[ACT-R-users] CogModel notes: ICCM12/BRIMS12/BICA12/Prizes/Books/Jobs

Frank Ritter ritter at ist.psu.edu
Tue Aug 2 14:47:45 EDT 2011

This is based on the International Cognitive Modeling Conference
mailing list that I maintain.  I forward messages about twice a year.
(this is the second one for ICCM 2012.)

The first announcement is driving this email --
  the schedule and web site for ICCM 2012 in Berlin are up.

If you would like to be removed, please just let me know.  I maintain
it by hand to keep it small.


Frank Ritter                 frank.e.ritter at gmail.com
http://acs.ist.psu.edu       http://www.frankritter.com

1.  ICCM 2012,  Berlin, Germany, 12-15 April 2012

2.  ICCM 2012 tutorials call,  Berlin, Germany, 12 April 2012, due 3 dec 11

3.  BRIMS 2012,  12-15 March 2012, submission deadline LIKELY early Jan 2012

4.  Dissertation Prizes in Cognitive Science

5.  Biologically  Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2011 (November 5-6, 2011),
     papers due by 27 july 2011 (but may have late breaking papers)

6.  Call for Proposals for Symposia at AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012, 2-6 June 2012
     Due 1 Sept 2011

7.  Special issues of Simulation Journal, multiple deadlines

8. New book on trust, Castelfranchi & Falcone

9. New book on modeling multi-tasking, Salvucci & Taatgen
       Discount code to order it

10.  INNS Membership Progression Scheme 2011

11.  Post-doc at U. of Melbourne on games, closing date in sept?

12.  Junior Professorship for Psycho-/Neurolinguistics, closing date 8 sept 11

13.  faculty position in computational linguistics at UCL, closing date 30 sep 11

14.  Senior Scientist Position (hiring notice), no date given

15. PhD student fellowship, U. of Lausaane, 15 jul 11 (but may be open)


1.  ICCM 2012,  Berlin, Germany, 12-15 April 2012

The conference will be held from 13 to 15 April 2012 in Berlin at the
Technische Universitat Berlin (Berlin Institute of Technology
(TU/Berlin)). The conference web page is htpp://www.iccm2012.com

The International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) is the
premier conference for research on computational models and
computation-based theories of human behavior.  ICCM is a forum for
presenting, discussing, and evaluating the complete spectrum of
cognitive modeling approaches, including connectionism, symbolic
modeling, dynamical systems, Bayesian modeling, and cognitive
architectures. ICCM includes basic and applied research, across a wide
variety of domains, ranging from low-level perception and attention to
higher-level problem-solving and learning.

ICCM 2012 will be held in Berlin, Germany, on the campus of
 the Technische Universitat Berlin. The main conference will be held
April 13-15, 2012 and the tutorials will be held April 12, 2012.  We
hope to see you in Berlin,

The chairs are:
       "Nele Russwinkel" <nele.russwinkel at zmms.tu-berlin.de>,
       "Uwe Drewitz" <uwe.drewitz at tu-berlin.de>,
       "Hedderik van Rijn" <hedderik at van-rijn.org>,
       "Jeronimo Dzaak" <jeronimo.dzaack at zmms.tu-berlin.de>


2.  ICCM 2012 tutorials call,  Berlin, Germany, 12 April 2012, due 3 dec 11

The Tutorials program at the International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling (ICCM) 2012 will be held on 12 April 2012. It will provide
conference participants with the opportunity to gain new insights,
knowledge, and skills from a broad range of areas in the field of
cognitive modeling. Tutorial topics will be presented in a taught
format and are likely to range from practical guidelines to
theoretical issues or software. Tutorials at ICCM have been held many
times before, and this year's program will be modelled after them and
after the series held at the Cognitive Science Conference.

If you are interested, please see the web site for more details.


3.  BRIMS 2012,  12-15 March 2012, submission deadline LIKELY early Jan 2012

You are invited to participate in the 21st Conference on Behavior
Representation in Modeling and Simulation (BRIMS), to be held at the
Amelia Island Plantation, Amelia Island, Florida (near the Georgia /
Florida border). BRIMS enables modeling and simulation research
scientists, engineers, and technical communities across disciplines to
meet, share ideas, identify capability gaps, discuss cutting-edge
research directions, highlight promising technologies, and showcase
the state-of-the-art in Department of Defense related
applications. The BRIMS Conference will consist of many exciting
elements in 2012, including special topic areas, technical paper
sessions, special symposia/panel discussions, and government
laboratory sponsor sessions.

