[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM 19, ACT-R workshop schedule, resources, jobs

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at PSU.EDU
Wed Jul 17 10:31:17 EDT 2019

This is the third emailing for ICCM 2019. Please forward if
appropriate, and put appropriate links onto your web site.

The ICCM 2019 announcement (schedule) drives this email (it will
be in Montreal before CogSci, July 2019, now on a yearly schedule, hope
you can come!).

There are also numerous timely announcements that indicate new
publication outlets, resources, and jobs in Cog Sci and in cognitive
modeling, or jobs I think might take modelers with an application. I
have also included several unusual items, including some tools, an
obituary, and a documentary.

If you would like to be removed, please just let me know.  I maintain
it by hand to keep it small.

[Hypertext version will be available at


Frank Ritter frank.e.ritter at gmail.com http://www.frankritter.com

*Stitched together with the help of David M. Schwartz, Isabella Webster,
  and Joshua Irwin

   1)  International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (and MathPsych), 
schedule up
   2)  ACT-R Workshop
   3)  BICA 19
   4)  HFES 63rd International Annual Meeting
   5)  AutomotiveUI 19

   6) Newell's William James Lectures and Last Lecture digitized
   7)  China Computer Federation Transactions on Pervasive Computing
         and Interaction Journal
   8) Review Paper, ACT-R: A cognitive architecture for
         modeling cognition
   9) IEEE Trans on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
  10) Human Problem Solving Book republished
  11) Cognitive Science in the Real World
  12) RADM Fred Lewis Postgraduate and Leonard P. Gollobin Graduate
  13) German Academic Exchange Postdoc Networking Tour, due end of July
  14) Computational Neurosceince on the Web - New location

  15) Faculty Position in Neurorobotics at Chemitz U of Technology
  16) Call for applications: Science of Intelligence Berlin
  17) New grad position, programming, Eduworks
  18) AirForce Research Lab, Wright Paterson, Cognitive Branch Position
  19) Orebro University Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science
        (AI and Design Computing)

  20) Request for support for digitizing further CMU videos

1)  International Conference on Cognitive Modeling / schedule is up
VENUE: Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Canada
DATES: 19-20 jul19
PAPERS DUE: 2apr19 (PAST) via 

With MathPsych

[note that mathPsych takes abstracts and ICCM takes papers]

We invite you to MathPsych/ICCM 19, the joint gathering of the 52nd
Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology and the 17th
International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM): the premier
conference for research on computational models and computation-based
theories of human cognition. Following our success in 2017 and 2018,
ICCM has again joined forces with the Society for Mathematical
Psychology to create a conference in which all sessions are open to all
attendees, and cross-talk is highly encouraged.

MathPsych/ICCM 19 is a forum for presenting and discussing the complete
spectrum of cognitive modeling approaches, including connectionism,
symbolic modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. Research topics can range from low-level perception to
high-level reasoning. We also welcome contributions that use
computational models to better understand neuroscientific data.

The conference will run from 19jul19 (9am) to 22jul19 (6pm).

More information can be found on our website:

*Confirmed speakers and events*

We are pleased to announce these world-class invited speakers:
* David Kellen (Syracuse University; Estes Early Career Award winner)
* Maithilee Kunda (Vanderbilt University)
* Jake Hofman (Microsoft Research)

The following symposia/workshops are confirmed, but others may be added:
* Workshop: Version Control with Git (host: Daniel Stubbs, Calcul Quebec)
* Workshop: Professional Development Symposium (host: Women of Math Psych)
* Workshop: ACT-R Workshop (host: Christian Lebiere and Daniel
Bothell, Carnegie Mellon University)
* Symposium in honor of Bill Batchelder (host: Zita Oravecz, Penn State)
* Recent Developments in Modeling Strategy Use in Searching and
Deciding (host: Michael D. Lee, UC Irvine and Kevin Gluck, AFRL)

*Registration and lodging*

Registration fees will be approximately $350 (faculty/professional
members) and $200 (student members). This includes an early-bird
discount that will expire May 15.

