[ACT-R-users] Buffer Clearings and Declarative Memory
Felix Steffenhagen
felix.steffenhagen at gmx.de
Mon May 30 09:17:24 EDT 2011
Hello everybody,
I'm a little confused about which buffer clearing trigger adding new
chunks to declarative memory. In the ACT-R Tutorial Unit 2 Secion 2.6
(Learning new Chunks) it says:
" ... whenever a chunk is cleared from a buffer it becomes part of the
model's declarative memory."
Does this principle only works for perceptual (input) buffers?
In my ACT-R model (see attachment) I tried to retrieve a press-key chunk
after pressing a key twice. When the model presses the key the second
time, the manual buffer should be cleared and, if the principle
works for this buffer, I should be able to retrieve this chunk.
After running the model, there is no chunk in the DM except the ones
that I defined. So, does this principle not work for the output buffers
like the manual buffer?
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