[ACT-R-users] Fwd: post doc

Gray, Wayne grayw at rpi.edu
Sat Aug 1 17:04:50 EDT 2015


This would be an interesting position. Prof. Mendonca is affiliated with the CogSci Dept here with his home dept being Industrial & Systems Engineering. He is active in the CogSci side of things and, I believe, he would be looking for a post-doc with cogsci interests as well as strong cogsci-type modeling skills. 


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Postdoc in Team Decision Dynamics at RPI*
> A 12-month, full-time postdoctoral scholar position in team decision making is available beginning on or after 1 September 2015 in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The position is associated with an NSF-supported project on post-disaster distributed decision making (NSF CMMI-1363513, PI David Mendonca, Co-PI Martha Grabowski), as described here: http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1363513.
> Applicants should have a Ph.D. in an appropriate field (including but not limited to Industrial Engineering, Human Factors, Information/Computer Science, and Cognitive Systems) at the time of their appointment. Programming and data management experience are a plus. Opportunities of this position include collaborative publishing, shared management of project personnel, professional presentations, and development of proposals for follow-up research. Renewal beyond the initial 12-month appointment is dependent upon performance and the availability of funds.
> To apply, interested applicants should submit the following items in PDF format: (1) a cover letter, including the applicant's qualifications and career plans, (2) a current CV, and (3) contact information for three professional references. Please see https://rpijobs.rpi.edu/postings/2587 for specific instructions.
> Review of applications will begin immeidately and continue until the position is filled. Please direct any questions about this position to David Mendonca (mendod at rpi.edu).

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