[ACT-R-users] 2nd CfP: Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (deadline extended)

David Reitter reitter at cmu.edu
Tue Mar 29 14:47:50 EDT 2011

Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL)

and TopiCS special issue Models of Language Comprehension

A workshop to be held
June 23, 2011
at the Association for Computational Linguistics meeting
in Portland, Oregon



Workshop Description

This workshop provides a venue for work in computational psycholinguistics.
ACL Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Martin Kay described this topic as
"build[ing] models of language that reflect in some interesting way, on the ways
in which people use language." The 2010 workshop follows in the tradition of
several previous meetings

     (1) the computational psycholinguistics meeting at CogSci in Berkeley in 1997
     (2) the Incremental Parsing workshop at ACL 2004
     (3) the first CMCL workshop at ACL 2010

in inviting contributions that apply methods from computational linguistics
to problems in the cognitive modeling of any and all natural language abilities.

Scope and Topics

The workshop invites a broad spectrum of work in the cognitive science of
language, at all levels of analysis from sounds to discourse. Topics include,
but are not limited to

* incremental parsers for diverse grammar formalisms; models of
comprehension difficulty derived from such parsers

* models of factors favoring particular productions or interpretations
over their competitors

* models of semantic interpretation, including psychologically
realistic notions of word and phrase meaning

* models of human language acquisition, including the prediction of
generalizations and time course in acquisition

* applications of cognitive models of language, e.g., in tutoring
systems, human evaluation, clinical and cognitive neuroscience


This call  solicits 8-page, full papers reporting  original and unpublished
research    that   combines    cognitive    modeling   and    computational linguistics.
Accepted papers are expected to be presented at the workshop
and will be published in  the workshop proceedings. They should emphasize
obtained results rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the
state  of  completion  of  the  reported  results.  A  paper accepted  for
presentation at the  workshop must not be presented or have been presented
at any other meeting with  publicly available proceedings.  If essentially identical
papers are  submitted to other conferences or  workshops as well, this fact
must be indicated at submission time.

To facilitate double-blind reviewing, submitted paper should not include
any identifying information about the authors.

Submissions must be formatted using ACL 2011 style files available at


Contributions should be submitted in PDF via the submission site:


The EXTENDED submission deadline is 11:59PM Eastern Time on April 08, 2011.

Best Student Paper

The best paper whose first author is a student will receive the Best
Student Paper award, sponsored by the Cognitive Science Society.  The
award consists of USD 250 and a one-year membership to the Cognitive
Science Society.

Pathway to Journal Publication

All   accepted   CMCL   papers   will   be  published   in   the   workshop proceedings as
is customary at ACL. However,  CMCL presenters whose work holds  broad interest for
the wider cognitive science  community  will  be  encouraged to  prepare extended versions
of their papers (16  pages in APA format). If approved by a  second  round of  reviewing, 
these extended  papers  will  appear in  a forthcoming issue  of TopiCS, a Journal of
the Cognitive Science Society, entitled entitled "Models of Language Comprehension".
These expanded papers will need to be substantially adapted to address
the broader TopiCS readership. The  Program Committee will be assisted by additional experts,
as needed, to apply this and other review criteria.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 08, 2011  (deadline extended)
Notification of acceptance: April 25, 2011
Camera-ready versions due: May 06, 2011
Workshop: June 23, 2011, at ACL 2011

Workshop Chairs

Frank Keller,  School of Informatics,  University of Edinburgh
David Reitter,  Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University

Program Committee

Steven Abney     Michigan   
Harald R. Baayen Alberta    
Matthew Crocker  Saarland      
Vera Demberg     Saarland     
Tim O'Donnell    Harvard     
Amit Dubey       Edinburgh  
Mike Frank       Stanford    
Ted Gibson       MIT          
John Hale        Cornell     
Keith Hall       Google       
Florian Jaeger   Rochester    
Lars Konieczny   Freiburg      
Roger Levy       San Diego     
Richard Lewis    Michigan    
Stephan Oepen    Oslo         
Ulrike Pado      VICO Research
Douglas Roland   Buffalo       
William Schuler  Ohio State   
Mark Steedman  Edinburgh
Patrick Sturt    Edinburgh         
Shravan Vasishth Potsdam     

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