Highlights of BRIMS 2012 will include a fantastic lineup of keynote
speakers spanning cognitive modeling, sociocultural modeling, and
network science.

The BRIMS Executive Committee invites papers, posters, demos,
symposia, panel discussions, and tutorials on topics related to the
representation of individuals, groups, teams and organizations in
models and simulations. All submissions are peer-reviewed (see
www.brimsconference.org for additional details on submission types).

KEY DATES: [estimated]
 All submissions due:          6 Jan 2012
 Tutorial Acceptance:          31 Jan 2012
 Authors Notification          31 Jan 2012
 Final version due:            18 Feb 2012

Tutorials:               12 March 2011
BRIMS 2010 Opens:      13 March 2011

 William Kennedy (George Mason University)
 Bradley Best (Adaptive Cognitive Systems)
 Robert St. Amant (North Carolina State University)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the BRIMS 2012
Conference Chair, Dr. Tiffany Jastrzembski
  (tiffany.jastrzembski at wpafb.af.mil).


4.  Dissertation Prizes in Cognitive Science

   [this is a repeat, but is new and worth attention]

Call for Nominations

The Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes in Cognitive Science

Nomination Deadline: January 15, 2011

The Cognitive Science Society and the Glushko-Samuelson Foundation
seek nominations for up to five outstanding dissertation prizes in
cognitive science.  The goals of these prizes are to increase the
prominence of cognitive science, and encourage students to engage in
interdisciplinary efforts to understand minds and intelligent
systems. The hope is that the prizes will recognize and honor young
researchers conducting ground-breaking research in cognitive science.
The eventual goal is to aid in efforts to bridge between the areas of
cognitive science and create theories of general interest to the
multiple fields concerned with scientifically understanding the nature
of minds and intelligent systems.  Promoting a unified cognitive
science is consistent with the belief that understanding how minds
work will require the synthesis of many different empirical methods,
formal tools, and analytic theories.  2011 is the inaugural year of
this annual prize.  Up-to-date information on the prizes can be found
at http://cognitrn.psych.indiana.edu/CogSciPrizes/index.htm .

A Description of the Prizes

1) Up to five Robert J. Glushko Dissertation Prizes in Cognitive
   Science will be awarded annually.  Each prize will be accompanied
   by a certificate and a $10,000 award to be used by the recipient
   without any constraints.  Prize winners will also receive three
   years of complimentary membership in the Cognitive Science Society
   starting with the year in which they have won the prize.

2) Prize-winning dissertations are expected to transcend any one of
  the individual fields comprising cognitive science.  They should
  centrally address issues of interest to multiple fields that
  comprise cognitive science, including: psychology, computer
  science, philosophy, linguistics, anthropology, neuroscience, and

3) Prize-winners must have received a PhD degree no more than two
  years before the January 15 nomination deadline. For the 2011
  prizes, dissertations will be considered from individuals who
  received their PhD degrees during the period from January 15, 2009
  to January 15, 2011.

4) The dissertation prizes are open to any student who has conducted
  dissertation research related to cognitive science, regardless of
  nationality or originating department.

How to submit details are on the web site.

The deadline for nominations is January 15, 2011.  Awardees will be
announced by April 15, 2011.


5.  Biologically  Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2011 (November 5-6, 2011),
     papers due by 27 july 2011 (but may have late breaking papers)

Papers or abstracts are now accepted for Biologically Inspired
Cognitive Architectures 2011 (November 5-6 in Washington DC,
co-located with AAAI Fall Symposia). Submissions due by July
27th. More info at http://bicasociety.org/2011/. Please contact Alexei
Samsonovich <alexei at bicasymposium.com> or Kamilla Johannsdottir
<kamillarj at gmail.com> with any questions.

