[ACT-R-users] CFP: Special issue of Cognitive Systems Research on Computational Models of Mindreading

Bello, Paul CIV ONR 341 paul.bello at navy.mil
Mon Jan 9 10:35:29 EST 2012

Mindreading, or the ability to represent and reason about the mental states of other agents and oneself, is a pervasive part of cognition that has yet to be deeply explored from a computational perspective. As a fundamental enabler for language understanding, plan recognition, cooperation, competition and moral cognition, it follows that detailed models of mental state attributions are a prerequisite for the development of a more complete theory of the human mind. Current cognitive theories of mindreading are predominantly philosophical in nature, with empirical work seemingly unable to provide definitive answers as to which framework might be the most defensible. Now that researchers have started to build cognitive models of mental-state reasoning, it is hoped that computational considerations may weigh in on the matter of how best to understand mindreading. This special issue seeks to promote interdisciplinary dialogue between computational cognitive modelers, philosophers,
  and psychologists studying the nature and operation of the human capacity to mindread. The emphasis of the issue will be placed on computational models and how they both inform and are informed by work in other disciplines.

Submissions should be sent to either paul.bello at navy.mil or mguarini at uwindsor.ca by June 1st 2012.  Links to information for authors are contained in the PDF version of the call, which can be found at:


Paul Bello, Ph.D.
Program Officer, Cognitive Science, 
Code 341 - Warfighter Performance
Office of Naval Research
875 N. Randolph St. Suite 1425
Arlington, VA 22203
(Ph): 703-696-4318, (Cell): 703-742-9862
(Fax): 703-696-1212
Email: paul.bello at navy.mil
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