[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM17-18/confs/resources/Jobs

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at PSU.EDU
Tue Nov 7 10:53:56 EST 2017

Hope this finds you well. The ICCM 2018 announcements drive this email.
We had an interesting ICCM+MathPsych this year. Proceedings are
available. Next meeting will be Madison, WI concurrent with ACT-R and
with CogSci. This bulletin was delayed by high work load, and then illness
brought about by high work load!  Josh Irwin helped prepare this.

I've moved it to a mailing list tool at PSU because the previous tool could not
email anymore. I believe this change will be relatively invisible.

[Hypertext version available at
  http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2018/iccm-mailing-nov2017.html ]



****************  Table of Contents ****************
1. MathPsych/ICCM 18 will be in Madison, WI

2.  ICCM 17 Proceedings has an ISBN

   ** Resources **

3. OUP CogEng Handbook is online

4. Books online in Sage, OUP, & Springer, my comments

5. Understanding higher cognition in terms of brain anatomy, physiology
    & chemistry http://understandinghighercognition.com/ [online book]

6. Frontiers in Psychology journal, sample ToC

7.  Book and site about ranking

8. SBP-BRiMS 2017

9. The proceedings for the 37th Soar Workshop are now available

10. Proceedings From The 13th International Conference of Naturalistic
     Decision Making

11. Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems
    Proceedings: http://www.cogsys.org/conference

12. ACM TOCHI Call for Papers: Special Issue on Human-Building Interaction
    [Submission Date 8Dec17]

13. A New Thematic Series on ATTENTION IN NATURAL & MEDIATED
   REALITIES in Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications (CRPI)

14. Creativity & Intelligence in Brains & Machines Conference

15. Scholarship on Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience

16. 4th Annual Summer School on Large-Scale Brain Modeling

17. Soar Has an Updated Wikipedia Article

18. Table of Contents Alert For "Computational & Mathematical
      Organization Theory" [Date Jun17]

19. Net neutrality is good for people & business

20. This is a game aimed at helping people get used to terminal commands

21. Little AI, free game on iTunes

     ** Jobs **

22.	HCI jobs at IST at PSU

23. Post Doc Position Developing an Adaptative Synthetic Teammate
      Derrik.E.Asher.civ at mail.mil

24. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Cognitive Science Central European
     U, Budapest, Hungary

25. Post-doctoral fellow position Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory
     Department of Social & Decision Sciences Carnegie Mellon U
     [Prefered Starting Data: 1Oct17]

26. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Models of Reasoning
     [Application deadline 30Jul17]

27. PHD Studies In the Area Of Computational HCI
     https://www.hict.fi/autumn_2017 [Application deadline 30Jul17]

28. Contract Position Through Leidos

29.	Editor Search, Computational Brain & Behavior
     societyformathpsych at gmail.com

1. MathPsych/ICCM 18 will be in Madison, WI

Call for papers MathPsych/ICCM 18

The 51st Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, and
the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Cognitive
Modelling will meet jointly at the U of Wisconsin in Madison from 21-24

The organizers from the Society for Mathematical Psychology are Joe
Austerweil (U of Wisconsin) and Joe Houpt (Wright State U), and the ICCM
chairs are Ion Juvina (Wright State U), Joe Houpt (Wright State U),
Christopher Myers (US Air Force Research Laboratory) and Qiong Zhang

The goal of the conference is to bring researchers together who are
interested in using computational and mathematical modeling to better
understand human cognition. It is a forum for presenting, discussing,
and evaluating the complete spectrum of cognitive modeling approaches,
including mathematical models, connectionism, symbolic modeling,
dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive architectures. We
welcome basic and applied research across a wide variety of domains,
ranging from low-level perception and attention to higher-level
problem-solving and learning. We also welcome contributions that use
computational models to better understand neuroimaging data.

The Annual Summer Interdisciplinary Conference will be held before
MathPsych/ICCM in Italy on June 17-22. The Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society will be held just following MathPsych - ICCM
in Madison on July 25-28.

2.  ICCM 17 Proceedings has an ISBN

ICCM 17 has an ISBN now, and the revised proceedings are available at


3. OUP CogEng Handbook is online

The OUP Cognitive Engineering Handbook is online, if you have any
interest you of course have the option of structuring a course around
it. I [Kirlik] found it to be hugely convenient for course design, prep,
and delivery, and it makes it convenient (and free) for the students as
well. And, in my view at least, class is going very well this semester
under this arrangement:


Last time I called it "Cognitive Engineering" but the current title was
chosen to be NSF friendly due to the what the students are learning in
other grad courses.

4. Books online in Sage, OUP, & Springer, my comments

I'd like to comment on a trend that I've seen. Its both self-serving and
I think illuminating.

My books with Sage, OUP, & Springer are available, all available,
through these companies online libraries. At my U, and at other
universities, these books are typically available to all as PDFs (e.g.,
http://frankritter.com/fducs/fducs-libraries.txt). This has changed the
way I think about these books. In most cases, I can say, the book is in
your library (which is not news), and your students can have copies for
free (which is news).

Along with Open Educational Resources (OER), of which there are now
deliberate web sites, repositories, and consortium to build them, this
ubiquitousness of information, which others have written about more
often and more elequently, strikes me as getting closer to actually
being here. There is work to automatically create books and associated
quizes from these materials. the results are not astounding, on the
first pass, but it is the first pass. I think it will come where we have
wizard interface to help build custom books for courses that come with
draft exams -- at least and perhaps initially for folks at universities
that have bought these online libraries, but later for all.

