[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM 2017+sp. issues+books+jobs
Frank Ritter
fer2 at psu.edu
Tue Nov 8 08:56:31 EST 2016
The ICCM 2017 announcements drive this email (it will be in Warwick,
England, 22-25 July 2017 (hope you can come!).
A quick note: I have edited many of these because they go on too
long. I prefer a short, clear announcement with a short pointer to
your own web site with details -- some mailers have problems with the
length of this mailing now and the length of URLs. I don't think the
use of external sites to host applications is appropriate, so I tend
to report these last.
If you would like to be removed, please just let me know. I maintain
it by hand to keep it responsibly (see Cheyne & Ritter, 2001).
[Hypertext version available at
http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2016/iccm-mailing-nov2016 ]
**************** Table of Contents ****************
1. ICCM 2017, Warwick, UK July 2017
submissions due 15 Mar 2017
2. ICCM 2016 Proceedings available
3. BICA 2017 and Fierces on BICA 2017, 1-6 Aug 2017
4. IJCNN 2017 - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
http://www.ijcnn.org, papers due 15 nov 2016
5. CogSIMA 2017 conference
6. Obituary for Henry Halff
7. Dynamic Models of Choice software available
8. Special issue call: JAGI Issue on AI Models of Motivation and Emotion
9. ACM Transactions on Social Computing, New journal
10. New journal: Ergonomics and Human Factors at Work
11. Seeking Volunteer HCI Editor for Computing Reviews
12. Book: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science
13. Book: Anatomy of the Mind
14. Book: Exploring Robotic Minds
15. Penn State, Human Centered Design + 2 tenure + lecturers
16. Assistant Prof., RPI
17. Assistant prof, Cognitive Science, Carleton U., Ottawa, ON
18. U of Maryland Baltimore County Info Sys Dept, due 1 Nov 2016
http://apply.interfolio.com/37306 [this is not part of the UofMd]
19. Tenure track asst prof, Engineering Psychology, New Mexico State
https://jobs.nmsu.edu/postings/25985, due 1 Nov 2016
20. Tenure-track assistant/associate in psychology, Mich State
21. Adjunct (concurrent) positions, MEPhI, Moscow
22. Associate Research Scientist, ETS
23. Accessibility Engineer, Educational Testing Service
24. NASA Space Technology Res Fellowship (NSTRF17) - Fall 2017 Release
Due 3 Nov 2017, recuring
25. Post-doc, Michigan
https://lsa.umich.edu/weinberginstitute, due 14 Oct, recurring
26. Postdoc at ARL
27. Postdoctoral Fellow at NRL
28. Graduate student openings, Optimal Learning Lab, U. Memphis
1. ICCM 2017, July 2017, due 15 Mar 2017
22-25 July 2017, U. of Warwick
submission deadline in February
http://www.warwickconferences.com/venues (Scarman)
ICCM will take place from 22-25 July in Warwick, UK. The co-chairs
for this meeting are Adrian Banks, Marieke van Vugt, and Adam
Sanborn. This year, ICCM will be joined with the Society for
Mathematical Psychology conference. This means that keynotes,
symposia, and registration will be combined, but submissions will be
handled separately. Submissions will be due on 15 Mar 2017. There
will be four types of submissions:
- regular ICCM 6-page papers for the ICCM track
- abstracts for talks in the Society for Mathematical Psychology track
- posters for joint poster sessions with the Society for Mathematical Psychology
- tutorials
Notifications of acceptance will be sent around 1 May 2017.
2. ICCM 2016 Proceedings available
The ICCM 2016 proceedings are available as single papers and as as a
single PDF.
single papers: http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2016/proceedings
all in one: http://acs.ist.psu.edu/iccm2016/proceedings/ICCM2016proceedings.pdf
The best papers of ICCM 2016 have been invited for a special issue of
Topics in Cognitive Science, which is in process and will be announced
The Allen Newell Award for the best student-led paper was given to
Peter Duggins, Terrence C. Stewart, Xuan Choo, and Chris Eliasmith for
their paper titled Effects of Guanfacine and Phenylephrine on a
Spiking Neuron Model of Working Memory. We also note, as honorable
mention, the papers by Hrvoje Stojic, Henrik Olsson, and Pantelis P.
Analytis, by Peter Lindes and John E. Laird, by Dan Parker and Daniel
Lantz, and by Ehsan Khosroshahi, Dario Salvucci, Bella Veksler, and
Glenn Gunzelmann.
3. BICA 2017 and Fierces on BICA 2017, 1-6 Aug 2017
I am happy to announce that BICA 2017 and Fierces on BICA 2017 will be
held in Moscow 1-6 Aug 2017. Details will follow.
-Alexei Samsonovich
4. IJCNN 2017 - International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
http://www.ijcnn.org, papers due 15 nov 2016
14-19 May 2017, Anchorage, Alaska
Come and join us for the 30th anniversary of IJCNN, the premier
international conference in the area of neural network theory,
analysis, and applications. Co-sponsored by the International Neural
Network Society (INNS) and the IEEE Computational Intelligence
Society (IEEE-CIS), over the last three decades this conference and
its predecessors has hosted [past, present, and future] leaders of
neural network research. IJCNN 2017 will feature invited plenary
talks by world-renowned speakers in the areas of neural network
theory and applications, computational neuroscience, robotics, and
distributed intelligence. In addition to regular technical sessions
with oral and poster presentations, the conference program will
include special sessions, competitions, tutorials and workshops on
topics of current interest.
The 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN
2017) will be held at the Convention Center in Anchorage, Alaska,
May 14-19, 2017. "... Only in Anchorage can you meet a moose, walk
on a glacier and explore a vast, natural park all in a single
day. Between mountains and an inlet, surrounded by national parks
and filled with Alaska wildlife, Anchorage combines the best of
Alaska in a city that has the comforts of home and the hospitality
of the Last Frontier. ..."
IMPORTANT : Submission deadlines are much earlier this year, given
the May conference date. Check the list of deadlines below, and note
that proposals for Special Sessions, Competitions, and Panel
Sessions are due September 15, 2016!
Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: 15 Nov 16
Paper Decision notification: 20 Jan 17
Camera-ready submission: 20 Feb 17
Call for Papers - While a short list of IJCNN topics is provided
below, authors should click on our Call for Papers link for a more
detailed list of the topics, and a link to guidelines for paper
Plenary Speakers The following high-profile neural network leaders
have been confirmed as Plenary Speakers, with more to come!
Christof Koch - Prof of Biology and Engineering at the Cal
Tech. President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Allen Institute
for Brain Science, Seattle.
Hava Seigelmann - Core Member of the Neuroscience and Behavior
Program at U of Massachusetts, Amherst, DARPA program manager, and
2016 INNS Hebb Award recipient.
Jose Principe - BellSouth Prof, Director of Computational
NeuroEngineering Laboratory, U of Florida. Jose is a Past-President
of the INNS, and a recipient of INNS and IEEE-CIS awards.
