[ACT-R-users] Using UML for cognitive or behavioral modeling

Frank Ritter frank.ritter at psu.edu
Thu Aug 22 20:50:42 EDT 2013

we have used it for some design, but not as a high end language. 
Herbal is written into/on XML.  it would be possible,but Clancy's and 
Sierhuis's work seems the closest to UML.

Sierhuis, M., Clancey, W. J., & van Hoof, R. J. J. (2007). Brahms: A 
multi-agent modelling environment for simulating work processes and 
practices. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 
3(3), 134?-152.



At 18:25 -0400 21/8/13, Stu @ RodgersHouse wrote:
>Is anyone using UML or extensions of the UML for human cognitive 
>modeling or behavioral modeling?
>If so, can you point to papers or sites?
>Thank you!!
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