5. Understanding higher cognition in terms of brain anatomy, physiology
    & chemistry http://understandinghighercognition.com/ [online book]

This came across my email.  It looks like an interesting approach.


6. Frontiers in Psychology journal, sample ToC

Frontiers In Psychology Section "Cognitive Science"

Cognitive Appraisals Affect Both Embodiment of Thermal Sensation & Its
Mapping to Thermal Evaluation Keeling, Roesch, & Clements-Croome


Integrated System Design: Promoting the Capacity of Sociotechnical
Systems for Adaptation through Extensions of Cognitive Work Analysis
Naikar & Ben


Semantic Richness Effects in Spoken Word Recognition: A Lexical Decision
& Semantic Categorization Megastudy Winston Goh, Melvin Yap,
Mabel Lau, Melvin Ng, & Luuan-Chin Tan


Paired-Associate & Feedback-Based Weather Prediction Tasks Support
Multiple Category Learning Systems Kaiyun Li, Qiufang Fu, Xunwei Sun,
Xiaoyan Zhou, & Xiaolan Fu


Is Moving More Memorable than Proving? Effects of Embodiment &
Imagined Enactment on Verb Memory David Sidhu & Penny Pexman


Development of Embodied Sense of Self Scale (ESSS): Exploring Everyday
Experiences Induced by Anomalous Self-Representation Tomohisa Asai,
Noriaki Kanayama, Shu Imaizumi, Shinichi Koyama, & Seiji Kaganoi


Semantic Neighborhood Effects for Abstract versus Concrete Words Ashley
N. Danguecan & Lori Buchanan


The Neurocognitive Performance of Visuospatial Attention in Children
with Obesity Chia-Liang Tsai, Fu-Chen Chen, Chien-Yu Pan, & Yu-Ting


Editorial: The Balanced Triad of Perception, Action, & Cognition
Snehlata Jaswal

7.  Book and site about ranking

Peter Erdos has started a blog on ranking things, like ranking colleges,
ranking basketball teams, and there are some initial posts. ÂWhile he
does not have the intention to upload longer parts from the book he is
writing on ranking the initail posts look interesting. He is looking for
feedback. Worth at aleast a short visit.

8. SBP-BRiMS 2017


17 International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural
Modeling & Prediction & Behavior Representation in Modeling &
Simulation (SBP-BRiMS)

5-8Jul17, Lehman Auditorium, George Washington U,
Washington DC, USA

Conference Website: http://sbp-brims.org/

All papers are qualified for the Best Paper Award. Papers with student
first authors will be considered for the Best Student Paper Award. Those
receiving these awards will be invited to publish an extended version in
a special issue of the journal Computational & Mathematical
Organization Theory.

Regular Paper Abstract Submission: 22dec17

Note, all regular papers will be evaluated for: presentation in plenary,
presentation in regular session, presentation as poster, or no
presentation. All accepted papers will be published in the physical
proceedings - the Springer LNCS volume. This volume is considered

There are also challenge problems and tutorials.

Social computing harnesses the power of computational methods to study
social behavior, such as during team collaboration. Cultural behavioral
modeling refers to representing behavior and culture in the abstract,
and is a convenient and powerful way to conduct virtual experiments and
scenario analysis. Both social computing and cultural behavioral
modeling are techniques designed to achieve a better understanding of
complex behaviors, patterns, and associated outcomes of interest.
Moreover, these approaches are inherently interdisciplinary; subsystems
and system components exist at multiple levels of analysis (i.e., "cells
to societies") and across multiple disciplines, from engineering and the
computational sciences to the social and health sciences.

The SBP-BRiMS conference invites modeling & simulation papers from
academics, research scientists, technical communities and defense
researchers across traditional disciplines to share ideas, discuss
research results, identify capability gaps, highlight promising
technologies, and showcase the state-of-the-art in applications in the
areas of cultural behavioral modeling, prediction, and social computing.

Please see the SBP-BRiMS17 website for more details. Keynotes and
tutorials delivered in the previous SBP and BRiMS meetings are available
through the websites http://sbp-brims.org/ and
http://cc.ist.psu.edu/BRIMS2015/ .

CALL FOR PAPERS: Submissions are solicited on research issues, theories,
and applications. Topics of interests include the following:

Advances in Sociocultural & Behavioral Processes * Group interaction and
collaboration * Group formation and evolution * Group representation and
profiling * Collective action and governance * Cultural patterns &
representation * Social conventions, social contexts and processes *
Influence process and recognition * Public opinion representation,
identification and modeling * Information diffusion * Psycho-cultural
situation awareness

Behavior Modeling * Intelligent agents and avatars/adversarial modeling
* Cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction * Models of reasoning
and decision making * Model validation & comparison * Socio-cultural
M&S: team/group/crowd/behavior * Physical models of human movement *
Performance assessment & skill monitoring/tracking * Performance
prediction/enhancement/optimization * Intelligent tutoring systems *
Knowledge acquisition/engineering * Human behavior issues in model

Methodological Challenges * Mathematical foundations * Verification and
validation * Sensitivity analysis * Matching technique or method to
research questions * Metrics and evaluation * Methodological innovation
* Model federation and integration * Evolutionary computing *

