[ACT-R-users] PhD opportunities in the Cognition, Brain, & Behavior area at Syracuse University

Lael Schooler lschoole at syr.edu
Sat Dec 1 07:00:31 EST 2018

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The Cognition, Brain, & Behavior (CBB) program offers graduate training
leading to a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology with the possibility to
include "Neuroscience Concentration" as an area of specialization. The
graduate program prepares students for careers in cognitive psychology that
investigate the relationships among cognitive and neural processes and
behavior. To investigate these relationships, our research emphasizes the
development of computational and mathematical models of these mechanisms.
Graduate students in the program will receive extensive training and
experience to develop their computational skills, which are in high demand
for both academic and non-academic professions. We encourage students with
strong quantitative skills across a wide range of educational backgrounds
to apply. The application deadline is December 15th.

To learn more about the CBB faculty, the graduate program, and how to apply
go to http://psychology.syr.edu/graduate/cbb/overview.html

Syracuse University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer
with a strong commitment to equality of opportunity and a diverse work
force. The university and department have a strong commitment to diversity
within its faculty and staff, and strives to foster and sustain an
inclusive climate. The Department of Psychology and broader Syracuse
community provides a rich and supportive environment for inclusive research
involving ethnically and economically diverse populations:

* CBB faculty and students participate in the summer research program for
underrepresented minority students (Psychology Research Initiative in
Diversity Enhancement,
http://psychology.syr.edu/undergraduate/pride-program.html) and the
Psychology Weekend
<http://psychology.syr.edu/graduate/diversifying-psychology-weekend.html> (
which is designed to prepare talented minority students for graduate school
by providing a venue to network with faculty and graduate students in
Psychology and get the scoop on the graduate student experience.

* Graduate students are encouraged to enroll in the Women in Science and
Engineering Future Professionals Program (http://suwise.syr.edu/wise-fpp/
), a two-year professional development and academic support program that
encourages and supports women pursuing careers in the sciences,
mathematics, and engineering to persist in their degree program at Syracuse
University and to thrive professionally.

Syracuse is located in beautiful Upstate New York. The city and surrounding
areas offer outstanding school systems, a modest cost of living, proximity
to nature (the Adirondack Mountains, the Thousand Islands, Lake Ontario,
and the Finger Lakes) and easy access to major eastern cities. Several
major medical centers, including SUNY Upstate Medical Center and the
Syracuse VA Medical Center, are in close proximity to Syracuse University
and offer opportunities for interdisciplinary research.

I am happy to answer questions you or your students might have.


Lael Schooler
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