General topic categories are listed below. See the Call for Papers
web-page for a more detailed listing:
Deep Learning Computational neuroscience
Cognitive models Brain-machine interfaces
Embodied robotics Evolutionary neural systems
Neurodynamics Neuroinformatics
Neuroengineering Connectomics
Big Data Neural network theory & models
Pattern recognition Machine Learning
Collective intelligence Hybrid systems
Self-aware systems Data mining
Sensor networks Hardware, memristors
Agent-based systems Neural network applications
Machine perception Social media
Computational biology Bioinformatics
Artificial life Philosophical issues
We are looking forward to seeing you in Alaska!
Yoonsuck Choe, General Chair
Texas A & M
5. CogSIMA 2017 conference
Types of Papers
All papers must represent original and unpublished work that is not
currently under review elsewhere. Each paper will be reviewed by at
least three independent referees. Papers will be evaluated according
to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity,
and relevance to the conference. At least one author of each accepted
paper is required to attend the conference. Two types of paper
submissions will be accepted:
Oral Papers (3-7 pages): Papers that describe new results that
advance the state-of-the-art
Poster Papers (3-5 pages): Papers that describe work in progress
Quantitative and/or qualitative methods and results are welcome, as
well as hypotheses-driven or more open-ended exploratory
work. Submissions must clearly outline the methodology (manipulations,
measurements, environment and context, etc.) and technologies used,
for both replicability and enabling in-depth review. In addition,
research providing novel system designs, algorithms, interface
technologies, and computational methods supporting elements of
situation management are encouraged.
Authors are encouraged to consult the guide regarding submissions to
IEEE provided at:
General Topic Area -Where Cognitive Science meets Computer Science
Papers should address some aspects of Situation Management in
Cyber-Physical-Human Systems, where:
1. Cyber-Physical-Human Systems are understood as dynamic systems of
systems, where tight integration across cyber, physical and human
(social) components creates a new quality in collective behavior of
those components that otherwise would be infeasible to carry out by
individual components alone.
2. Situation Management is defined as a synergistic goal-directed
process of situation awareness (situation sensing, perception,
comprehension, and prediction), situation monitoring and control, and
situation acquisition and learning so that desired goal situations are
reached within predefined quality, resources, and time.
3. Conceptual Foundations of Situation Management include the
concepts of entities, relations, situations, events, actions, goals,
behaviors, context, space, time, and others.
Paper Topics
Theories of situation management, cognitive methods, and decision
Studies of concepts of situation, context, event, goal, intention,
action, activity, behavior in interactive human-machine systems
Situation perception, comprehension, tracking, prediction and management
Approaches to spatial and temporal reasoning, reasoning about goals,
intentions and actions, and collective reasoning by teams of human
and/or machine agents
Metrics and evaluation of performance of hybrid human-machine systems
Modeling of situations - model acquisition, construction, adaptation and learning
Models of human-machine collaboration, hybrid and distributed cognition
Systems, platforms and tools for situation awareness and decision support
System-level experiments Application-specific research
Collaborative decision support Information fusion
Situation-dependent data integration Ontology-based computing
Special Paper Sessions at CogSIMA 2017
There will be three special paper sessions planned for the conference.
1. The Relationships between Situation Awareness, Big Data, and Deep
Learning Chair: Dr. Mica Endsley, SA Technologies
Situation awareness (SA) is the perception of environmental elements
and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their
meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has
changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined
event (Endsley, 1995). Appropriate SA can directly impact the
decision-making process. Previously, achieving situation awareness was
easier as decisions were driven by smaller amounts of
information. However, data is now created at an expositional
rate. More data should mean a reduction in uncertainty and more
informed decision making processes. However, access to these data sets
alone does not guarantee useful information required for situation
management. Exploration of processes related to big data and deep
learning could help advance the development of appropriate SA.
Possible paper topics include:
pattern recognition and data fusion sensor data fusion
information fusion machine learning
modeling situations
2. Cognitive Modeling
Chair: Dr. Christian Lebiere, CMU
Cognitive models are computational or mathematical representations of
the human cognitive processes engaged in perception, cognition and
action. Combined with task representations, they provide a
quantitative basis for understanding experimental findings in
situation awareness and decision making as well as optimizing decision
support to the characteristics of the human operator.
Possible paper topics include cognitive models of:
situation awareness and decision making
human interaction with autonomous systems
individual differences in situation management
human-human and human-agent team interaction
model -driven decision-support systems
3. Interaction with Autonomous Systems
Chair: Dr. Tom Ziemke, Linkoping U & U of Skovde, Sweden
Human interaction with (partially) autonomous systems (ground, air,
surface, or subsurface) is changing as teaming efforts continue to
move away from direct control to more intelligent, interdependent
collaboration, which poses significant challenges for achieving and
maintaining an integrated overall situation awareness. The links
between the technological advancements and capabilities in the system
design, underlying intelligence architecture, and
communication/feedback mechanisms need to be identified and
established to facilitate appropriate interaction.
Possible paper topics include:
Theory, principles, paradigms of human-machine interaction
Human-machine collaborative teaming (e.g., trust, SA, transparency, etc.)
Dynamic systems and network-centric operations
Goal prioritization, and decision-making processes in human-machine systems
Intent, communication, and feedback mechanisms
System design, algorithms, and architectures
Artificial intelligence in interactive autonomous systems
Interface technologies and control mechanisms
Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers should clearly indicate on the first page the
submission type (oral or poster). The TPC may suggest to the authors
to move accepted papers between the oral and poster sessions after
consultation with the authors. Authors of accepted papers will need to
sign an IEEE copyright release form and present their paper at the
All papers must be submitted online via the EDAS/CogSIMA 2017
submission by 23 Nov 2016.
Authors should prepare a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of
their full paper in 2-column style (main text in 10-point size)
including figures and correct margins. Please use the onstyle sheet
templates provided by IEEE to assure that your submission is in line
with our guidelines.
The conference proceedings will be electronically published in IEEE
CogSIMA 2017 Conference Proceedings and will be included into the IEEE
Explore Digital Library. An author of an accepted paper is required to
register for the conference at the full (member or non-member) rate
and the paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the
conference unless the TPC grants permission for a substitute presenter
arranged in advance of the event and who is qualified both to present
and answer questions. Non-refundable registration fees must be paid
prior to uploading the final IEEE formatted, publication-ready version
of the paper. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full
registration is valid for up to 3 papers.
6. Obituary for Henry Halff
Susan Chipman has noted that I should include an obituary for Henry
Halff. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?n=Henry-Halff&pid=175494003
His bio ties him to many cognitive modelers:
I recently read it. It's interesting. He's like a lost uncle.
7. Dynamic Models of Choice software available
There's a new version of the DMC (Dynamic Models of Choice) software
available. Please download it from the following direct link:
[they hide behind this tracker, don't know why]
The major change with this version is that h.run.dmc has a new
argument, random.phi=TRUE (the default setting) which in some cases
can greatly improve mixing (see lessons 4_6group and 4_7group). Let
us know if this new setting cause problems.
Minor changes:
- Putting all required packages in dmc.R (some were in model files before).