A block of premium rooms at a special conference rate is available at
*Le Centre Sheraton*. Participants staying at the conference hotel will
receive an additional $25 discount on conference registration. More
information can be found on the conference website, or go to

2) ACT-R Workshop
VENUE: Le Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Canada
DATES: 19jul19

The ACT-R workshop will be held a day before the start of ICCM.
It will consist of eleven talks, three panels, and one open discussion.

Short schedule:
    9:00am Health and Social Models
    11:00am Environments and Applications
    2:00pm Theory and Architecture
    4:20pm Future of ACT-R

Full schedule at:

3) BICA 19
Tenth Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive

VENUE: Microsoft Campus, Seattle, Washington, United States
DATES: 15-18aug19
   Note: 15th is Future of AI Industry Day
PAPERS DUE: [Several deadlines have passed, but this conference likes
current work and is flexible]



Wishing to see you at BICA in 2019!

* Scope: AI, CogSci, NeuroSci in the focus, +
social & economic sci, industry, art, and more

* Among the speakers: John Laird, Robert Laddaga, Ricardo Gudwin,
Antonio Chella, Kamilla Johannsdottir, Antonio Lieto, Umberto
Maniscalco, Junichi Takeno, Magnus Johnsson, Frank Krueger, Roario

* Venue: The Reactor Bldg., 15700 NE 39th Street, Redmond, WA
* Lodging: Aloft Seattle Redmond ($119 per night BICA rate)
* Official publications (WoS, Scopus):
- Special Issue of Cognitive Systems Research (Elsevier, JCR IF=1.4)
- Springer's Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
* Socials: Banquet on the top floor in Seattle, Microsoft Campus Tour, and more
* Registration: $450 Early-Bird

* Format and spirit: very exciting, open and informal. We welcome
talks and roundtables without papers, publications without attendance,
and any your own scientific / cultural events as parts of BICA 19.
Questions? Email me (alexei.samsonovich at gmail.com).


4)  HFES 63rd International Annual Meeting
VENUE: Sheraton Grand Seattle, Seattle Washington USA
DATES: 28oct19 - 1nov19
DUE: Proposal 18mar19 (PAST)
   Proceedings Papers 21jun19 (PAST)

Online Regristration opens in July 2019

Contribute to the Rich and Diverse Program at the 63rd International
Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

The HFES 19 Technical Program Committee welcomes your proposals for the
http://www.hfes2019.org/ International Annual Meeting of the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society. This exciting meeting will convene
October 28 through November 1 at the Sheraton Grand Seattle Hotel in
vibrant downtown Seattle, Washington, USA. Important details about
submitting a proposal may be found in

Call for Proposals.

[These were due in March.]

New at this year's meeting is the Practitioner Day, the newly proposed
Cybersecurity Technical Group, and the expanded ErgoX Symposium. These
new areas help round out what promises to be an informative and
engrossing program with workshops, panels, demonstrations, keynote
speakers, and technical presentations. From the Career Center to the
Early Career and Student Forums, there is something for everyone at this
year's meeting. Come share your insights and findings while learning
from other experts in human factors and ergonomics!

Are you interested in serving as a peer reviewer of the proposals
submitted for consideration of presentation at this meeting? If so,
please complete the brief survey and we will contact you if you are
selected. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LNZHZ7Y

Plan to attend even if you are not presenting your work. Annual Meeting
surveys indicate that the most important reason for attending is to
network with colleagues, followed by learning from the
presenters. Registration opens in July. Plan to register early to save!

