[ACT-R-users] PhD scholarship in Cognitive Archictectures at the University of Groningen

Niels Taatgen n.a.taatgen at rug.nl
Wed Mar 7 06:34:19 EST 2018

Dear collegues,
I have a PhD student vacancy in cognitive modeling/architectures where the applicant is free (withing reason) to choose their own project. So if you have any talented students that are interested in cognitive architectures (or are one yourself), please make them aware of:

 https://www.rug.nl/education/phd-programmes/phd-scholarship-programme/phd-scholarships?details=00347-02S000680P <https://www.rug.nl/education/phd-programmes/phd-scholarship-programme/phd-scholarships?details=00347-02S000680P>


Niels Taatgen - Professor
University of Groningen, Artificial Intelligence
web: http://www.ai.rug.nl/~niels     email: n.a.taatgen at rug.nl
Telephone: +31 50 3636435   Office: Bernoulliborg 322

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