- add.hyper is in need of repair and should not be used (it is no
longer mentioned in lessons). Create hierarchical sampling
objects from scratch with h.samples.dmc
As always, please let us know if you find any bugs or have any issues.
Matthew Gretton (on behalf of Prof Andrew Heathcote)
8. Special issue call: JAGI Issue on AI Models of Motivation and Emotion
Call for Submissions
Journal of Artificial General Intelligence invites submissions for a
Special Issue on: "Artificial Intelligence models of motivation and
Submission Due Date: 02/15/2017
Editors of the special issue:
Joscha Bach, Harvard Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Cambridge
Eva Hudlicka, Principal Scientist at Psychometrix;
Visiting Lecturer at C of Information and Computer Sciences, U
Stacy C. Marsella, Prof, Dept of Psychology and College of Computer
& Information Science, Northeastern U, Boston
The Journal of Artificial General Intelligence (JAGI) is a
peer-reviewed open-access academic journal, owned by the Artificial
General Intelligence Society (AGIS).
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jagi Artificial General Intelligence
(AGI) is the emerging field of building of "thinking machines", that
is, general-purpose systems with intelligence comparable to that of
the human mind. While this was the original goal of Artificial
Intelligence (AI), the mainstream of AI research has turned toward
domain-dependent and problem-specific solutions; Artificial General
Intelligence refers to systems that aim to understand human cognition
by building generally intelligent AI systems, and vice versa, to use
our growing understanding of all areas of cognition to advance the
development of artificial minds. Similar labels for this kind of
research include "Strong AI" and "Human-level AI".
The rapid advances of AI during the last years were mainly driven by
the progress of learning systems. Reinforcement learning, and
supervised and unsupervised learning, have given us systems that can
ground their interaction with the world in rich sensory data, discover
categories and policies, map images and video to linguistic labels,
and enable countless new applications from knowledge management to
game playing, and from mobile agents to self-driving cars. In spite of
this tremendous progress, these new systems fail to reach the
autonomous activity, complex structure and creativity of human minds.
One of the most important components of generally intelligent systems
will be a detailed model of motivation. Motivation may not only
structure the formation of categories and deliver rewards and utility
functions for policy search and decision making; it may also
contribute to the self-organization of a cognitive architecture during
developmental processes. The parametrization of motivation can help
model and understand trait differences in cognitive
processing. Motivation can also drive discovery of social,
communicative, cognitive and physiological goals.
A core component and underlying mechanism of motivation is
emotion. Emotion can be conceptualized in various ways, including as
valenced responses to environmental and internal events and
expectations, and as the modulation and configuration of the cognitive
system as a whole. Computational models of emotion are being
developed for both basic research purposes (e.g., to understand the
mechanisms mediating emotion generation and affective biases, to
understand the role of emotions in creativity), and more applied
purposes. The latter models can enhance user modeling, enable more
accurate models of human behavior for social simulations and provide
more realistic and effective agent architectures for virtual
characters in both serious and entertainment games.
ecently, the field Artificial General Intelligence has seen a number
of contributions focusing on understanding motivation and emotion. We
wish to invite novel and recent developments in this area, to edit a
special issue of the Journal of Artificial General Intelligence that
explicitly focuses on computational models of motivation and emotion.
Recommended Topics
The topics we invite include but are not limited to:
Affective Computing Appetitive and Aversive Reward
Applications of Emotion & Motivation Models
Appraisal Models Artificial Neurochemistry
Artificial Pets Autonomy and Goal-Directedness
Emotion and Language Emotion Recognition
Emotional Architectures Emotional Modulators
Evolutionary Simulation of Emotion and Motivation
Interaction between Learning and Motivation
Models of Motivation and Personality
Models of Neuromodulators
Motivational Architectures Philosophy of Motivation and Emotion
Policy Learning with Motivational Systems
Polytelic Motivation Synthetic Actors
Theory of Mind in AI systems
Virtual Humans
The contributions should be novel, original, of high technical
quality, and of interest to the community of AGI researchers. In
addition to descriptions of existing models, we also invite
speculative and philosophical contribution at a high technical
standard, as long as they significantly advance our understanding of
how to build generally intelligent systems. Submission Procedure
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere (AGI
Conference contributions will be considered if they are sufficiently
expanded for journal publication). Submissions should have a length
of 12-30 pages, and use the supplied templates (LaTeX or MS Word).
Interested authors should consult the website for manuscript
submissions http://jagi.mindmakers.org/ prior to submission. All
submissions will undergo standard peer review process. All
submissions must be submitted via
http://jagi.mindmakers.org/index.php/jagi/index. Accepted
contributions will be published in the JAGI special issue "Artificial
Intelligence Models of Motivation and Emotion". (The current
publication charge is $100, and can be waived in case of hardship.)
9. ACM Transactions on Social Computing, New journal
Transactions on Social Computing, A New ACM Journal
Editor-in-Chief: David McDonald, U of Washington, USA
ACM Transactions on Social Computing (TSC) seeks to publish work
that covers the full spectrum of social computing including
theoretical, empirical, systems, and design research
contributions. The editorial perspective is that social computing is
fundamentally about computing systems and techniques in which users
interact, directly or indirectly, with what they believe to be other
users or other users' contributions. TSC welcomes research employing
a wide range of methods to advance the tools, techniques,
understanding, and practice of social computing, including:
theoretical, algorithmic, empirical, experimental, qualitative,
quantitative, ethnographic, design, and engineering research. Social
computing will continue to be shaped by foundational algorithmic,
econometric, psychological, sociological, and social science
research and these broad based perspectives will continue to have a
profound influence on how social computing systems are designed,
built and how they grow.
TSC particularly solicits research that designs, implements or
studies systems that mediate social interactions among users, or
that develops or studies theory or techniques for application in
those systems. Examples of such social computing systems include,
but are not limited to: instant messaging, blogs, wikis, social
networks, social tagging, social recommenders, collaborative editors
and shared repositories.