Information, Systems, & Network Science * Data mining on social media
platforms * Diffusion and other dynamic processes over networks *
Inference of network topologies and changes over time * Analysis of link
formations and link types * Detection of communities and other types of
structures in networks * Analysis of high-dimensional networks *
Analytics for social and human dynamics

Military & Intelligence Applications * Evaluation, modeling and
simulation * Group formation and evolution in the political context *
Technology and flash crowds * Networks and political influence * Group
representation and profiling * Reasoning about terrorist group behaviors
and policies towards them

Applications for Health and Well-being * Social network analysis to
understand health behavior * Modeling of health policy and decision
making * Modeling of behavioral aspects of infectious disease spread *
Intervention design & modeling for behavioral health

Other Applications * Economic applications of behavioral & social
prediction * Viral marketing * Reasoning about development aid through
social modeling * Reasoning about global educational efforts through
cognitive simulation

FORMAT & SUBMISSION: The conference solicits three categories of
papers: Regular papers (max. 10 pages) All topics and authors (academic,
government, industry) welcome Published in a Springer volume and online.
Plenary or poster presentation.

Short papers and Late-breaking results (max. 6 pages) All topics and
authors welcome. Published online. Typically a poster presentation.

Demos (2-page abstract, or max. 6 pages) Published online. Typically a
poster or demo presentation.

Paper Formatting Guideline The papers must be in English & MUST be
formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI guidelines. Sample
LaTeX2e and WORD files are available at
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. It is not
required to submit a cover page.

All regular paper submissions should be submitted as a paper with a
maximum of 10 pages using the foregoing format. All submissions for
posters, demo-presentations, challenge problem entries and late breaking
results should be submitted as a paper with a maximum of 6 pages using
the same format as the regular papers. All accepted entries will be
posted on the SBP-BRiMS 17 website.

A selection of authors will be invited to contribute journal versions of
their papers to one of two planned special issues of the Springer
journal "Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory" and another
high- profile journal.

The submission website will be available through

PRE-CONFERENCE TUTORIAL SESSIONS: Several half-day sessions will be
offered on the day before the full conference. Sessions will be designed
to meet the needs of one of two distinct groups. One group will consist
of attendees who have backgrounds in computational science; computer
science, engineering, and other mathematically oriented disciplines.
Other tutorial sessions will be designed for behavioral and social
scientists and others (e.g. those with medical backgrounds or training
in public health) who may have limited formal education in the
computational sciences. Attendees will gain an understanding of
terminology, theories, and general approaches employed by
computationally based fields, especially with respect to modeling

At minimum, each proposal must contain the following information: *
Title of the tutorial. * Description of the tutorial topic &
structure. * Expected audience (including the expected backgrounds of
the attendees). * Short bio & contact information of the organizers.

More details regarding the pre-conference tutorial sessions, including
instructors, course content, and registration information will be posted
to the conference website (SBP-BRiMS.org) as soon as this information
becomes available. For further information, please contact
sbpbrims at andrew.cmu.edu.

CHALLENGE: The conference expects to announce a computational challenge
as in previous years. Additional details will be posted on the
conference website.

conferences have included a Cross-fertilization Roundtable session or a
Funding Panel. The purpose of the cross- fertilization roundtables is to
help participants become better acquainted with people outside of their
discipline and with whom they might consider partnering on future
SBP-BRiMS-related research collaborations. The Funding Panel provides an
opportunity for conference participants to interact with program
managers from various federal funding agencies. Participants for the
previous funding panels have included representatives from federal
agencies, such as the NSF, NIH, DoD, ONR, AFOSR, USDA, etc.

BEST PAPER AWARDS: SBP-BRiMS17 will feature a Best Paper Award and a
Best Student Paper Award. All papers are qualified for the Best Paper
Award. Papers with student first authors will be considered for the Best
Student Paper Award.

HOTEL & LOGISTICS: Information on hotel and logistics will be provided
at the conference website as it becomes available.

TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIPS: It is anticipated that a limited number travel
scholarships will be available on a competitive basis. Additional
information will be provided on the SBP- BRiMS Conference website as it
becomes available.

9. The proceedings for the 37th Soar Workshop are now available

The proceedings for the 37th Soar Workshop, which was held on 5-9Jun at
the U of Michigan campus, are now available online. You can find digital
copies of all of the presentations that were given on

10. Proceedings From The 13th International Conference of
	Naturalistic Decision Making

The 13th International Conference of Naturalistic Decision Making,
which was held in Bath, England 20-23Jun17. Has released its
proceedings from the 13th bi-annual conference.

The conference encapsulates the cognitive challenges associated with
making decisions in demanding and uncertain situations. It is
co-chaired by Gore & Ward. Keynote speakers include Rhona Flin
& Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Gary Klein, Ph.D. MacroCognition LLC 937/238-8281 (cell)
gary at macrocognition.com www.macrocognition.com & check our new web
site: http://www.shadowboxtraining.com

11. Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems
    Proceedings: http://www.cogsys.org/conference

The proceedings for the Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Cognitive
Systems is now available online.

It can be found here: http://www.cogsys.org/conference/2017

Paper submissions will be handled via the EasyChair website
(http://www.easychair.org), and login instructions will be posted as an
update to the link given above within the next two weeks.

Any questions you may have should be forwarded to
paul.bello at nrl.navy.mil

We look forward to seeing you in May!