Venue: Holiday Inn, Arlington, VA 22203, USA

Publication Venue:	IOS Press, FAIA Series

Format: One-track, 2-day interactive conference with intermittent
paper presentations, panel discussions, exhibits, coffee breaks and 2

Critical Dates
    - July 27th: paper or abstract submission deadline (need to use IOS Press template)
    - August 15th: notification of acceptance
    - August 29th: camera-ready papers due
    - November 4th, PM: workshop and reception
    - November 5-6: BICA 2011


The challenge of creating a real-life computational equivalent of the
human mind calls for our joint efforts to better understand at a
computational level how natural intelligent systems develop their
cognitive and learning functions. The scope of BICA 2011 includes:

  - BICA models of robust learning mechanisms;
  - models of perception, cognition and action;
  - emotional and social intelligence in artifacts;
  - vital constraints informed by neuroscience,
  - human-like episodic and semantic memory;
  - metacognition, human-like self-regulated learning, bootstrapped
     and meta-learning;
  - language acquisition and symbol grounding;
  - the "critical mass" for cognitive growth in a learning environment,
     scalability of learning;
  - the roadmap to solving the challenge.

Confirmed speakers include Murray Shanahan, Christian Lebiere, Antonio
Chella, Stuart Shapiro, Keith Downing, Brandon Minnery, David Noelle,
Frank Ritter, Jeff Krichmar, David Vernon, Scott Fahlman, Amy Kruse,
Art Pope, Brandon Rohrer.

Submission categories are: abstracts, extended abstracts, position
papers and research papers, up to 6 pages free. Information about the
event, submission, format, registration, lodging, local arrangements,
meals, socials, etc. can be found at http://bicasociety.org/2011/. We
are looking forward to seeing you in Arlington in November,

-- A.V.S. & K.R.J., BICA 2011 Chairs Second International Conference
on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Arlington, Virginia:
November 5-6 (Saturday-Sunday), 2011 With reception and a workshop on
Nov 4th Sponsored by the BICA Society Co-located with AAAI Fall
Symposium Series (Nov 4-6), AI Funding Seminar (Nov 3), and Society
for Neuroscience Annual Meeting


6.  Call for Proposals for Symposia at AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012, 2-6 June 2012
     Due 1 Sept 2011

From: John Barnden <J.A.Barnden at cs.bham.ac.uk>


to occur as the main content of the

AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012
in honour of Alan Turing

  July 2nd to 6th, 2012
  University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK

  http://events.cs.bham.ac.uk/turing12/ or

organized by

  *** Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence
                       and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB)

  *** International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP)


AISB and IACAP are delighted to be joining forces to run the above
Congress in 2012. The Congress serves both as the year's AISB
Convention and the year's IACAP conference.  The Congress has been
inspired by a desire to honour Alan Turing and by the broad and deep
significance of Turing's work to AI, to the philosophical
ramifications of computing, and to philosophy and computing more
generally. The Congress is one of the events forming the Alan Turing
Year (http://www.mathcomp.leeds.ac.uk/turing2012/).

The intent of the Congress is to stimulate a particularly rich
interchange between AI and Philosophy on any areas of mutual interest,
whether directly addressing Turing's own research output or not.

The Congress will consist mainly of a number of collocated Symposia on
specific research areas, interspersed with Congress-wide refreshment
breaks, social events and invited Plenary Talks. This format borrows
from the normal AISB Convention practice and the theme-session structure
used in IACAP conferences. All papers other than the invited Plenaries
will be given within Symposia. This format is perfect for encouraging
new dialogue and collaboration both within and between research areas.

Symposia are expected normally to last for one day or two days, but
somewhat shorter or longer possibilities can be considered. They will
probably each involve between ten and fifty participants but there are
no particular limits. Symposia can include any type of event of academic
benefit: talks, posters, panels, discussions, demonstrations, outreach
sessions, etc.

Each Symposium will be organized by its own programme committee. The
committee proposes the Symposium, defines the area(s) for it, works out
a structure for it, issues calls for abstracts/papers etc., manages the
process of selecting submitted papers for inclusion, and compiles an
electronic file on which the symposium proceedings will be based
(locally produced, and not precluding publication of papers elsewhere).

The Congress organizers are in charge of everything else: overall
schedule, plenary talks, registration, creation of the individual
symposium proceedings in print, creation of an overall electronic
proceedings for the Conference, etc.