We look forward to receiving your proposal and
seeing you at the HFES 63rd International Annual

Dr. Ronald Laurids Boring, HFES 19 General Program Chair and
the Technical Program Committee

5)  AutomotiveUI 19
AutomotiveUI '19: The 11th International ACM Conference on
Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications

VENUE: Utrecht, The Netherlands
DATES: 22-25sep19
   Note: Doctoral Colloquium on 21sep19
DUE: Full Papers Abstracts: 4apr19 (PAST)
   Full Papers: 11apr19 (PAST)
   Workshop, Tutorials, Interactive Demos, and Videos: 6jun19 (PAST)
   Work In Progess: 20jun19 (PAST)
   Global Fellowships: 7jul19 (PAST)
   Doctoral Colloquium: 8jul19 (PAST)

Submissions are accepted until 11:59 p.m AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

Registration open (early bird ends 31jul19)

The conference will be preceded by a day of workshops and the doctoral
colloquium (September 21) and proceeded by workshops and tutorials
(September 22)

AutomotiveUI, the International ACM Conference on Automotive User
Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, is the premier forum
for UI research in the automotive domain. AutomotiveUI brings together
researchers and practitioners interested in both the technical and the
human aspects of in-vehicle user interfaces and applications. Consistent
with prior conferences, AutomotiveUI'19 will address novel in-vehicle
services, models of and concepts for enhancing the driver experience,
driver performance and behavior, development of (semi-) autonomous
driving, and the needs of different user groups.

AutomotiveUI'19 invites you to submit original work in one or more of
the following formats: full papers and notes (short papers), workshops,
works in progress and interactive demos, video sessions, and doctoral

Submission Types:

Papers: AutomotiveUI Papers are archival publications of original
research. Authors are invited to submit papers (6-10 pages) formatted
in accordance with the ACM SIGCHI with a 150-word abstract. References
do not count towards the page limit. Submissions will be accepted
through the: https://new.precisionconference.com/user/login submission


Authors are encouraged to submit an accompanying video. All accepted
papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be
archived in the ACM Digital Library: https://dl.acm.org/

Details about this submission category can be found at

Works-in-progress, interactive demos, and video sessions: A
Work-in-Progress is a concise 2-page report of late-breaking findings
or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant for
the AutomotiveUI community. Interactive Demos are presentations that
highlight and foster discussion of current research in the area of
automotive user interfaces and interactive vehicular applications. All
accepted WIP & Demo submissions will be available in the ACM digital
library. For Interactive Demos, bring and/or present prototypes,
services, devices, and systems for hands-on interaction. This year
AutomotiveUI also invites video submissions. Submission details will
be published at https://www.auto-ui.org/19/authors/work-in-progress/



Workshops/Tutorials: Workshops address a topic of common interest to
attendees of AutomotiveUI conference. Tutorials teach specific
materials either by one person or several people. Submission details
will be published at

The Doctoral Colloquium: The Doctoral Colloquium brings together PhD.
students working on topics related to the field of automotive user
interfaces and interactive vehicular applications, providing them with
an opportunity to present and discuss their research with their peers
and senior faculty. Submission details will be published at

Conference Topics include, but are not limited to:

Devices & Interfaces
Multi-modal, speech, audio, gestural, natural input/output
In-car gaming, entertainment and social experiences
Interfaces for navigation
Text input and output while driving
Applications and user-interfaces for inter-vehicle communication
Sensors and context for interactive experiences in the car
Biometrics and physiological sensors as a user interface component
Electric vehicle interfaces
Affective intelligent interfaces

Automation & Instrumentation
Automated driving and interfaces for (semi) autonomous driving
Head-Up Displays (HUDs) and Augmented Reality (AR) concepts
Cooperative Driving/Connected Vehicles
Assistive technology in the vehicular context
Information access (search, browsing, etc.)
Vehicle-based apps, web/cloud enabled connectivity
Entertainment and play (semi) autonomous driving

Evaluation & Benchmarking
Methods and tools for automotive user-interface research, including
Automotive user-interface frameworks and toolkits
Naturalistic/field studies of automotive user interfaces
Automotive user-interface standards
Modeling techniques for cognitive workload and visual demand estimation

Driver Performance & Behavior
Different user groups and user group characteristics
Subliminal cues, warnings and feedback to augment driving behavior
Emotional state recognition while driving
Detecting/ measuring driver distraction
Detecting and estimating user intentions
Driver modeling

Student funding
ACM and SIGCHI have some funding available for
students that present at the conference. The
funding is assigned based on a SIGCHI initiated
process, separate from the conference. More
information can be found here:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Utrecht in September!

