[ACT-R-users] 2015 ACT-R Summer School and Master Class

db30 at andrew.cmu.edu db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Jan 30 12:04:18 EST 2015

2015 ACT-R Summer School and Master Class
Carnegie Mellon University
July 13-16, 2015

ACT-R is a cognitive architecture, and it is realized in a software system
which can be used to develop cognitive models.  It has been used for modeling
tasks that range from experimental tasks like simple reaction time and list
learning, to real world tasks like driving a car and air traffic control.

The 2015 ACT-R Summer School will take place from July 13-16, just before the
22nd annual ACT-R Workshop which will also be held at Carnegie Mellon
University.  The Summer School will follow a format similar to that used in
ACT-R Spring Schools held at the University of Groningen and consist of both
a Summer School and a Master Class.

The Summer School will train researchers in the use of ACT-R for cognitive
modeling using the ACT-R tutorial.  The tutorial consists of eight units,
six of which will be covered during the four days of the Summer School.  Each
day will consist of a morning theory lecture covering one or two tutorial
units, an afternoon discussion session on the topics of the day, and modeling
assignments which participants are expected to complete during the day and

The Master Class is organized in parallel with the Summer School.  The Master
Class offers the opportunity for ACT-R modelers to work on their own projects
with guidance from experienced ACT-R researchers.  There is no curriculum for
the Master Class, but Master Class students are welcome to attend the Summer
School lectures and discussion sessions.

To provide an optimal learning environment, admission to the Summer School
and Master Class will be limited.  To apply for the Summer School, please
email a curriculum vitae and a statement of purpose to db30 at andrew.cmu.edu.
Demonstrated experience with a modeling formalism similar to ACT-R will
strengthen a Summer School application.  To apply for the Master Class please
email a curriculum vitae along with some information about your level of
experience with ACT-R and some details on the project you expect to work on
during the Master Class.

Applications are due by April 13th and applicants will be notified of
admission by April 30.

Admission to the Summer School and Master Class is free.  In addition, the
registration fee for the ACT-R Workshop will be waived for Summer School
Students, but not for students of the Master Class.  Housing will be
available in the CMU dormitories for approximately $60/day (single) or
$40/day (shared), and will be available through the end of the workshop.

More information about ACT-R, including papers published by the ACT-R
community, can be found on the ACT-R web site: <http://act-r.psy.cmu.edu/>.
For more information on the Summer School and Master Class you can email
Dan Bothell at db30 at andrew.cmu.edu.

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