[ACT-R-users] Applicarions using ACT-R? (UNCLASSIFIED)

Kelley, Troy D CIV (US) troy.d.kelley6.civ at mail.mil
Mon May 12 09:43:58 EDT 2014

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Don't know if you want to mention cognitive robotics or not, but I think we
have made some good progress using ACT-R as a starting point for robotics

Kelley, T. D., & Long, L.N. (2010). Deep Blue cannot play checkers: The need
for generalized intelligence for mobile robots. Journal of Robotics, 2010,

Kelley, T. D. Avery, E. (2010). A cognitive robotics system: the symbolic
and sub-symbolic robotic intelligence control system (SS-RICS) Proc. SPIE
7710, 77100I (2010)

Kelley, T. D. (2006). Developing a psychologically 	inspired cognitive
architecture for robotic control: the Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Robotic
Intelligence Control System (SS-RICS). International Journal of Advanced
Robotic Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3. p 219-222.

Avery, E., Kelley, T. D., Davani, D.  (2006). Using Cognitive Architectures
to Improve Robot Control: Integrating Production Systems, Semantic Networks,
and Sub-Symbolic Processing. In Proceedings of 15th Annual Conference on
Behavioral Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS).  May 15-19,
Baltimore, MD.

Troy Kelley
Cognitive Robotics Team Leader
Human Research and Engineering Directorate
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Aberdeen, MD
Voice :410-278-5869

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