Some Research Themes
Proposals for Symposia are welcomed in all areas of AI and cognitive
science (as at normal AISB Conventions) and all areas of philosophy
related to computing (as at normal IACAP conferences).

We have identified some research areas as being especially appropriate
for the Congress. These are as follows, BUT ARE IN NO WAY EXCLUSIVE:

  -- the fundamental nature and limits of computation
  -- computational theory of mind
  -- the nature and possibility of AI
  -- testing for intelligence (natural or artificial)
  -- consciousness (natural or artificial)
  -- creativity (artistic and otherwise), aesthetics, etc.
  -- people's attitudes towards and relationships with intelligent
  -- ethics of AI and computing in general, and how AI may ultimately
         affect ethics
  -- the philosophical nature & ramifications (e.g., for notions of
       person, self, agenthood, social cognition) of both intelligent software
       agents in cyberspace and people's virtual identities.

Proposals for symposia touching on these themes will be especially
welcome, but we will also very much welcome proposals in other areas
relevant to AISB and/or IACAP. In particular, WE WELCOME SEQUELS to

Symposium Proposal Procedure

  -- Proposers are welcome to submit more than one proposal, or to be
       involved in some other way in more than one.
  -- Proposers need not already be members of either Society and will not
       be required to become members. They will of course be encouraged to

The deadline for Symposium proposals is:

     *1 September 2011*
Submitting The Proposal:

  -- Please visit   http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=turing2012
       in the role of an author and press the button "New Submission".

Invited Plenary Speakers
Four invited Plenary speakers have so far been secured, namely:

    Provost Professor of Cognitive Science and of History & Philosophy of Science
    Department of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science
    Indiana University

    Research Chair in Philosophy of Information and
      UNESCO Chair of Information and Computer Ethics
    University of Hertfordshire, UK
    &    Director, Information Ethics research Group    and Fellow of St Cross College
    Oxford, UK

    Honorary Professor
    School of Computer Science
    U. of Birmingham, UK

    Founder and CEO
    Wolfram Research, Inc.     http://www.stephenwolfram.com/

Congress Chairs
Overall Chairs:

   Anthony Beavers
   Philosophy and Cognitive Science
   The University of Evansville
   Evansville, Indiana 47722 USA   +1 812-488-2682  afbeavers at gmail.com
   (Tony is the President of IACAP)

   John Barnden
   School of Computer Science
   University of Birmingham
   Birmingham, B15 2TT   +44 (0)121-414-3816   J.A.Barnden at cs.bham.ac.uk
   (John is currently Vice-Chair of AISB,
    and was Chair from 2003 to 2010)

We expect to have selected the successful proposals by 15th September.

We will be requiring the proposers of the successful proposals to put
out a first call for abstracts/papers by 15th October, with a view to:

  :: submissions being in by 1 February 2012
  :: inclusion decisions made by 1 March 2012
  :: final abstract/paper versions for inclusion in proceedings
     delivered by 30 March 2012.

  (These dates are provisional and may be adjusted.)


7.  Special issues of Simulation Journal, multiple deadlines

To: <vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca>
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2011 15:20:38 -0400
From: vsim-conf at sce.carleton.ca
Subject: [simu-conf] SIMULATION Journal Special Issues

Dear Colleague:

As a member of the Modeling and Simulation Community, you might be
interested in the following upcoming call-for-papers for Special
Issues to be published in http://sim.sagepub.com/  Simulation,
Transactions of the Society of Modeling and Simulation International".

M&S Optimization Applications in Industry and Engineering


  o Submission of papers due by: April 15, 2011
  o Publication expected: Summer 2012

This Special Issue of the SIMULATION Journal aims to highlight
academic foundations as well as real-world industrial applications
focusing on lessons learned, experienced constraints, and proof of
concepts and generalizability of implemented solutions. Authors of
high quality, unpublished contributions to this field of Modeling and
Simulation are invited to submit papers to this Special Issue.  This
special issue is aimed to solicit papers on the following topics of
interest, but not limited to:

  Facility Layout Optimization
  Transportation Optimization
  Support of Environmental Science
  Optimization in Business Applications
  Optimization support in Engineering Domains (such as Biomedical, Chemical,
    Civil, Computer, Electrical, and Mechanical)