Chris Janssen & Stella Donker, Utrecht U (General Chairs)
Lewis Chuang, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich and
Wendy Ju, Cornell Tech (Program Chairs)

6) Newell's William James Lectures and Last Lecture digitized

The VHS recording of some of Allan Newell's lectures have been
digitized. They are available at:

The table below shows which file each lecture is asoociated with.

Lecture Name                                        Filename
Unified Theories of Cognition, Lecture 1            scs_0022_access.mov
Foundations of Cognitive Systems, Lecture 2         scs_0023_access.mov
The Human Cognitive Architecture, Lecture 3         scs_0024_access.mov
Symbolic Processing for Intelligence, Lecture 4     scs_0025_access.mov
Immediate Behavior, Lecture 5                       scs_0026_access.mov
Memory, Learning and Skill, Lecture 6               scs_0027_access.mov
Intendedly Rational Behavior, Lecture 7             scs_0028_access.mov
Along the Frontiers, Lecture 8                      scs_0029_access.mov
Desires and Diversions                              scs_0030_access.mov

7)  China Computer Federation Transactions on Pervasive Computing
        and Interaction Journal

New Journal

Editors-in-Chief: Zhiwen Yu; Anind Dey

Published on behalf of the China Computer Federation (CCF), and powered
by the CCF technical committees on Pervasive Computing and Human
Computer Interaction

CCF TPCI is dedicated to publishing rigorously peer-reviewed,
high-quality scientific articles covering all aspects of human-computer
interaction and pervasive/ubiquitous computing.  The journal offers a
rapid reviewing process and publishing workflow and welcomes
contributions from researchers, professionals, and industrial

All articles are free to read for the first two years

Enjoy free access during 2019 and 2020 - an introductory offer to ensure
high readership.

Submit your paper now for maximum visibility! With Online First we offer
rapid publication once your paper has been accepted.

8) Review Paper, ACT-R: A cognitive architecture for modeling cognition

Full Citation: Ritter, F. E., Tehranchi, F., & Oury, J.
D. (2019). ACT-R: A cognitive architecture for modeling cognition. Wiley
Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science. 10(3). Paper e1488.

ACT-R is a hybrid cognitive architecture. It is comprised of a set of
programmable information processing mechanisms that can be used to
predict and explain human behavior including cognition and interaction
with the environment. We start by reviewing its history, which shapes
its current form, contrasts and relates it to other architectures, and
helps readers to anticipate where it is going. Based on this his- tory,
we then describe it as a theory of cognition that is realized as a
computer pro- gram. After this, we briefly discuss tools for working
with ACT-R, and also note several major accomplishments that have been
gained by working with ACT-R in both basic and applied science,
including summarizing some of the insights about human behavior. We
conclude by discussing its future, which we believe will include adding
emotions and physiology, increasing usability, and the use of non-
generative models

9) IEEE Trans on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence

[Note: ORCID id may required to publish in this journal]

Greetings from the IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational
Intelligence (TETCI)!

For your continued support to the journal, I extend to you my sincere

We would like to share with you the papers published in June 2019 issue
of the journal, listed below for your perusal. This issue is split into
two parts. The first marks the tenth Special Issue of TETCI, and it aims
to provide in-depth Computational Intelligence technologies that enable
Smart Energy Applications to Smart Cities. Guest Editors Dr. W.-Y. Chiu,
Dr. H. Sun, Dr. C. Wang and Dr. A. Vasilakos have recommended the
acceptance of four papers that cover a wide range of topics from energy
management for a residential community to that for microgrids, and from
CI inspired demand response for Internet of EVs to joint energy and
quality-of-service-aware scheduling for machine-to-machine
communications.  The second part consists of four regular papers
showcasing new breakthroughs in theoretical and applied aspects of
computational intelligence.

