[ACT-R-users] Postdoctoral positions in computational cognitive science at University of Michigan

Richard Lewis rickl at umich.edu
Wed May 31 16:44:52 EDT 2017

Postdoctoral positions in Computational Cognitive Science:
Computationally Rational Decision Making, Language Processing, and Language Emergence

Two postdoctoral positions in computational cognitive science in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan are available beginning as early as July 2017. Candidates with a Ph.D. in cognitive science, cognitive psychology, computer science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, linguistics or related fields are encouraged to apply.

The first position involves a theoretical modeling and empirical project on computationally rational decision making. This project has two main objectives. First, it will rigorously evaluate a set of theoretically motivated hypotheses about training interventions designed to improve choice among options that impose difficult tradeoffs. This class of decisions is targeted because it is a large class with practical import, and systematically yields preference reversals, a phenomenon thought to violate axioms of rationality. The second aim is to advance the science of bounded rationality by testing a new model of choice that shows that preference reversals arise from rational processes that are adapted to cognitive bounds and serve to maximize utility. This position is funded for up to two years.

The second position involves one of three projects in computational cognitive science, depending on the interests of the successful applicant.  One project concerns computationally rational decision making, including the aims described above, but more broadly defined to encompass, for example, moral decision making.  A second project concerns computationally rational language processing---specifically, rational sentence processing in the face of noisy memory and perception. A third project concerns the computational derivation of properties of the human language capacity as a rational adaptation to constraints on memory, perception, and motor output. This position is funded for up to three years.

Both postdoctoral positions will benefit from interaction with world-class faculty in the cognitive sciences at Michigan, including faculty in the Departments of Psychology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Linguistics, and Philosophy, as well as the newly established Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science.

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, follow this link:


Richard L. Lewis
John R. Anderson Collegiate Professor of Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Science

Office: East Hall 3018
Voice: (734) 763-1466

Department of Psychology
University of Michigan
530 Church Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
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