[ACT-R-users] SS-RICS tutorial (UNCLASSIFIED)

Kelley, Troy (Civ,ARL/HRED) troy.kelley at us.army.mil
Mon Feb 7 16:50:03 EST 2011

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I thought some ACT-R folks might be interested in this.

We are conducting an SS-RICS tutorial at BRIMS 2011.


SS-RICS is the Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Robotic Intelligence Control System. 
It is a robotics control system largely based on ACT-R, but with the addition 
of neural networks and other statistical techniques for processing perceptual 

Currently SS-RICS will control SRV-1 robots


And Pioneer robots


As part of the tutorial you will get a copy of SS-RICS.

BRIMS will be at Sundance, Utah, so bring your skis!

Troy D. Kelley
Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED)
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Aberdeen, MD 21005
Phone: 410-278-5869
Fax: 410-278-9523

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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