We hope you will enjoy reading these papers.

Yew-Soon Ong,
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
Email: asysong at ntu.edu.sg

IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
Volume. 3, Issue 3, June 2019

***Special Issue on Computational Intelligence
for Smart Energy Applications to Smart Cities***

Collaborative Energy Management for a Residential
Community: A Non-Cooperative and Evolutionary Approach
Authors: Batchu Rajasekhar, Naran Pindoriya, Wayes Tushar and Chau Yuen
Page(s): 177-192

ANFIS Microgrid Energy Management System
Synthesis by Hyperplane Clustering Supported by Neurofuzzy Min-Max
Authors: Stefano Leonori, Alessio Martino, Fabio Massimo Frattale
Mascioli and Antonello Rizzi
Page(s): 193-204

Blockchain and Computational Intelligence
Inspired Incentive-Compatible Demand Response in Internet of Electric
Authors: Zhenyu Zhou, Bingchen Wang, Yufei Guo and Yan Zhang
Page(s): 205-216

Joint Energy and QoS-Aware Memetic-Based
Scheduling for M2M Communications in LTE-M
Authors: Samir Dawaliby, Abbas Bradai, Yannis Pousset and Christian
Page(s): 217-229

***Regular Papers***

New Shades of the Vehicle Routing Problem: Emerging Problem Formulations
and Computational Intelligence Solution Methods
Authors: Jacek MaYdziuk
Page(s): 230-244

Hemodynamic Analysis for Cognitive Load Assessment and Classification in
Motor Learning Tasks Using Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Authors: Lidia Ghosh, Amit Konar, Pratyusha Rakshit and Atulya K. Nagar
Page(s): 245-260

Handwriting Trajectory Reconstruction Using Low-Cost IMU
Authors: Tse-Yu Pan, Chih-Hsuan Kuo, Hou-Tim Liu and Min-Chun Hu
Page(s): 261-270

Computational Intelligence in Automatic Face Age Estimation: A Survey
Authors: Omaima FathElrahman Osman and Moi Hoon Yap
Page(s): 271-285

10) Human Problem Solving Book republished

Allen Newell, Herbert A Simon
Published by Echo Point Books & Media, United States (2019)

ISBN 10: 1635617928 ISBN 13: 9781635617924

From: Book Depository International (London, United Kingdom)

US$ 86.11 Convert currency Shipping: FREE From United Kingdom to U.S.A.
Destination, rates & speeds

About this Item: Echo Point Books & Media, United States,
2019. Hardback. Condition: New. Reprint ed. Language: English. Brand new
Book. First published in 1972, this monumental work develops and defends
the authors' information processing theory of human reasoning. Human
reasoners, they argue, can be modeled as symbolic "information
processing systems" (IPSs), abstracted entirely from physiological
bases. Modeling subjects with IPSs yields predictive theories of their
problem-solving behavior and performance, and psychological insight into
their heuristics and methods. Newell and Simon's previous epoch-making
collaborations included the General Problem Solver, the Logic Theorist,
and the Information Processing Language. This book is a careful
application of those ideas from artificial intelligence - the ideas of
AI's first golden age - to cognitive psychology. The authors first
develop the formal theory of information processing systems. They then
report studies of three symbolic reasoning tasks, and analyze that data
using the information processing paradigm.  In the final section, they
state their comprehensive theory of human problem-solving.  The success
of the models of cognition given in this work was a major piece of
evidence for the physical symbol system hypothesis, which Newell and
Simon would first state a few years later.  Newell went on to co-develop
the Soar cognitive architecture, and Simon to receive the Nobel Prize in
Economics. The two jointly received the Turing Award in 1975 for the
research program of which Human Problem Solving was the culmination.

