[ACT-R-users] Fwd: Announcing RLDM2013: The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making

Richard Lewis rickl at umich.edu
Sun Mar 3 18:05:45 EST 2013

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Richard Sutton <rsutton at ualberta.ca>
> Subject: Announcing RLDM2013: The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
> Date: March 2, 2013 4:16:50 PM EST
> Dear Friends and Colleagues, 
> In case you have not heard, there is finally going to be a multi-disciplinary conference on reinforcement learning, as described below.  Please consider participating to make our field strong, broad, friendly, and coherent.
> -Rich
> p.s. By the way, Andy Barto and I have also started on a second edition of our RL textbook, which will be made available online in pdf form.  We hope to be done by the end of the year.
> ======================================================
>                       The 1st Multidisciplinary Conference on
>                Reinforcement Learning and Decision Making
>                                                RLDM 2013
> Oct 25-27, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
> ======================================================
> Over the last few decades, reinforcement learning and decision making
> have been the focus of an incredible wealth of research spanning a
> wide variety of fields including psychology, artificial intelligence,
> machine learning, operations research, control theory, animal and
> human neuroscience, economics and ethology. Key to many developments
> in the field has been interdisciplinary sharing of ideas and findings,
> yet there is no single conference that brings all these communities
> together.
> The focus of this meeting can be broadly construed as "decision making
> over time to achieve a goal". Our aim is to inaugurate a recurring
> meeting characterized by the multidisciplinarity of the presenters and
> attendees, with cross-disciplinary conversations and teaching and
> learning being central objectives along with the dissemination of
> novel theoretical and experimental results.
> The first meeting will be single-track, with 8 talk sessions and 2
> poster sessions over the course of 2.5 days. This meeting will consist
> mostly of invited talks and contributed posters (future meetings will
> concentrate on contributed talks and posters, tutorial sessions and
> workshops).
> Please mark your calendars -- Oct 25-27, Princeton -- more
> information, including a "Call for Contributions", will follow (note
> that we will not publish proceedings; papers submitted to RLDM  can be
> freely submitted elsewhere for publication).
> Please circulate widely and encourage your students and postdocs to attend.
> 	Peter Dayan (UCL)
> 	Yael Niv (Princeton)
> 	Elizabeth Phelps (NYU)
> 	Nicholas Roy (MIT)
> 	Satinder Singh (U Michigan)
> 	Richard Sutton (Alberta)
>  	Pieter Abbeel 
> 	Deanna Barch
> 	Drew Bagnell 
> 	Craig Boutiller 
> 	Colin Camerer 
> 	Anne Churchland 
> 	Jonathan Cohen 
> 	Roshan Cools 
> 	Nathaniel Daw 
> 	Thomas Dietterich 
> 	Joseph Kable
> 	Alex Kacelnik 
> 	Leslie Kaelbling
> 	Rick Lewis 
> 	Michael Littman 
> 	John O’Doherty 
> 	Randy O’Reilly
> 	Paul Phillips 
> 	Joelle Pineau 
> 	Doina Precup 
> 	Stuart Russell 
> 	Stefan Schaal
> 	Geoffrey Schoenbaum 
> 	Daphna Shohamy 
> 	Elke Weber  

Richard L. Lewis                                rickl at umich.edu
Professor                                          http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rickl/
Department of Psychology                 Voice:  (734) 763-1466
University of Michigan                       Fax:    (734) 647-9440
530 Church Street                             Office:  East Hall 4428F
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1043

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