[ACT-R-users] Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (JARMAC) - call for papers on Judgment and Decision Making

Julian Marewski julian.marewski at unil.ch
Mon Jul 9 04:51:08 EDT 2012



The Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition (JARMAC) invites
researchers to submit papers that have application to judgments and decision
made in real-world contexts. We are looking for innovative, creative papers
that will stimulate readers' curiosity and exhilaration when reading great
science. We prefer short, empirical studies (target length = 4,000 words),
but we are receptive to longer papers for more complex and multi-experiment
studies and literature reviews. We also have a target-commentary section to
promote discussion of contentious, hot topics. For details, contact Ron
Fisher (Editor) at fisherr at fiu.edu  or Ronald.Fisher at fiu.edu. Details about
JARMAC can be found at http://ees.elsevier.com/jarmac



Dr. Ronald P. Fisher

Department of Psychology

Florida International University

3000 N.E. 151st Street

North Miami, FL  33181-3600


tel: 305 919 5853

fax: 305 919 5964


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