11) Cognitive Science in the Real World

[these appear to be interesting and useful for teaching]

I thought CSS members wrapping up your courses
and thinking of how to spice them up next time,
might want to make a bookmark to these new short
videos on cognitive science in the real world--


Nora S. Newcombe, Ph.D.
Laura H. Carnell Professor of Psychology
James H. Glackin Distinguished Faculty Fellow
Temple University
Philadelphia PA 19122-6085
(215) 204-6944 (office phone)
newcombe at temple.edu

12) RADM Fred Lewis Postgraduate and Leonard P. Gollobin Graduate

DUE: Extended to 8jul19
[recurring, late this year in sharing.  This is for the Interservice/Industry
Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC)
held in Orlando every week after thanksgiving]


By way of introduction, my name is Janet Spruill, and together with my
Deputy, Elizabeth (Beth) Biddle, I am serving this year as the Chair for
the 2019 RADM Fred Lewis Postgraduate Scholarship program and the
Leonard P. Gollobin Graduate Scholarship program, sponsored by the
National Training and Simulation Association (NTSA). This is our 29th
year providing these scholarships as part of the Interservice/Industry
Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC).  I/ITSEC is one
of the largest and most respected conferences on modeling, simulation,
and educational technologies. This year we are pleased to again offer
scholarships at the Masters level in the amount $5,000 and at a Doctoral
level in the amount of $10,000.  The scholarships are offered to
stimulate student interest and university participation in preparing
individuals for leadership in the Modeling & Simulation, Training and
Education communities. By investing in our future workforce, these
scholarships encourage expansion of the I/ITSEC community and promote
innovation through direct investment in our community's future
leaders. The scholarship recipient(s) will be invited to attend I/ITSEC
'19 (2-6dec2019) at the expense of the I/ITSEC organization,
where he or she will be recognized, view the latest in simulation,
training and education technologies and meet leaders from Government,
Industry and Academia associated with this community.  Please help us
pass the word to your student body, as we hope to have a diverse pool of
candidates from which to choose. All pertinent application information
can be found at


The deadline for submitting application packages is 28 Jun and awardees
will be notified by 9Aug. Funds will be made available in time for
the fall 2019 term.  Thank you for your support. If you have any
questions, or if you need additional information, feel free to contact
me or Beth directly.


Janet Spruill
I/ITSEC 2019 Scholarship Chair
Aptima, Inc. 12249 Science Drive, Suite 110
Orlando, FL 32826 Cell: (301) 325-9459
jspruill at aptima.com | https://www.iitsec.org/

Elizabeth Biddle, Ph.D., CMSP
I/ITSEC 2019 Deputy Scholarship Chair
The Boeing Company 13501 Ingenuity Drive, Suite
204 Orlando, FL Office: (407) 506-2263
elizabeth.m.biddle at boeing.com | https://www.iitsec.org/

13) German Academic Exchange Postdoc Networking Tour
VENUE: Germany
DATES: 22-28sep19
DUE: 29jul19

This year the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD,
https://www.daad.de/de/) offers a "Postdoctoral Researchers' Networking
Tour" for postdocs working related to Artificial Intelligence and
"Industry 4.0" who are interested in job opportunities in Germany
(academic and non-academic).

We offer:

A practice orientated and diverse programme to suit the requirements of
the participants coverage of programme related costs in Germany
(accommodation, domestic travel, most meals) a lump sum travel allowance
if such costs are not borne by a third party. This will also be provided
if the stay is extended by up to five working days in order to allow for
additional professional networking.  The dates of the tour are
22.09.2019 - 28.09.2019, the application deadline is July 29, 2019.