The scope of research covered within TSC includes:
* Understanding motivations for contributing to and participating
in social computing systems
* Tools that help users understand the individual and collective
roles of participants in social computing systems
* The influence of scale; how differing scales of human and
machine participation changes the designs and adoptions of
* Micro-tasking systems and techniques for decomposing complex
activities into recomposable tasks that can be completed by
mixtures of people and machines
* System architectures and infrastructure for developing social
computing platforms
* Foundational algorithmic analysis that accounts for human and
machine data and runtime complexity
* The roles of artificial agents in social computing spaces, the
design, creation, and management of those agents relative to
social interactions within a social computing system
* Research on privacy mechanisms -- both formal and interactive --
related to social computing data and systems
* Research on algorithms for personalization within a social
computing context, including recommender systems and social
matchmaking systems
* Research on crowdsourcing, collaborative content creation,
productive social gaming, and other mechanisms and applications
of aggregating individual contributions for a collective goal
* Research studying communications patterns in online
communication forums
* Ethnographic case studies of social computing in situ
* Algorithms for extracting knowledge from social computing usage
data and artifacts
ACM Instructions to Authors can be found at
Associate Editors
Michael Bernstein, Stanford Peter Brusilovsky, U of Pittsburgh
Meeyoung Cha, KAIST, Korea Yiling Chen, Harvard U
Ed Chi, Google Kevin Crowston, Syracuse U
Laura Dabbish, CMU Steven Dow, U of C, San Diego
Rosta Farzan, U of Pittsburgh Sue Fussell, Cornell U
Liz Gerber, Northwestern Arpita Ghosh, Cornell U
Ramesh Jain, UC, Irvine Karrie Karahalios, U of Illinois
David Karger, MIT Emre Kiciman, Microsoft Research
Joe Konstan, U of Minnesota Cliff Lampe, U of Michigan
Huan Liu, Arizona State U David Millen, IBM Research, Brazil
Marc Smith, Connected Action, consulting Daniel Zeng, U of Arizona
Boi Faltings, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland
10. New journal: Ergonomics and Human Factors at Work
[new journal, reasonable editorial board]
IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors is
devoted to compiling and disseminating knowledge on occupational
ergonomics and human factors theory, technology, application, and
practice, across diverse areas and using a variety of
approaches. The journal has a primary and fundamental emphasis on
people at work. Papers cover a wide range of topics including, but
not limited to the major domains of physical, cognitive, and
organizational ergonomics and human factors.
IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors is
committed to enhancing communication and information transfer
between researchers and practitioners in the occupational ergonomics
and human factors discipline.
Multidisciplinary investigations are particularly encouraged, and
the journal welcomes a variety of submissions, including those that
are analytical, experimental, applications, or
viewpoints. Submissions from practitioners are also strongly
encouraged (e.g., case reports, emerging issues, applications, and
letters to the editor). An efficient review process is used, with a
mean time to decision of 30 days. Easily submit a paper to
11. Seeking Volunteer HCI Editor for Computing Reviews
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 15:23:28 -0400
Sender: "ACM SIGCHI Job Postings in HCI (Mailing List)"
From: Angela Pugh <angela at THINKLOUD.COM>
Subject: Seeking Volunteer HCI Editor for Computing Reviews
Human-Centered Computing Category Editor Needed for Computing Reviews
Computing Reviews, the post-publication review and comment journal
of ACM, is seeking a volunteer editor interested in serving as
category editor for the human-centered computing (encompassing HCI,
interaction design, collaborative and social computing,
accessibility, and ubiquitous and mobile computing).
The qualified candidate will be prepared to check written reviews of
already-published items for quality, and the classification terms
from ACM's CCS for accuracy, as well as use a web-based editing
system to make any suggested changes to the CCS terms or to the
review itself. Most importantly, the category editor provides
feedback to the review's author so that existing guidelines are
met. He or she also works with staff and reviewers to develop
additional features for the publication. This is an opportunity for
an enthusiast in the discipline to use specialist knowledge to
contribute to a product that helps others navigate and sift through
the computing literature.
If you are interested, please send an email--including your CV and a
statement outlining why you feel you would be a good candidate--to
ceapps at computingreviews.com. Please include the code CE-HCC in
the subject line.
12. Book: The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Science
Susan E. F. Chipman (ed.)
and available in OUP online library in many libraries.
Emphasizes work that is most central to the discipline of cognitive
science, and points to key resources for future research
Exemplifies the intersections of many traditional subfields of
cognitive science and the insights that can be gained for each
field of inquiry
Discusses formal cognitive models that will inform future accounts
of complex cognitive performance.
An Introduction to Cognitive Science
Susan E.F. Chipman
Part I: The New Computational Psychology: Cognitive Architectures and
the Computational Modeling of Cognition
1. ACT-R and Beyond, Salvucci
2. A Summary of the EPIC Cognitive Architecture, Kieras
3. The CAPS Family of Cognitive Architectures, Varma
4. Connectionism and the Emergence of Mind, Flusberg & McClelland
5. The Lebra Cognitive Architecture: How to Play 20 Principles with Nature and Win!
O'Reilly, Hazy, & Heard
6. The CLARION cognitive architecture: Toward a comprehensive theory of the mind
Part II: Cognitive Science Perspectives on Classic Problems in Psychology
7. Concepts, Meaning, and Conceptual Relationships, Love
8. An Integrative Account of Psychological Time, van Rijn & Taatgen
9. The Central Questions of Spatial Cognition, Liu & Schunn
10. Causal relations: Kant, Unity and Diversity, Lewis
11. The Cognitive Science Approach to Learning and Memory, Walsh & Lovett
12. Problem Solving, Reed
13. Decision Making: A Cognitive Science Perspective, Gonzalez
14. What Brain Imaging Reveals About the Nature of Multitasking,
Just & Buchweitz
Part III: The Cognitive Science of Language
15. Cognitive Linguistics, Evans
16. WordNet: An Electronic Lexical Resource, Fellbaum
17. VerbNet: Capturing English Verb Behaviour, Meaning and Usage
Palmer, Bonial, & Hwang
18. Natural Language Processing, Nirenburg & McShane
13. Book: Anatomy of the Mind
Anatomy of the Mind: Exploring Psychological Mechanisms and
Processes with the Clarion Cognitive Architecture
Ron Sun
(part of the Oxford Series on Cognitive Models and Architectures)
This book aims to understand human cognition and psychology through
a comprehensive computational theory of the human mind, namely, a
computational "cognitive architecture" (or more specifically, the
Clarion cognitive architecture). The goal of this work is to develop
a unified framework for understanding the human mind, and within the
unified framework, to develop process-based, mechanistic
explanations of a large variety of psychological phenomena.
14. Book: Exploring Robotic Minds
Actions, Symbols, and Consciousness as Self-Organizing Dynamic Phenomena
Jun Tani
* Discusses understanding minds through synthetic neurorobotics.
* Describes the emergence of symbol structures in the higher
cognitive brain areas from experiences of sensory-motor
interaction in the lower peripheral areas.
* Offers the intersection between nonlinear dynamics, brain
science, robot engineering, and phenomenology.
* Explains the underlying mechanism of minds by using intuitive
figures and plots from various robotic experimental results.
* Includes a unique combination of tutorials on cognitive science,
phenomenology, system level neuroscience and dynamical systems
approach and illustration of the key robotic experiments by the
* Shares links to videos of Tani's exciting robotic experiments.
15. Penn State, Human Centered Design + 2 tenure + lecturers
Human Centered Design
The College of IST (http://ist.psu.edu) at Penn State invites
applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Human Centered
Design (HCD) to begin Aug 2017. This is the first step in a
multiyear/multi-position expansion of our College. We are especially
interested in the design of data, algorithms, and interactive
techniques that are useful and transparent to people, ubiquitous
information infrastructures, technologies, and applications, and
technology-mediated complexity and nuance. Our College has other
world-class research groups in Security and in Data Science, and we
are eager to strengthen our collaborations with these
groups. Candidates' research should leverage design research, action
research, and/or the maker movement, integrating the study of how
people behave and interact with the creation of new designs and
research through design. Candidates should be prepared to teach
undergraduate and graduate courses in HCD.
