[ACT-R-users] ICCM 2016: Due date extended to 12 April

Frank Ritter fer2 at psu.edu
Fri Apr 8 09:05:00 EDT 2016

The ICCM Conference Co-Chairs, upon some requests but also local
arrangements (I need to enter reviewers) has extended the submission
date until Tuesday, 12 April 2016, 5pm EST.

The Call is appended.  The conference site is:


For those papers that have come in, you are welcome to revise them.
Additionally, the notification date may be extended by about 4 days.

Frank Ritter
David Reitter

Call for ICCM 2016 [revised]

All paper, poster, symposium, and tutorial submissions are due on Tue,
12 April 2016, 5pm EST. They should be submitted via our online
submission system:



There are three types of regular submissions:

Papers: refereed papers of up to 6 pages. If a submission is accepted
to be published as a paper, the paper will be presented at the
conference either as a talk or as a poster.

Posters: refereed poster abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted, the
corresponding poster will be presented at the conference in a
dedicated poster session.

Symposia: refereed symposia abstracts of up to 2 pages. If accepted,
the conference committee will contact the authors to help organize and
schedule the symposium. A symposium submission should consist of an
introduction to the topic of the symposium and a brief description of
the speakers. Symposia have a maximum duration of 90 minutes, but can
also be shorter.

Notification of acceptance will be issued around 6 May 2016.

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