Detailed information is available at:

Sven Koenig
Computer Science Department
University of Southern California

14) Computational Neurosceince on the Web - New location

"Computational Neuroscience on the Web" has moved. Please update
bookmarks / links. It can now be found: https://compneuroweb.com/

For 20 years, the site has been providing links to CNS researchers,
modeling and analysis software, web accessible data and models, mailing
lists, conferences, workshops, courses and more, Do give it a
look. Please send suggestions.
From: Jim Perlewitz
<perlewitz at earthlink.net>

15) Faculty Position in Neurorobotics at Chemitz U of Technology
DUE: 31jan19 (PAST)


[shows growth in this area at TU/Chemnitz]

The Department of Computer Science at Chemnitz U of Technology (Germany)
invites applications for a faculty position in Neurorobotics
(W2-Professor with W3 Tenure-Track-Option). Please note that the
position is initially limited to a duration of six years and requires a
positive tenure review beginning 4 years after starting the position to
be continued for an indefinite period as a W3 position. Further, the
position includes teaching obligations. Courses can be given in English.

Applicants are encouraged to submit their application by 31 Jan 19.  The
complete job advertisement (in German) can be found here:


Informal inquiries can be addressed to: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker, Chair of
the Search Committee (fred.hamker at informatik.tu-chemnitz.de).

Best regards
Julien Vitay

16) Call for applications: Science of Intelligence Berlin

[included because shows great growth, may be some left]

11 PhD and 12 Postdoc positions

Cross-disciplinary research in artificial intelligence, machine
learning, control, robotics, computer vision, behavioral biology,
cognitive science, psychology, educational science, neuroscience, and

Starting dates: Summer / Fall 19
Duration: 3 years
Salary level: TV-L 13, 100%

What are the principles of intelligence, shared by all forms of
intelligence, no matter whether artificial or biological, whether robot,
computer program, human, or animal? And how can we apply these
principles to create intelligent technology? Answering these questions -
in an ethically responsible way - is the central scientific objective of
the new Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence

Researchers from a large number of analytic and synthetic disciplines -
artificial intelligence, machine learning, control, robotics, computer
vision, behavioral biology, cognitive science, psychology, educational
science, neuroscience, and philosophy - join forces to create a
multi-disciplinary research program across universities and research
institutes in Berlin. Our approach is driven by the insight, that any
method, concept, and theory must demonstrate its merits by contributing
to the intelligent behavior of a synthetic artifact, such as a robot or
a computer program. These artifacts represent the shared "language"
across disciplines, enabling the validation, combination, transfer, and
extension of research results. Thus we expect to attain cohesion among
disciplines, which currently produce their own theories and empirical
findings about aspects of intelligence.

Interdisciplinary research projects have been defined which combine
analytic and synthetic research and which address key aspects of
individual, social, and collective intelligence. In addition the Science
of Intelligence graduate program promotes the cross-disciplinary
education of young scientists on a Master, PhD, and postdoctoral
level. All PhD students associated with the cluster are expected to join
the Science of Intelligence doctoral program

The cluster welcomes applications from all disciplines that contribute
to intelligence research. Applications shall be uploaded through the
application portal
(https://www.scioi.de/call-for-applications/application-process) where
details of the individual research projects
(https://www.scioi.de/call-for-applications/open-positions) are also
available. Please submit your applications by 15 Feb 19 to receive full
consideration. Applicants wishing to apply for several projects need to
upload separate applications for each project.

17) New grad position, programming, Eduworks, rolling

Eduworks Corporation - a small innovative software R&D company
headquartered in Corvallis OR - is seeking a full-time software
developer to join our team contributing to cutting edge government and
commercial applications applying AI techniques to a range of training
and education solutions. A solid base in full stack software development
is required, including at least one year of programming experience
(academic or professional) and a conceptual and practical understanding
of training and education in computing environments.

Due to the experimental nature of our work, experience with specific
languages and tools is less important than the ability to learn
independently, the desire to learn new skills rapidly, and the ability
take on tough challenges. Excellent communication and teamwork skills
are also required.