To apply, visit https://psu.jobs/job/65662 (only basic personal
information is required, but not other information listed below). In
addition, interested applicants should submit the following material
to https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/7711: [this is not a Penn
State site] a cover letter, a Curriculum Vitae, a 3-5 page research
statement, a one-page teaching statement, contact information of 3-5
professional references. Review of applications will begin on 1 Oct
2016, and will continue until the position is filled. Inquires about
the position may be directed to facultyrecruiting at ist.psu.edu.
[this second link is not to a Penn State site, but is a contracted
entity; we will probably take copies of your applications or
references as posted or emailed PDFs if this violates your sense of
propriety, or you too believe it is an inappropriate approach]
Open rank, tenure-track, faculty positions in Data Ethics
Open rank, tenure-track, faculty positions in Human Centered Design
Open rank, tenure-track, faculty positions in Security and Privacy
Lecture Positions in Software Development and Programming, Discrete
Math, Cyber Security, or Enterprise Information Technology
16. Assistant Prof., RPI
The Psychological Science search committee at Rensselaer is pleased to
announce its official beginning of our search for an Assistant
We are sort of expecting it to go to someone who has been out for a
few years as a post-doc but any and all outstanding applicants will be
Wayne Gray
17. Assistant prof, Cognitive Science, Carleton U., Ottawa, ON
Academic unit: Institute of Cognitive Science
Category of appointment: Preliminary (Tenure-Track)
Field of Specialization: Cognitive Science: Brain and Mind
Rank/Position title: Assistant Professor
Start date: 1 Jul 2017 [canada day, so it will be a holiday!]
Closing date for Applications: December 1, 2016
The Institute of Cognitive Science invites applications from qualified
candidates for a tenure track appointment in Cognitive Science: Brain
and Mind at the rank of Assistant Prof beginning 1 Jul 2017. The
candidate will be expected to have expertise in the theories and
methods that link human cognition, broadly construed, to brain
activity. The candidate will be expected to teach courses at the
undergraduate and graduate levels in this area, to collaborate on
interdisciplinary projects with other faculty members in the
Institute, and to supervise graduate and undergraduate research
projects in this area.
The Institute of Cognitive Science (http://www.carleton.ca/ics) offers
programs at the Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. levels in Cognitive
Science to approximately 400 undergraduate and 40 graduate
students. Carleton is one of the few institutions in the world to
offer B.Cog.Sc. and M.Cog.Sc. degrees. The Institute is a
fully-independent academic unit, with dedicated faculty members. It is
also supported through cross-appointments from Psychology,
Linguistics, and Philosophy, and supervisory contributions from
several other units, including Computer Science.
The position requires a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science or a related
discipline, with evidence of high-quality research on the relations
between cognition and brain activity. The position requires evidence
of excellent teaching potential in cognitive science and/or a related
discipline. The position requires an excellent track record of high
quality research, supported by peer-reviewed publications, showing the
potential for funded, independent research, strong methodological and
analytical skills, and expertise in several brain scanning
methodologies, ideally with a focus on EEG/ERP and other minimally
invasive methods. The potential to collaborate with other faculty
members in the Institute is an asset. Interest in developing
outstanding teaching in an interdisciplinary context is highly
desirable. The candidate's research will be fundable by either NSERC
or CIHR.
Application instructions:
Applicants should include a curriculum vitae and supporting documents,
including a letter of application, a research statement, teaching
dossier, and three to five representative publications. These
materials should be sent electronically as a single PDF file to John
Tracey, Institute Administrator, john.tracey at carleton.ca.
Three referees should send letters in support of the applicant to the
same address. Applications should be received by 1 Dec 2017. Please
indicate in your application if you are a Canadian citizen or
permanent resident of Canada.
Applicants selected for an interview are asked to contact the Chair of
the Search Committee as soon as possible to discuss any accommodation
requirements. Arrangements will be made in a timely manner. All
qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and
permanent residents will be given priority. All positions are subject
to budgetary approval.
18. U of Maryland Baltimore County Info Sys Dept, due 1 Nov 2016
http://apply.interfolio.com/37306 [this is not part of the UofMd]
Two Tenure Track positions on Data Science / Big Data One Tenure
Track position in Artificial Intelligence/Knowledge Management
We invite applications for 3 tenure-track faculty positions at the
Assistant Prof level starting Aug 2017. We are searching for 2
candidates with research interests and experience in Data Science, a
research area with high growth and impact in environmental sciences,
health care, security, applied statistics and others. The ideal
candidate will have expertise in conducting large-scale data science
research, such as extracting knowledge from data of increasing
sizes, velocity, and variety to improve decision making in one or
more application domains closely relevant to active research areas
in the IS department. We are also searching for a candidate with
research interests and experience in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and/or knowledge management (KM). The ideal candidate should have
expertise in conducting AI/KM research to improve decision making in
application domains such as social computing, health, business
analytics, environmental sustainability, and public
welfare. Candidates must have earned a PhD in Information Systems or
a related field no later than Aug 2017.
The research areas in the department are: Artificial
Intelligence/Knowledge Management, Databases and Data Mining, Human
Centered Computing, Software Engineering, and Health Information
Technology. Candidates should be engaged in research that fosters
collaboration with at least one of the research areas. Therefore,
preference will be given to those who can collaborate with current
faculty within and across departments at UMBC, fostering
interdisciplinary research. Candidates are expected to establish a
collaborative, externally funded and nationally recognized research
program as well as contribute to graduate and undergraduate
teaching, advising, and mentoring that support diversity and
The Department offers undergraduate degrees in Information Systems
and Business Technology Administration. Graduate degree programs, MS
and PhD, are offered in both Information Systems and Human-Centered
Computing, including an innovative online MS program in
IS. Consistent with the UMBC vision, the Department has excellent
teaching facilities, state-of-the-art laboratories, and outstanding
technical support. Further details on our research, academic
programs, and faculty can be found at http://www.is.umbc.edu.
Electronic submission of application is required at
http://apply.interfolio.com/37306 [this is not part of the UofM] for
the two positions in Data Science/Big Data and all Artificial
Intelligence/Knowledge Management applicants should apply at
http://apply.interfolio.com/37179. All applications for all three
positions must be submitted as PDF files, which include a cover
letter, CV, a one-page statement of teaching interests, a one-page
statement of research interests and names and contact information of
at least three references. For inquiries, please contact Barbara
Morris at (410) 455-3795 or bmorris at umbc.edu. Review of applications
will begin in Nov 2016 and will continue until the positions are
filled, subject to the availability of funds.
19. Tenure track asst prof, Engineering Psychology, New Mexico State
https://jobs.nmsu.edu/postings/25985, due 1 Nov 2016
The Department of Psychology at New Mexico State U invites
applications for a tenure-track, assistant prof position in
Engineering Psychology/Human Factors starting in Fall 2017. NMSU is
the nation's only Land Grant institution that is also classified as
both a Hispanic Serving Institution and a Carnegie High Research
Activity Institution.