Activity Driven Modeling and Simulation: Theory and Applications

  o  Submission of papers due by: April 30, 2011
  o  Publication expected: Spring 2012

This special issue will highlight new research that uncovers and
examines aspects of activity driven modeling and simulation that cut
across domains of application. Submissions for the special issue
should therefore focus on theory, methods, tools, and applications
that have cross-disciplinary appeal. Specific topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:

  Numerical issues and algorithms
  Modeling methods and tools
  Parallel simulation
  Algorithms for and uses of novel computer architectures
  Fundamental theory
  Inter-disciplinary applications and case studies
  Design and refactoring of simulators to support activity based M&S

Modeling and Simulation of Aeronautical Systems
  o  Submission of papers due by: May 30, 2011
  o  Publication expected: Fall 2012

As a showcase for multidisciplinary research, this special issue shall
bring innovative approaches in composite material behaviors,
diagnostic approaches, instrumentation and sensing, implementation of
flight and systems models on computers. Authors of high quality,
unpublished contributions are invited to submit papers to this Special
Issue for a variety of topics including, but not limited to:

  Simulation of Complex Aeronautical Systems
  Aeronautical Systems of Systems Engineering
  Materials for Aeronautical and Aerospace vehicles
  Flight control and navigation systems
  CAT (Clear Air Turbulence) prediction and analysis
  Structural Analysis of air lifting bodies
  Aircraft material fatigue phenomenon
  Flight training simulators
  Flight safety analysis and design

Modeling Sustainability for Third Millennium
  o Submission of papers due by: August 1, 2011
  o Publication expected: Fall 2012

This special issue aims at providing the opportunity for authors to
submit original and unpublished articles on innovative ways to use
Modeling and Simulation as Enabling Technology for investigating
Technical, Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability of Human
Enterprises. Simulation represents probably the only methodology to
provide to the human race a tool for enabling control of mankind
evolution; in fact historical data for understanding the situation
evolution in this context could be collected just when it is too late
to react. Validated, verified and accredited models represent the
cornerstone for anticipating future critical
situations. Multidisciplinary approaches are encouraged to properly
address the framework of complex system sustainability. Topics of
interest include but are not limited to:

  Coupling economic, social, business and environmental models for
    studying sustainability
  Interoperable simulation for combining different models addressing
    sustainability issues
  Modeling and simulation as support risks and opportunities analysis
    within the new reference scenario characterized by the global
    financial crisis
  Modeling social and human factors and their influence in human
    enterprises and activities
  Modeling drivers and guidelines definition for human enterprise sustainability
  Modeling global or local sustainability
  Models for estimating medium and long term sustainability

Advancing Simulation Theory and Practice with Distributed Computing

  o Submission of papers due by: November 30, 2011
  o Publication expected: Spring 2013

The pursuit of high quality simulation experimentation and
optimization can require non-trivial amounts of computing
power. Having access to an increased number of computers usually
enables "further and faster experimentation" of the
models. Distributed computing concepts such as High Performance
Computing (HPC), High Throughput Computing (HTC), grid and cloud
computing can provide the required computing capacity for the
execution of large and complex models. Further there has been a long
tradition of adopting advances in distributed computing in simulation
as evidenced by contributions from the parallel and distributed
simulation community. There has arguably been a recent acceleration of
innovation in distributed computing tools and techniques. This special
issue presents the opportunity to showcase recent research that is
assimilating these new advances in simulation. This special issue
therefore solicits high quality papers on both computational and
theoretical studies that further the extant literature on the
application of distributed computing to simulation. Topics of interest
include but are not limited to:

  Methodologies for creation of scalable simulation models.
  Methodologies and algorithms associated with distributed execution
    of models (e.g. algorithms for task-farming and load-balancing)
  Theoretical issues, methodology and software architectures for large
    scale distributed simulations (e.g. parallel and distributed
    simulation, multi-agent based distributed simulation, IEEE 1516 HLA
    architecture, Distributed Interactive Simulation).
  Algorithms for parallel and distributed simulation, including time
    synchronization, optimistic and conservative protocols.
  Ubiquitous computing architectures for development and experimentation
    of simulation models.
  Collaborative model development (e.g., shared workspace, shared
    manipulation of models)

The above special issues are still open for submission of papers. Please see the SCS web site at www.scs.org for details.