This position offers the opportunity to build your DevOps, Data
Engineering, AI, NLP, ML, and other skills while working as part of a
highly talented and motivated team in a flexible, performance-based work
environment that values developer initiative and encourages learning
through experimentation. Eduworks will provide significant training,
including support for ongoing graduate-level education as appropriate,
and is an equal opportunity employer that encourages qualified
applications from groups underrepresented in STEM disciplines. Remote
work is possible for a strong candidate (relocation to Corvallis is not
a strict requirement).

To apply, send a cover letter (or cover email) and resume to
jobs at eduworks.com. Direct applicants only.

18) AirForce Research Lab, Wright Paterson, Cognitive Branch Position

Advanced degree (M.S. or Ph.D.) in field related to game theory or
decision theory.
US citizenship required.
Willingness to relocate to Wright-Patterson,

OH metro area The Air Force Research Laboratory has a
position available in the area of Game Theory.The 711 Human Performance
Wing/Supervisory Control and Cognition Branch, Intelligent Agents Team
(IAT) develops cognitive services that enhance human/systems performance
in net-centric command and control systems. The agent-based cognitive
services are designed to assume responsibility for and/or facilitate
processes currently occurring in the "cognitive echelon" of these
systems.  The IAT specifies and executes intelligent agents in the
Cognitively Enhanced Complex Event Processing (CECEP) framework. In
resource allocation and planning contexts, CECEP agents are called upon
to guide human decision makers through large spaces of possible courses
of action. In these contexts agents:
(1) enumerate possible worlds;
(2) reason about uncertainty to identify probable worlds;
(3) evaluate threats, risks, and utilities in probable worlds; and
(4) use multi-objective optimization to identify preferable worlds.

The IAT is dedicated to developing agents capable of optimizing behavior in
increasingly complex and uncertain contexts-specifically contexts built
upon strategic interactions between rational decision makers. The IAT is
consequently seeking out a new team member that can significantly
contribute to the development of CECEP-based cognitive services that
capitalize on, game theory, decision theory, sequential optimization,
and a unification of logic (to manage complexity) and probability (to
manage uncertainty).

The new IAT member might have an educational background covering:
* Game Theory (specifically the mathematical modeling of strategic interaction)
* Rational Choice
* Decision Theory
* Mathematical/Computational Modeling

The new IAT member would ideally have an educational background 
additionally covering:
* First-Order Probabilistic Models
* Planning as Satisfiability
* Satisfiability Modulo Theories
* Answer Set Programming
* Risk Analysis

Interested parties please contact:
Joseph Lyons, Ph.D.  Joseph.lyons.6 at us.af.mil Or
Scott Douglass, Ph.D. Scott.Douglass.1 at us.af.mil

19) Orebro University Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science
        (AI and Design Computing)
DUE: 31oct19


The School of Science and Technology is seeking a postdoctoral
researcher in Computer Science for a two year fixed-term appointment.

------Subject Area------

The position is in Computer Science, with a principal focus on
Artificial Intelligence (Knowledge Representation and Reasoning);
demonstrated skills in AI and Design Computing are a welcome plus.


Our aim with this new recruitment is to further strengthen our
interdisciplinary research competence at the interface of artificial
intelligence, spatial cognition, and design cognition and computation.

Research activities in the area of the announced position at rebro
University focus on artificial intelligence, spatial cognition and
computation, human-computer interaction, and design science. Basic
research addresses applications in areas such as architecture design,
interaction design, media design primarily from the viewpoint of the
development of cognitive assistive technology to be used for planning /
decision-making. Research is done in close partnership with
world-leading corporations in both private and public sectors.


More information on their website:

------------------------------ BONUS ------------------------------
20) Request for support for digitizing further CMU videos

The CMU libraries and I assume that all libraries have video tapes in 
their collections.  The CMU library in particular is looking for 
assistance to digitize more CMU videos.

If you are available to help monetarily (they have a service they 
prefer in town), please contact
Julia Corrin <jcorrin at andrew.cmu.edu>


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