With our warmest regards, Paul Bello, Chair Ken Forbus, Ashok Goel, John
Laird, Pat Langley & Sergei Nirenberg, ACS Organizing Committee

12. ACM TOCHI Call for Papers: Special Issue on Human-Building Interaction
    [Submission Date 8Dec17]

Call For Papers

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) Special Issue on
Human-Building Interaction

Guest Editors: Hamed Alavi, U of Fribourg & Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (EPFL) Elizabeth Churchill, Google, Mountain
View Mikael Wiberg, Umea U Denis Lalanne, U of
Fribourg Peter Dalsgaard, Aarhus U Ava Fatah gen Schieck, UCL,
Bartlett School of Architecture Yvonne Rodgers, U College
London & TOCHI Editorial Board

Information for Contributors

Built environments increasingly incorporate interactivity and
context-aware automation. Human-Building Interaction (HBI), as an
emerging research field, seeks to develop an HCI lens to the vision of
our interactive experiences with built environments. A special issue of
TOCHI on Human-Building Interaction invites research contributions that
examine the engagement of HCI in the evolution of buildings & urban

In particular, we solicit articles that pursue the new coordinates that
HCI should take into account when shifting attention and scale from
"artefact" to "environment." For example, the investigations on the
occupant comfort across multiple dimensions (e.g., thermal, visual,
acoustic, respiratory), the discussions of the interplay between user
agency and building automation, the reflections on the immersive and
durable user experience design, and so forth.

We seek contributions that address these and similar topics that embody
the complexity of human's individual and collective experiences with and
within the built environment. The invited topics include technological
innovations, ethnographic studies, as well as conceptual and framing

Between the lofty and mundane discourses of interactive architecture and
connected products lies considerable space for grounded research and
reflective discussion.

This special issue invites attempts to capture, share, and expand what
is already known, what is contested, and what are opportunities for a
common scientific grounding for prospective dialogues and discourses in
the area of Human-Building Interaction. It will serve both as a unifying
stage for the existing voices that are centrally and peripherally
working on HBI, and a platform for the research area to move forward.

The HBI special issue is interested in questions including (but not
limited to) the following:

How can HBI designers reconcile the complexity of human decisions with
the efficiency that the automation systems promise? What services do we
expect the building to provide seamlessly, and where do we want to
retain the manipulation control, and through what interaction
modalities? What are the UX design challenges in creating buildings that
can adapt to their occupants' contextualized needs and preferences?
Surveillance is increasingly common to provide security. How does the
need for surveillance interplay with the privacy concerns which are
especially elevated in inhabited environments? What can we learn from
the comfort literature in the scholarly domain of architecture, and how
can an HCI perspective complement and (possibly) correct the current
comfort discourses? In what ways can built environments support and take
advantage of social and cultural diversity? Are architecture and
interaction design methods and processes compatible? Concretely, how can
a team of interaction designers bring their tools to an architectural
project? Submission Information

All contributions will be rigorously peer reviewed to the usual exacting
standards of TOCHI. Further information, including TOCHI submission
procedures and advice on formatting and preparing manuscripts, can be
found at:
  Manuscripts must be submitted via the ACM online manuscript system to:

Important Dates

Pre-Submission Abstract Due: 8Dec17 (email to HBI-TOCHI at unifr.ch)
Full Manuscript Submission deadline: 12Jan18 
(submit via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tochi)
First-round Author Notifications: 15Apr18
First-round Revisions due: 15Jun18
Second-round (final) Author Notifications: 1Sept18
Final Revisions Due: 10Oct18
Publication Date: February19
Please direct inquiries regarding the special issue to HBI-TOCHI at unifr.ch

13. A New Thematic Series on ATTENTION IN NATURAL & MEDIATED
   REALITIES in Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications (CRPI)

Announcing a new special issue or, as we say in the Open Access, On-Line
World, A New Thematic Series on Attention In Natural & Mediated
Realites in Cognitive Research: Principles & Implications (CRPI)

Co-organizers: Jeffrey Zacks, Washington U in Saint Louis,
jzacks at wustl.edu Khena Swallow, Cornell, kms424 at cornell.edu Daniel
Levin, Vanderbilt, daniel.t.levin at Vanderbilt.edu

Modern humans live in natural environments and in worlds shaped and
mediated by technology. Both of these worlds are complex, dynamic, and
rich; producing streams of data that vastly outstrip the capacities of
human cognitive systems. Yet, people usually understand and
intelligently act in everyday situations. How do people use attention to
manage environmental demands on human cognitive systems? The purpose of
this collection of papers is to examine how attention operates in
environments that approach the complexity of naturalistic situations.
Papers may be empirical studies, theoretical or tutorial reviews, or new
theoretical contributions. Studies using behavioral, neurophysiological,
and/or eye-tracking methods would all be appropriate. Issues of
particular interest include: the role of attention in media consumption
& education; change blindness and inattentional blindness in
naturalistic settings; motivation, reward, and attention; curiosity;
predictive looking in event comprehension. (This list is not exclusive.)

Please email one or more of the guest editors with any questions about

CRPI is the open access journal of the Psychonomic Society. Its mission
is to publish use-inspired basic research: fundamental cognitive
research that grows from hypotheses about real-world problems. As with
all Psychonomic Society journals, submissions to CRPI are subject to
rigorous peer review.

For manuscripts accepted for the special issue, the publication fee may
be fully or partially waived depending on the number of manuscripts
accepted for the special issue. The authors should indicate when they
submit a manuscript if they are requesting a waiver of the publication

DUE DATE: manuscripts should be submitted before 31Dec17

You can find manuscript submission details at

14. Creativity & Intelligence in Brains & Machines Conference

This is an unsual event, that appears to repeat. It looks like a
transitory, 'invisible college', (Reference:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invisible_College), that gets created to
look at issues of across scientific fields, but is fact probably held
together by a core group of some sort.

