[ACT-R-users] Trouble with :v and :cmdt

Stu Rodgers stu10887 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 12:14:38 EDT 2012

ACT-R Users List,

I am having trouble with the :v and :cmdt parameters in ACT-R6 r1227.

     :v  *cmdt-out*
     :cmdt *cmdt-out*
     ;; snipped rest of code out for brevity

Here are the warnings:
#|Warning: Parameter :v cannot take value *cmdt-out* because it must be
must be t, nil, a stream, pathname or namestring. |#
#|Warning: Parameter :cmdt cannot take value *cmdt-out* because it must be
must be t, nil, a stream, pathname or namestring. |#
Here is the value of *cmdt-out*.  It is set prior to defining the model.
> *cmdt-out*

The intent is simply to output everything from the Allegro Common
Lisp listener window to a text file because I am exceeding the limits of
the window.  My trace files are a bit over 10 MB.

Thanks for your suggestions and advice in advance.

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