We are looking for a candidate whose research interests fall within
the domains of Human Factors, Engineering Psychology, or User
Experience (UX) Research. We are especially interested in candidates
with a background in human/computer interaction, healthcare human
factors, aviation psychology, environmental psychology, or risk
assessment. We are looking for a candidate with a record of applying
for external funding whose program of research will make a significant
impact in their specialty area. Our faculty and graduate students have
active research interests in social, cognitive, and engineering
psychology. Candidates who can demonstrate clear connections to one or
more of these areas of research or the potential for creative
cross-disciplinary collaboration within and across departments are
The successful candidate will value collegiality and service to their
department/institution and will have the demonstrated capability to
teach graduate and undergraduate courses in engineering psychology,
human/computer interaction, statistics, and research methods, and will
serve as a research mentor to undergraduate and graduate students. A
PhD in Psychology or related field with an emphasis in applied
cognition, engineering psychology, human factors, or user experience
research is required (in hand by hire date).
The deadline for applications is 1 Nov 2016, after which new
applications will not be considered. Please submit a current
curriculum vitae, letters describing research and teaching interests,
relevant reprints or preprints of completed research, unofficial
transcripts of the highest degree earned, and three letters of
recommendation via https://jobs.nmsu.edu/postings/25985. New Mexico
State U is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Offer of
employment is contingent upon verification of applicable credentials,
criminal and other background information.
Contact: Justin MacDonald, jmacd at nmsu.edu
20. Tenure-track assistant/associate in psychology, Mich State
The Department of Psychology at Michigan State U seeks to hire a
full-time tenure-system faculty member at the assistant or associate
prof level in the area of cognition and cognitive neuroscience. We
will consider candidates in any area of cognition and cognitive
neuroscience, but are particularly interested in researchers studying
high-level cognition, such as problem solving, executive control,
judgment and decision making, learning and memory, or attention.
21. Adjunct (concurrent) positions, MEPhI, Moscow
Institute for Cyber-Intelligent Systems (ICIS), a new Division of NRNU
MEPhI, Moscow, Russia (https://eng.mephi.ru) needs to fill several
open Adjunct Faculty positions by 1 Nov 2016. A candidate must have a
PhD, a good research record, a current researcher or instructor
position and a citizenship outside of Russia. Hired Faculty will have
NRNU MEPhI as their secondary affiliation and will work part-time
remotely (visiting Russia is welcome, but not required). Position
categories, base salaries, and additional qualifications are as
* Prof ($700 USD per month): Scopus H-index > 15.
* Docent ($500/month): Scopus H-index > 5, over 5 Scopus
publications during the last 3 years (conference papers
* Senior Teacher / Research Assistant ($250/month): age under 39,
any Scopus publications.
In addition to the base salary, every job activity will be rewarded
with a separate premium payment, including, and not limited to:
- a Scopus-indexed publication (with NRNU MEPhI acknowledged as an
affiliation): $700 for a Q1/Q2 journal paper, $500 for a Q3/Q4
journal paper, $250 for a conference paper;
- an online course or lecture;
- postdoc/student mentoring;
- a Russian grant application;
- creation of a double-degree program,
- student or faculty exchange, etc.
(all the aforementioned activities are encouraged).
Commitments: active collaboration with ICIS, resulting in at least one
Scopus-indexed paper per year (acknowledging NRNU MEPhI as an author
affiliation) in a priority area, including:
- Cognitive modeling and BICA;
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics;
- Neuromorphic / Hybrid Supercomputing;
- Informational, Cyber- and Financial Security.
Initial term: 11 months (starting in Nov 2016; first salary in
December). Payments cannot be made to a foreign university: the
employee must receive salary directly through a Russian bank
account. The positions are funded by NRNU MEPhI. A sample of the
contract is available on request.
How to apply: please send your CV with a list of publications, plus
scans of your passport, PhD and Masters Diplomas to Valentin Klimov
(VVKlimov at mephi.ru) and Sergey Misyurin (SYMisyurin at mephi.ru) by 22
Oct. Inquiries can be sent to Alexei.Samsonovich at gmail.com
22. Associate Research Scientist, ETS
August 24, 2016
Location: Princeton, NJ
Job Type: Full-Time/Regular
Job Level: Entry Level(less than 2 years)
Years of Experience: Up to 2 Years
Level of Education: Doctoral Degree
Starting Date : ASAP
Sign In to Submit Application
Job Description
ETS Research & Development has an opening for an Associate Research
Scientist in the Cognitive Science Research Group, within the
Cognitive, Accessibility, and Technology Sciences Research
Center. The CogSci Group, currently with 16 members, investigates,
develops, and applies cognitive science theories and methods to
solve educational assessment problems. We collaborate on a variety
of internally and externally funded research agendas around
innovative student and teacher assessment capabilities, including
game- and simulations-based assessment. We conduct interdisciplinary
assessment research from a variety of perspectives within the
cognitive sciences, spanning cognitive psychology, education,
computer science, educational technology, and artificial
intelligence. In partnership with teams of psychometricians,
statisticians, validity theorists, computational and applied
linguists, IT developers, assessment developers, and other cognitive
scientists from across ETS, we create, develop, and maintain valid,
innovative, technology-enhanced assessments to assess complex
competencies for educational and workforce contexts.
We are recruiting a cognitive scientist with expertise in the areas
of cognitive task analysis, experimental design, and cognitive
modeling, especially as applied to problem solving and
interpretation of sequential data (e.g., verbal protocols,
interaction logs, eye tracking, multi-modal data) in a variety of
domains. Because of the CogSci group's emphasis on interactive,
online assessments, we are particularly interested in candidates
that also have expertise in human-computer interaction, especially
user experience design. Useful additional skills include some form
of programming, particularly as it applies to prototyping or
developing computational cognitive models.
Contribute to the planning of a research agenda that draws upon the
cognitive sciences and new technologies to advance the fields of
educational or workforce assessment.
Take responsibility for conceptualizing, proposing, obtaining
funding for, and directing small projects and/or assisting in
moderate-to-major ones. This includes managing, or participating in
the management of, projects involving management skills such as
staff assignment and scheduling, budgeting, and acquisition and
utilization of equipment, facilities, and services.
Projects may include (1) research projects, (2) development projects
that use scientific principles to create (a) tools to improve the
efficiency or quality of the practice of test development or
statistical analysis: (b) innovative item types: or (c) the scoring
of responses to open-ended items and (3) development projects that
use scientific principles to create new products or product
prototypes. Small research and development projects typically have
minimal budgets, few or no staff other than the project director, a
timeline of a year or less, and a single deliverable that is
relatively narrow in scope. Major projects have substantial budgets,
involve the coordination of many individuals internal and possibly
external to ETS, may run across years, and may produce multiple
deliverables. Moderate projects fall in between these two types.
Research and Development Efforts:
Design and conduct research studies functioning as an expert in
the major facets of projects: respond as a subject-matter expert
in presenting the results of acquired knowledge and experience.
Consult and collaborate on problems arising from research, testing
programs, or corporate management concerns.
Design, develop, and evaluate research prototypes of new forms of
assessment in a variety of domains.
Develop, and contribute to the development of, new products or
services for education based on scientific principles drawn from
the research literature.
