[ACT-R-users] ActR multiple Agents

toebsen b toebsen at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 24 08:04:12 EDT 2011

Hello ACT-R Community,

Im currently trying to embed a C++ Simulation with ACT-R. I have a running Async TCP Server (via BOOST-ASIO)  for the Communication 
with ACT-R via a device ( like in http://www.zmms.tu-berlin.de/kogmod/tools/hello-java.html Framework). The Communication works nicely.

And now comes the not-so easy part: the Modeling in ACT-R:
Ok, I'm trying to get it right: 
I need multiple "Agents", which communicate with the C++ Simulation (TCP) , and all should have the same ACT-R Model.
How can i do that?
 My first guess would be to start as many ACT-R environments as I have agents and just set different Ports for Communication and
parse them in C++ to the correct instance of my c++ agent.
But this seems quite an overkill if the ACT-R Instances go into the 10+

Since I'm quite new to ACT-R, I do not know its complete capabilities.

There has to be another Solution to this sort of problem?

with best regards,

Tobias Bichlmaier
University of Techology, Munich

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