15. Scholarship on Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience

Scholarship on Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience The Institute of
Artificial Intelligence of the U of Groningen offers a
four-year scholarship for a PhD position on model-based cognitive

Model-based cognitive neuroscience is the area of research that bridges
the disciplines of computational cognitive modeling & cognitive
neuroscience. Cognitive models - be it symbolic process models,
mathematical models, or neural network models - are notoriously hard
to evaluate based on behavioral measures alone. For that reason,
researchers have turned to neuroscience (M/EEG, fMRI) as an additional
source of information. At the same time, neuroimaging data is often so
complex that it is difficult to fully account for with traditional
analysis methods. As a solution, cognitive & mathematical models have
been used within the analysis stream to interpret neural measures
directly. This dual approach, using neuroscience to inform models and
models to inform neuroimaging analyses, is very powerful, and has led to
the emerging field of model-based cognitive neuroscience (see a recent
special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Psychology for an
introduction: Palmeri, Love, & Turner, 17; Turner, Forstmann, Love,
Palmeri, & van Maanen, 17).

The PhD position is available in the cognitive modeling group, under
supervision of Jelmer Borst. The goal of our group is to better
understand cognitive processes in the human mind. To achieve this, we
combine computational modeling with fMRI, EEG, & MEG data, and also
apply machine learning techniques to analyze neural data. Top candidates
will be invited to write & develop their own research project within
the general scope of this research line.

The selection procedure for the scholarship is as follows: 1. Candidates
apply by submitting a cover letter & CV (see below for details). 2.
Based on the cover letters, several candidates will be invited to write
a short research proposal within the topic of model-based neuroscience.
3. These candidates will be asked to present this proposal as part of
the job interview. 4. After the selection, the candidates proposal
will be further developed in collaboration with the PhD advisors: Jelmer
Borst, Niels Taatgen, & Hedderik van Rijn.

Qualifications Successful candidates will have completed a Masters
degree (or equivalent) in Cognitive Neuroscience, Artificial
Intelligence, or another field of science relevant for the position. The
ideal candidate has experience with M/EEG or fMRI and cognitive
modeling, and has strong programming skills.

Conditions The PhD student will be enrolled in the PhD Scholarship
Programme and receive a scholarship of E 2027 per month (gross) from
the U of Groningen for a period of four years.

Date The preferred start date is 1Nov17, but this can be
postponed to 1Feb18.

Application Please see the attachment for details on the application
procedure. The application deadline is 30Aug.

For more information, contact Jelmer Borst (j.p.borst at rug.nl).


16. 4th Annual Summer School on Large-Scale Brain Modeling

[this happened, but looks like a standing meeting now]

The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience at the U of Waterloo is inviting
applications for our 4th annual summer school on large-scale brain
modeling. This two-week school will teach participants how to use the
Nengo software package to build state-of-the-art cognitive and neural
models to run in simulation and on neuromorphic hardware. Nengo has been
used to build what is currently the world's largest functional brain
model, Spaun [1], and provides users with a versatile and powerful
environment for designing cognitive and neural systems to run in
simulated and real environments. For a look at last year's summer
school, check out this short video:

We welcome applications from all interested graduate students, research
associates, postdocs, professors, and industry professionals. No
specific training in the use of modeling software is required, but we
encourage applications from active researchers with a relevant
background in psychology, neuroscience, cognitive science, robotics,
neuromorphic engineering, computer science, or a related field.

[1] Eliasmith, C., Stewart T. C., Choo X., Bekolay T., DeWolf T., Tang
Y., Rasmussen, D. (2012). A large-scale model of the functioning brain.
Science. Vol. 338 no. 6111 pp. 1202-1205. DOI: 10.1126/science.1225266.

***Application Deadline: 15Feb17***

Format: A combination of tutorials & project-based work. Participants
are encouraged to bring their own ideas for projects, which may focus on
testing hypotheses, modeling neural or cognitive data, implementing
specific behavioural functions with neurons, expanding past models, or
providing a proof-of-concept of various neural mechanisms. Hands-on
tutorials, work on individual or group projects, and talks from invited
faculty members will make up the bulk of day-to-day activities. A
project demonstration event will be held on the last day of the school,
with prizes for strong projects!

Topics Covered: Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to:

build perceptual, motor, and sophisticated cognitive models using
spiking neurons model anatomical, electrophysiological, cognitive, and
behavioural data use a variety of single cell models within a
large-scale model integrate machine learning methods into biologically
oriented models interface Nengo with various kinds of neuromorphic
hardware (e.g. SpiNNaker) interface Nengo with cameras & robotic systems
implement modern nonlinear control methods in neural models & much more.
Date & Location: 4-16 Jun17 at the U of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

Applications: Please visit http://www.nengo.ca/summerschool, where you
can find more information regarding costs, travel, lodging, along with
an application form listing required materials.

If you have any questions about the school or the application process,
please contact Peter Blouw (pblouw at uwaterloo.ca). We look forward to
hearing from you!

17. Soar Has an Updated Wikipedia Article

Soarers, [from soar mailing list]

We just updated (and significantly expanded) the entry for Soar on
Wikipedia. Check it out and feel free to add material.