Document and disseminate the results of research or development
projects and programs through a portfolio of publications and
presentations that have impact on the field and ETS.
Develop proposals for research or development projects, and obtain
financial support for new or continuing research activities.
Experience and Skills
A Ph.D. or Ed.D. in a cognitive science, educational psychology,
or educational technology or similar area is required.
One year of independent substantive research and/or development
experience in educational technology, assessment innovations and
technologies, computer science, education, cognitive and learning
sciences, or cognitive and social psychology is required.
Experience can be gained through doctoral studies.
Candidates with experience in human-computer interaction research
and experimental design are particularly encouraged to apply.
23. Accessibility Engineer, Educational Testing Service
The Research and Development division of Educational Testing Service
seeks an Accessibility Engineer to join our growing Accessibility,
Standards, and Assistive Technology Group.
Accessibility Engineers implement and contribute to the design and
development of accessible, standards-based assessments in support of
both research and testing programs. They consult with research
scientists in the application, development, and specification of
technical accessibility standards, based on requirements for specific
disabilities, assistive technologies, and assessment validity. The
successful candidate should understand key accessibility standards &
requirements, and be prepared to consider their application to
assessment delivery, including students' use of assistive
Responsibilities include:
* Contribute to the development of innovative technical approaches
to accessibility challenges in innovative assessments.
* Engage in rapid prototyping in support of research and standards
developments to evaluate potential technical solutions.
* Participate in international standards working groups to propose
and champion proposed additions or changes to technical standards.
* Maintain continuing awareness of recent advances in accessibility,
standards, and assistive technologies and leverage this awareness
into creative solutions for ETS applications.
* A master's degree in computer science or information systems, or
bachelor's degree and demonstrated experience and track record in
accessibility with four years of diverse experience in digital
accessibility, including design, evaluation (testing), and
implementation of accessible interfaces including two years of
active participation in accessibility related standards work.
* A strong background in (1) web development and experience in HTML5,
CSS, JavaScript, SVG, WAI-ARIA, and the application of WCAG 2.0 AA
requirements; (2) the use of assistive technologies across multiple
platforms, including screen readers, magnification, and read-aloud
tools; and (3) the use of accessibility evaluation tools and
* Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Irvin R. Katz, PhD, Senior Director,
Cognitive, Accessibility, & Technology Sciences (CATS) Center
Educational Testing Service, MS 16-R Rosedale Road
Princeton, NJ 08541
ph: 609-734-5150
24. NASA Space Technology Res Fellowship (NSTRF17) - Fall 2017 Release
Due 3 Nov 2017, recuring
Thread-Index: AQHSCtBHRP+N+ujyOkSzc3F85a8YfQ==
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2016 19:28:01 +0000
Reply-To: "Micire, Mark J. (ARC-TI)" <mark.j.micire at NASA.GOV>
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Headquarters
has released a solicitation, titled NASA Space Technology Research
Fellowships (NSTRF) - Fall 2017, on September 8, 2016. The
solicitation is available by visiting the URL:
NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) seeks to sponsor
U.S. citizen and permanent resident graduate student researchers who
show significant potential to contribute to NASA's goal of creating
innovative new space technologies for our Nation's science,
exploration, and economic future. This call for graduate student
fellowship applications solicits applications from individuals
pursuing or planning to pursue master's (e.g., M.S.) or doctoral
(e.g., Ph.D.) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at
accredited U.S. universities.
Selected applicants will perform research at their respective campuses
and at NASA Centers. In addition to his or her faculty advisor, each
Fellow will be matched with a technically relevant and
community-engaged researcher who will serve as the student's research
This solicitation has two phases:
* Phase A is the application submission by the student. All Phase A
applications must be submitted electronically through NSPIRES and are due
by *6 PM ET on 3 Nov 2016*. Detailed submission instructions for
applicants are provided under "Other Documents" on the NSPIRES webpage
associated with the NSTRF17 solicitation. Potential student applicants are
urged to access the NSPIRES electronic proposal system well in advance of
the proposal due date to register with NSPIRES, familiarize themselves
with its structure, and to enter the requested information.
* Phase B is the application submission by the university where the selected
student will be enrolled for the fall 2017 term as a full-time graduate
student (as specified in the NSTRF17 solicitation).
Awards are planned to coincide with the start of the 2017 academic
year and are subject to the availability of appropriated funds. Awards
resulting from this competitive selection will be made in the form of
training grants to accredited U.S. universities. This solicitation
covers only new fellowship applications; renewal applications are
handled separately.
Comments and questions may be addressed by e-mail to the Space
Technology Research Grants Program Executive, Claudia Meyer
(hq-nstrf-call at mail.nasa.gov). Responses to inquiries will be answered
by e-mail and may also be included in the Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) document located on the NSPIRES page associated with the
solicitation; anonymity of individuals/institutions who submit
questions will be preserved.
Mark J. Micire
Research Scientist, Intelligent Robotics Group
Intelligent Systems Division, Exploration Technology Directorate
NASA Ames Research Center
mark.j.micire at nasa.gov
25. Post-doc, Michigan
https://lsa.umich.edu/weinberginstitute, due 14 Oct, recurring
Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science
U of Michigan, Ann Arbor
The Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science at The U of Michigan
invites applications from creative, highly qualified and motivated
researchers for a two-year postdoctoral position. The beginning dates
of the appointment would either be Jan or Sept 2017, depending on the
applicant appointed.
Area of specific specialization(s) is open.
QUALIFICATIONS: The successful application will hold a PhD in any area
of The Cognitive Sciences. We value rigor, commitment,
Interdisciplinarity, a collaborative perspective, diversity and a
desire to teach. Applications should include a cover letter, a
research proposal, one page teaching statement and contact information
for 3 references. Research statements must specify how the applicant's
research will integrate with and benefit from ongoing Cognitive
Science Research conducted at The U of Michigan. The research proposal
could mention any UM faculty from the Departments of Linguistics,
Psychology, Philosophy, Computer Science and Engineering and/or The
Neuroscience PhD Program, or related disciplines. The position will
also involve annually co-teaching a graduate seminar (regarding their
research) with a UM faculty member conducting Cognitive Science
For information regarding The Weinberg Institute for Cognitive
Science, please go to https://lsa.umich.edu/weinberginstitute
Further Information:
The Weinberg Institute was established just two years ago. We seek
applicants willing to collaboratively and innovatively contribute to
the developing Institute, the mission of which is to create a world
class center for Cognitive science research and for both undergraduate
and graduate teaching of Cognitive Science.
Send application materials by 14 Oct to: cogsciprog at umich.edu (please
enter "POSTDOC INQUIRY" in Subject line)
Richard L. Lewis
John R. Anderson Collegiate Prof of Psychology, Linguistics and Cognitive Science
Dept of Psychology (734) 763-1466
U of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
26. Postdoc at ARL
[I don't have a closing date, but it may have passed. In any case,
they continue to grow and look for folks.]
