeing you all in Montreal.


On Fri, May 31, 2019 at 6:29 PM Christian Lebiere <cl at cmu.edu> wrote:

> The ACT-R workshop program is almost complete. If you are interested in
> giving a talk, please let me know within a week if you haven't already done
> so.
> See you in Montreal,
> Christian
> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:44 AM Christian Lebiere <cl at cmu.edu> wrote:
>> A two-fold reminder:
>> 1. The early registration deadline for the MathPsych/ICCM conference is
>> TODAY, May 15. You can register for the ACT-R Workshop at no extra cost as
>> part of the conference registration procedure.
>> 2. Please send me a quick email at your best convenience if you are
>> interested in giving a talk, organizing a session, or have any other
>> suggestion for the workshop. Work in progress is fine.
>> Thank you,
>> Christian
>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 11:56 AM Christian Lebiere <cl at cmu.edu> wrote:
>>> We are planning to hold a one-day ACT-R Workshop on July 19 as part of
>>> the MathPsych/ICCM 2019 <http://mathpsych.org/conferences/2019/> Workshop
>>> day. If you are considering participating and would be interested in giving
>>> a presentation or organizing a panel session (similar organization to this
>>> past summer in Madison), please let me know as soon as possible by emailing
>>> me a title/topic and a short paragraph abstract. No need for formality.
>>> Btw, early bird registration deadline for the conference is May 15.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Christian
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