18. Table of Contents Alert For "Computational & Mathematical
      Organization Theory" [Date Jun17]

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for
"Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory".

Volume 23 Number 2 is now available on SpringerLink

Change the World: Read 180 articles nominated by our Editors-in-Chief

We asked our Editors-in-Chief to nominate just one journal article
published in 2016 that could help humanity and protect and preserve our
planet. Read 180 groundbreaking articles that have the potential to
change the world! All selected articles are freely accessible!



How resource information backgrounds trigger post-merger integration
& technology innovation? A dynamic analysis of resource similarity &

Feiqiong Chen, Qiaoshuang Meng & Fei Li

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I2
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I3

>>>Generic substitution policy, an incentive approach<<<
Aida Isabel Tavares

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I4
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I5

>>>Self-organization & social science<<<
David Anzola, Peter Barbrook-Johnson & Juan Cano

Abstract: ---http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I6
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I7

>>>Integrating accounting & multiplicative calculus: an effective
estimation of learning curve<<<
Hasan zyap lhan Dalc & Ali zyap

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I8
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9I9

>>>The interpersonal diffusion mechanism of unethical behavior in
groups: a social network perspective<<<
Duanxu Wang, Xin Pi & Yuhao Pan

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ia
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ib

>>>Corruption & its detection: a graph-theoretic approach<<<
Thebeth Rufaro Mukwembi & Simon Mukwembi

Abstract & PDF http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ic

Reporting a network's most-central actor with a confidence level
Frantz & Carley

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ie
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9If

>>>Book review: The Journal of Organizational Design<<<
Terrill Frantz

Abstract: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ig
Full text PDF: http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ih

Do you want to publish your article in this journal?

Please visit the homepage of Computational & Mathematical Organization
Theory http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ii for full
details on: - aims & scope - editorial policy - article submission


Read open access articles

Anyone can access open access articles for free. Go to
http://alerts.springer.com/re?l=D0In66plwI6hi0lc9Ij to view all open
access articles published in this journal.

19. Net neutrality is good for people & business

Net neutrality is good for people & business. Preserving net neutrality
will help "make America great again." My article featured in Wired.

Don't Gut Net Neutrality. It's Good for People & Business, 5Jan17


Nick http://www.stern.nyu.edu/networks/

20. This is a game aimed at helping people get used to terminal commands

http://www.mprat.org/Terminus/ - This is a game aimed at helping people
get used to terminal commands (i.e., those you'd see in Unix-based
terminals). I got the link to this from another professor here. I'm
going to try to use it for our 1st lab for our 2nd intro course.

21. Little AI, free game on iTunes

Little AI is our free game for iPhone or iPad to illustrate
developmental artificial intelligence and constructivist learning. It
can be used for teaching. It was just released on the App store:
http://little-ai.com/ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id1114007742
contact: Olivier Georgeon olivier.georgeon at gmail.com

22.	HCI jobs at IST at PSU

[IST has jobs going in HCI, data science, and related areas. If you
apply, let me or Reitter know so I can keep my eyes out for your application.]

The College of Information, Science, and Technology
at Penn State has open tenure-track positions for Human Centered
Design, Data Sciences, and Security & Privacy. Most positions will
begin reviewing applications in mid-Oct, but will remain open until
the position is filled.

Teaching Faculty Positions in Application Design and Development,
Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations
[Application Review 1Sep17]

Open Rank, Tenure-Track, Faculty Positions in Data Sciences- Ethics
[Application Review 15Oct17, Open until filled]

Open Rank, Tenure-Track, Faculty Positions in Human Centered Design
[Application Review 1Oct17, Open until filled]

Open Rank, Tenure-Track, Faculty Positions in Security and Privacy
[Application Review 1Oct17, Open until filled]

Open Rank, Tenure-Track, Faculty Positions in Data Sciences
[Application Review 1Dec17, Open until filled]

23. Post Doc Position Developing an Adaptative Synthetic Teammate
      Derrik.E.Asher.civ at mail.mil

The United States Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is seeking applications
for one postdoctoral position to support research in the development of
an adaptive synthetic teammate to the Soldier. The post-doc position
requires conducting applied and basic research to inform theoretical and
empirical principles for developing algorithms designed to interact with
humans in simulated or physical environments. Potential topics of
research include: (1) human-computer interaction, human-robot
interaction, adaptive computation, or cognitive computing, (2) modeling
cognitive processes, developing computational models of human behavior,
or (3) mathematical models of physical systems.

U.S. citizenship is required. Please see the attached for additional

To apply for this position, please send a current copy of your CV to:

Derrik Asher, Ph.D.

Multilingual Computing & Analysis Branch,
Computational & Information Sciences Directorate,
U. S. Army Research Laboratory
Derrik.E.Asher.civ at mail.mil

24. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Cognitive Science Central European
	U, Budapest, Hungary

We are seeking a highly creative and motivated postdoctoral fellow to
work in the group of Mate Lengyel at the Department of Cognitive
Science, Central European U, Budapest, Hungary
(https://cognitivescience.ceu.edu/). The group is also twinned by the
Lengyel group at the Computational & Biological Learning Lab,
Department of Engineering, U of Cambridge
(http://learning.eng.cam.ac.uk/Public/Lengyel/) where Dr Lengyel holds a
permanent position.