A postdoctoral scholar position is available in the Army Research
Laboratory, Human Research & Engineering Directorate at Aberdeen
Proving Ground, MD. The applicant should have, or be scheduled to
complete, a PhD in computer science, cognitive science,
psychology, or a related field by the time the employment
starts. Candidates should have technical skills in learning theory
and modeling. Programming skills include: Java, Python, Cognitive
Architectures (such as ACT-R, Soar), R or related statistical
programming languages. Relevant knowledge includes how to run
studies, simulations, statistical analyses, and writing. The
candidate must be a US citizen.
The goal of the human dynamics of cybersecurity program is to
measure, analyze, and model human decision-making processes and the
ability to detect and thwart attacks as long-duration and complex
cognitive tasks. Our approach to advance the foundational science is
to look at the three-fold integration of attacker, defender, and
user into a common framework. Applicants can propose research
that addresses one or more main thrusts:
Cyber Cognition and Biopsychology: the development of metric
approaches to quantify and predict cyber analyst performance and
human-system interactions that seeks to collect, extract, and
analyze large volumes of time-stamped data to characterize high
resolution behavioral, physiological, task-based, and environmental
factors influencing task performance and decision-making of
individuals and teams,
Training Effectiveness: addresses the challenge currently facing the
maturation of cyber capable defense forces: understanding how to
challenge, assess, and rapidly develop cyber skill-sets in realistic
cyber operational environments to include our new human-in-the-loop
cyber test range facility;
Cyber Team Processes: focuses on capturing, understanding, and
modeling team processes and dynamics to achieve greater mission
effectiveness, and Adversarial Dynamics: focuses on modeling and
simulation to understand adversarial attacker-defender-user dynamics
in the cyber domain to support multi-agent simulation using game
theory, AI, cognitive modeling, Markov modeling, Petri nets, and
related approaches.
The selected candidate will collaboratively develop a research topic
with their ARL advisor into a 5-page synopsis. The selected research
topic must seek to advance the human computational sciences to
support the cyber analyst, a key link in the Army's cyber defense
The applicant should seek to make use of a new state-of-the-art
cyber test range laboratory for human-in-the-loop experiments and
modeling & simulation in the cyber domain. The CHIMERA Laboratory
(Cyber Human Integrated Modeling & Experimentation Range - Army) is
a fully configurable virtual network with eight sound-attenuated
'whisper rooms' to examine cyber cognition and teaming.
The position offers opportunities to work with researchers with a
wide range of experts from across Academia, Government, and Industry
(for example, the Cybersecurity Collaborative Research Alliance
http://cra.psu.edu/) and is part of ARL's Open Campus initiative to
empower the continuous flow of people and ideas to ensure the
transformative scientific discovery, innovation, and transition
critical to national security.
Position Details:
The postdoctoral position is available at ARL, Human Research &
Engineering Directorate, Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), MD. APG
is situated just north of the Baltimore/Washington area and south of
Philadelphia. Historically, APG housed the development of the
world's first digital computer ENIAC and continues to be home to a
robust Army research, development, and testing community.
Post-doctoral scholar appointments are full-time, 12-month,
non-tenure positions, with yearly renewals dependent upon
performance and fund availability, not to exceed five years. Yearly
stipend is $75k with excellent health-care benefits (Blue Cross Blue
Shield), with financial support for laboratory costs, conference
attendance, training opportunities, and relocation reimbursement.
Fellowships are offered through either the National Research Council
or the Oak Ridge Associated Universities programs. For information
on ARL's programs, visit http://www.arl.army.mil/ and click on Post
Doctoral Research Programs in the left column.
To apply, electronically submit to norbou.buchler.civ at mail.mil a
cover letter describing qualifications, a CV, and contact
information or letters of recommendation from three professional
references. Review of applicants is ongoing and the position will
begin when a suitable candidate is selected.
27. Postdoctoral Fellow at NRL
[the date has passed, but they continue to have positions over time]
Cognitive Modeling of Deductive and Explanatory Reasoning Processes
Intelligent Systems Section
Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence
The Intelligent Systems Section at the Naval Research Laboratory
seeks applications for a position of Postdoctoral Fellow in
Computational Cognitive Modeling. The postdoctoral fellow will work
with Dr. Sunny Khemlani and Dr. Greg Trafton on computational models
of the processes underlying deductive and explanatory reasoning.
The ideal candidate has (or will have) a PhD in cognitive
psychology, cognitive science, or computer science, with experience
in higher level cognition, experimental design and data analysis,
cognitive modeling, and a strong programming background. Programming
skills include: Lisp, R, ACT-R, or related languages. Experience or
interest in domains of reasoning (e.g., quantificational,
sentential, spatiotemporal, causal, explanatory, and probabilistic
reasoning) is a plus. Postdocs will be hired through the NRC
Research Associateship Program
(http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/rap/). Only US citizenship
or green card holders are eligible.
The Intelligent Systems Section at the Navy Center for Applied
Research in Artificial Intelligence is devoted to basic and applied
research in human cognition. The lab is interdisciplinary and
focuses on cognitive science, artificial intelligence, cognitive
robotics, and human-robot interaction. More information is available
here: http://www.nrl.navy.mil/itd/aic/IntelligentSystems
Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum vitae,
relevant journal articles, and three reference letters by 15
Aug. For additional information, please contact Dr. Sunny Khemlani
(sunny.khemlani at nrl.navy.mil) or Dr. Greg Trafton
(greg.trafton at nrl.navy.mil).
28. Graduate student openings, Optimal Learning Lab, U. Memphis
Institute for Intelligent Systems and Psychology Department U of
Memphis - Dr. Philip Pavlik Jr
ppavlik at memphis.edu
Current opportunities available for the 2017 graduate admission year '
Seeking motivated students with an interest in theoretically based
based work on educational applications
Full funding available for qualified students pursuing cognitive
psychology PhD work
In addition to conducting experiments on a variety of learning
phenomenon we have 2 main software projects described here New ideas
are welcome if they fit within the overall lab goals for doing good
science to help students
LearnSphere: A community data infrastructure to support learning
improvement online Led by CMU and bringing together multiple top
players in learning analytics
NSF funded until 12/19
Mobile Fact and Concept Training System (MoFaCTS)
is an advanced adaptive practice and learning experimentation system
that helps students learn information such as facts or concepts with
multimedia drill practice
is a browser-based web-application, with source code available
is now available with multiple sample content modules.
uses a quantitative model of your performance to select an item to
learn that will optimally balance the challenge relative to your
current ability.
tracks both prior performance (i.e. past successes and failures) and
memory factors, such as recency, frequency, spacing and forgetting
and saves all of your results to track your learning over multiple
designed by Philip Pavlik, and many other important collaborators
who have been his co-authors,
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Phil_Pavlik_Jr/publications and
implemented by a series of talented programmers.
exports data to a convenient format for sharing or analysis
was developed over multiple years with funding from the IES: DOED,
NSF, and R. Zdrojkowski.
details: https://mofacts.optimallearning.org/ITS2016final.pdf presented
at the 2016 Intelligent Tutoring Systems Conference.
If you have read this far, part of my favorite movie:
Wizard of speed and time, second edition short
More information about the ACT-R-users
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