[ACT-R-users] Annual HFES Conference Submission Deadline Approaching!

MYERS, CHRISTOPHER W DR-02 USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC christopher.myers.29 at us.af.mil
Fri Feb 14 16:07:19 EST 2014


For those of you who are not already considering a submission to the Human
Factors & Ergonomics Society's annual conference, I would like to urge you
to consider one. 

The deadline is quickly approaching. Proposals are due March 3 at 5:00 PM

The HFES has opened its call for proposals to the 2014 meeting
(https://www.hfes.org/Web/HFESMeetings/2014call.html). Please consider
submitting a paper, panel, or other types of proposals to the HPMTG (see the
link above for a list of proposal types). 

The TG is also openly soliciting nominations (including self nominations)
for invited speakers. Please send these to me in a separate email with the
subject "Invited Speaker Nomination." 


Research Psychologist
Performance & Learning Models Team
Cognitive Models & Agents Branch (RHAC)
711 Human Performance Wing
2620 Q Street, Bldg 852
Wright Patterson AFB OH 45433

E:  christopher.myers.29 [at] us.af.mil
O:  937-938-4044
C:  518-961-6868

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