The group studies learning & memory from computational,
algorithmic/representational & neurobiological viewpoints.
Computationally & algorithmically, we use ideas from Bayesian
approaches to statistical inference and reinforcement learning to
characterise the goals and mechanisms of learning in terms of normative
principles and behavioral results.

Specifically, the project will characterise how humanâ*™s structured and
high dimensional mental representations change in time due to
forgetting, learning, interference, and other processes. For this,
state-of-the-art machine learning techniques will be employed to analyse
a diverse set of behavioural data sets collected by our experimental
collaborators: Gergely Csibra (infant studies) and Jozsef Fiser (visual
perception & learning) in Budapest, and Daniel Wolpert (sensorimotor
control) in Cambridge. The project is funded by an ERC grant, providing
internationally competitive salaries.

The successful candidate will have - a strong quantitative background -
demonstrable interest in the analysis of behavioural data - obtained (or
be close to the completion of) a PhD or equivalent in computational
neuroscience, physics, mathematics, computer science, machine learning
or a related field

Preference will be given to candidates with - previous experience in
machine learning, computational and / or behavioural neuroscience -
sufficient programming skills to run numerical simulations (eg. in C,
Python, or MatLab) - expertise with advanced data analysis & Bayesian

Research environment:

The Central European U is the highest-ranked U in
Hungary. It is a privately funded and endowed, fully English-speaking,
postgraduate-only U, accredited in both the USA & Hungary.

The Department of Cognitive Science is one of the most highly regarded
centres for cognitive science in Europe, with world-leading groups in
infant cognition, visual cognition, and social cognitive science. It
provides a vibrant research environment, by running two journal club
events per week on selected topics in cognitive science, a monthly
research club, a weekly series of guest seminars by invited speakers
from around the globe, a visitors programme with about two-three leading
researchers in the field spending several months at the Department every
year, and various small-to-medium sized international workshops,
conferences, and summer schools organised locally by members of the

More broadly, Budapest is an exciting city, with a rich history & busy
cultural life, great cuisine, and a very affordable cost of living

For informal queries, please contact M.  Lengyel
m.lengyel at eng.cam.ac.uk. Applications will be accepted until the post
is filled.

Mate Lengyel -- Department of Cognitive Science Central European
U Oktober 6 street 7, Budapest H-1051,
Hungary tel: +36 1 887 5142
fax: +36 1 887 5010

Computational & Biological Learning Lab Cambridge U
Engineering Department Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ,
UK tel: +44 (0)1223 748 532,
fax: +44 (0)1223 332 662

web: www.eng.cam.ac.uk/~m.lengyel

25. Post-doctoral fellow position Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory
	Department of Social & Decision Sciences Carnegie Mellon U

[may be late, but she has a steady stream of positions]

Post-doctoral fellow position Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory
Department of Social & Decision Sciences Carnegie Mellon U
(CMU). The Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory
(DDMLab: http://www.cmu.edu/ddmlab/) at Carnegie Mellon U is seeking
applications for a post-doctoral fellow position on decisions from
experience and network science. Starting date is flexible, but it is
preferred on 1Oct17.

Description: Our general goal in this project is
to build upon the insights of Decisions from Experience (DfE) research
and expand these insights to Network Science. In particular, we will focus on
investigating the effects of information and incentive structures in
network-based choices from experience. We will conduct experimental
studies involving more than 2 group members, and we will build new
computational models to represent the global effects of team behavior
built from individual behavior. Specifically, we will work on: (1)
systematic expansions of mechanisms of instance-based learning theory
(IBLT) (Gonzalez et al., 2003) through the inclusion of methods known in
social dilemmas and network science research; (2) the empirical
investigation of the interaction between information, incentives, and
network structure on efficient networks and social welfare; and (3) the
computational implementation of cognitive models to test new theoretical
expansions against experimental data. A fellow will collaborate directly
with Prof. Gonzalez and with researchers at other institutions.

RRequired qualifications: -- A Ph.D. (completed by start of employment)
in psychology, economics, decision sciences, computer science, human
factors engineering, or any other relevant scientific discipline --
Training in behavioral science research methods & statistical analyses.
-- Experience with statistical software (preferably R, others
acceptable) -- Experience with computational/cognitive modeling (e.g.,
reinforcement learning, ACT-R models, IBL models) -- Demonstrable
writing abilities and good communication skills. Desired qualifications:
-- Experience with programming (preferably Python, others acceptable) --
Experience with web programming and design -- Experience in
interdisciplinary research, working in collaborative teams, and managing
research assistants Duration: This is a full time research position with
full benefits, for one year with the expectation of renewal for
additional years conditional on performance and availability of funds.

To apply: please send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, relevant
journal articles, and three letters of reference before 15Sept17. Please
send electronic documents (Word, Pdf) to: coty at cmu.edu The DDMLab is
part of the Department of Social & Decision Sciences at CMU, a research
paradise. CMU is located Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is one of
America'smost livable cities. The city has a strong U presence with over
a dozen colleges and campuses and a great cultural scene. Carnegie
Mellon is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. For more
information on our Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Policy and our
Statement of Assurance, go to:

26. Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Models of Reasoning

[this has passed, but this group routinely hires folks as post-docs, so
if you match, you should keep them on your radar 
when you need such a position.]

Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Models of Reasoning

Intelligent Systems Section Navy Center for Applied Research in
Artificial Intelligence

The Artificial Intelligence Center at the Naval Research Laboratory
(NRL) is seeking applicants for multiple postdoctoral positions to
collaborate on ongoing development towards a unified computational
framework of explanatory and deductive reasoning. The postdoc will
develop his or her own research program in addition to working with Dr.
Sunny Khemlani & Dr. Greg Trafton at NRL's headquarters in Washington,
DC. The position will involve building and applying computational models
to simulate human reasoning data. Recent work in the lab has focused on
how people engage in explanatory reasoning, how they reason about
causality, and how they reason about time and temporal relations.

The ideal candidate has (or will have) a Ph.D. in computer science,
cognitive science, cognitive psychology, or a related discipline, as
well as a strong foundation in computer programming and an interest in
building intelligent agents that reason the way humans do. Postdocs will
be hired through the NRC Research Associateship Program, and the
fellowship lasts up to 3 years. Funding includes a yearly stipend
($77,000) as well as travel, relocation, and health benefits. Only US
citizenship or green card holders are eligible for the program.

The Intelligent Systems Section at the Navy Center for Applied Research
in Artificial Intelligence is devoted to basic and applied research in
human cognition. The lab is interdisciplinary and focuses on cognitive
science, reasoning, cognitive robotics, human-robot interaction,
embodied cognition, spatial cognition, object recognition, memory, and

Applicants should send a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae to
Dr. Sunny Khemlani (sunny.khemlani at nrl.navy.mil). Review of applications
will begin 15Aug17.

* PhD position in the area of computational HCI (4 years, fully funded)
(Application deadline 30Jul17) *

27. PHD Studies In the Area of Computational HCI

[also late, but looks like a group that will have positions next year.]

PHD Studies In the Area of Computational HCI

As part of a broader call for PhD students in the area of CS (HICT), the
User Interfaces group at Aalto U is looking for a PhD student to join
their team. The research topics include fundamental aspects of
computational interaction, and in particular interface optimization,
interactive machine learning, cognitive and neuroscientific modeling,
interactive support for designers, as well as applications. The
successful candidate will join an ambitious research group that is at
the forefront of this exciting research area. The group offers a
collegiate and stimulating environment as well as access to
state-of-the-art equipment. The group invites applications from
outstanding individuals with motivation and demonstrated technical
competence in Computer Science, Data Sciences, Machine Learning, Signal
Processing, Statistics, Information Visualization, Computer Graphics,
Operations Research, Neurosciences, or Cognitive Science. An
interdisciplinary perspective and experience is valued.

More about the group: http://userinterfaces.aalto.fi More about the PI:


The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information &
Communications Technology (HICT) is a joint initiative by Aalto U and
the U of Helsinki, the two leading universities within this area in
Finland. The network involves at present over 60 professors and over 200
doctoral students, and the participating units graduate altogether more
than 40 new doctors each year.

The activities of HICT are structured along five research area specific
tracks:  Algorithms & machine learning,  Life science informatics
  Networks, networked systems & services,  Software and service
engineering and systems, User centered & creative technologies

For more information on the general call, go to


The online application form closes 30Jul17, at midnight Finnish time.
For more information & application instructions, see

28. Contract Position Through Leidos

[probably quite old, but this group routinely takes on post-docs.
if you fit, look them up at Wright Pat AFB, you should keep them on
your radar, pun intended.]


The position at the link below is a contract position through Leidos,
working on an exciting new line of applied research & development with
our Cognitive Models & Agents branch at Wright-Patterson AFB. If you
have the required knowledge, skills, experience, and interest, please
apply at their website. If you know someone else who does, please
forward for their awareness.

Best regards & happy holidays.

- Kevin
Kevin Gluck, PhD Principal Cognitive Scientist

29. Editor Search, Computational Brain & Behavior
	societyformathpsych at gmail.com

[date may have passed, but sometimes are extendable, and notes new
editor coming and new journal]

The Society for Mathematical Psychology seeks a dynamic, well-organized
scientist with high editorial standards and strong leadership skills to
serve as the first editor of the new journal Computational Brain &
Behavior. SMP aims for CB&B to have a broad scope, accepting work from
psychology, neuroscience, economics, and statistics, linked by a common
theme of quantitative modeling and methods. CB&B is owned by SMP and
will be published by Springer with 4 issues a year.

Applicants should be respected leaders in the community,
independent-minded, and even-handed. As Editor you should be (1)
committed to establishing CB&B as a leading journal in the area of
quantitative psychology and neuroscience, (2) proactive in attracting
innovative contributions in both traditional disciplines and emerging
fields, and (3) able to implement a rigorous and prompt review process.

As Editor you will 1. Set the aims and scope for CB&B in consultation
with the SMP executive board 2. Select an editorial team ? Have full
authority to accept or reject submissions 3. Handle the review process
4. Seek out stimulating papers and special issue topics for inclusion in
the journal

The new Editor will be appointed for a 5-year term, beginning 1Nov17.

Applications should include a curriculum vita, a vision statement for
CB&B, and a cover letter. Applications should be submitted to SMP
Secretary/Treasurer Leslie Blaha via EMAIL to the email address:
societyformathpsych at gmail.com with subject header: CB&B Editor
Application: <applicants name>.

A search committee along with the executive board of SMP will evaluate
candidates. The executive board will make the final selection and

*The deadline for applications is 30Sep17*

For more information about CB&B and the application process, please
contact SMP President Jennifer Trueblood
(jennifer.s.trueblood at vanderbilt.edu) or anyone on the SMP Executive
Board (Scott Brown, Clintin Davis-Stober, Chris Donkin, Pernille


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