If you want to propose a special issue for SIMULATION, please see SPECIAL ISSUES: Principles & Guidelines on the SCS website at: [broken URL passed to me]

If you want to obtain further details about SIMULATION and SCS
publications, find more information in the following Frequently Asked
Questions: http://www.scs.org/upload/FAQPublications.pdf

[problems/issues: contact vsim-conf-owner at sce.carleton.ca]

8. New book on trust, Castelfranchi & Falcone

If you think that it is appropriate, please send next time the
announcement of this book (long or short). It is a Cognitive Science
book on a crucial topic (the theory of trust, what is trust, and how
it works) with a really interdisciplinary approach, centered on
cognitive modeling.


Cristiano Castelfranchi - http://www.istc.cnr.it/
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Rino Falcone - http://t3.istc.cnr.it/trustwiki/index.php/T3_Group_Home
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy

A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Publication

1	Definitions of Trust: From Conceptual Components to the General Core
Two Intertwined Notions of Trust: Trust as Attitude vs. Trust as Act
A Critique of Some Significant Definitions of Trust
  - Gambetta: Is Trust Only About Predictability?
  - Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman: Is Trust Only Willingness, for Any Kind of Vulnerability?
  - McKnight: The Black Boxes of Trust
  - Marsh: Is a Mere Expectation Enough for Modeling Trust?
  - Yamagishi: Mixing up the Act of Trusting and the Act of Cooperating
  - Trust as Based on Reciprocity	26 Hardin: Trust as Encapsulated Interest
  - Rousseau: What Kind of Intention is 'Trust'?

2	Socio-Cognitive Model of Trust: Basic Ingredients

3	Socio-Cognitive Model of Trust: Quantitative Aspects

4	The Negative Side: Lack of Trust, Implicit Trust, Mistrust, Doubts and Diffidence

5	The Affective and Intuitive Forms of Trust: The Confidence We Inspire

6	Dynamics of Trust

7	Trust, Control and Autonomy: A Dialectic Relationship

8	The Economic Reductionism and Trust (Ir)rationality

9	The Glue of Society

10	On the Trustee's Side: Trust As Relational Capital

11	A Fuzzy Implementation for the Socio-Cognitive Approach to Trust

12	Trust and Technology

13	Concluding Remarks and Pointers


9. New book on modeling multi-tasking, Salvucci & Taatgen
       Discount code to order it

at http://www.oup.com/us  ,  enter promo code 29475 for 20% off for books in
 the Oxford series on cognitive models and architectures

Salvucci and Taatgen: The multitasking mind


10.  INNS Membership Progression Scheme 2011

[from the ACT-R mailing list]

INNS Membership Progression Scheme 2011

The International Neural Network Society (INNS) is the organization
for individuals interested in a theoretical and computational
understanding of the brain/mind and applying that knowledge to develop
new and more effective forms of machine intelligence. INNS was formed
in 1987 by the leading scientists in the neural network field. The
field of neural networks encourages interdisciplinary perspectives,
and INNS' membership reflects this diversity. Members represent a
variety of fields, backgrounds and level of interest.

INNS has introduced a new membership category of Senior Member (SM) to
recognize INNS members for their contributions, and to allow for a
progression of the INNS members to a higher recognition membership
status. We call for 2011 Senior Member nominations.

For 2011, on-line senior membership nomination and application can be
made through the website at:
<http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/irwin.king/inns/sm_application_form> or
alternatively, you can sent via e-mail a nomination letter and a CV of
the candidate to the INNS VP for Membership, Irwin King <king at cse.cuhk.edu.hk
 > under the Subject line: "2011 INNS Senior Membership Nomination for
[Applicant's Name]", on or before July 22, 2011.

Final confirmation of the 2011 Senior Members will be made by the INNS
Board of Governors and appropriate announcements will then be made, at
least on the INNS website, www.inns.org, and in the Tri-Society

INNS Membership Information:

As of 2011, INNS has three types of confirmed membership categories:

    ? Student (payment 1 year $25; 2 years $35)
    ? Regular member (1 year $85; 2 years $125)
    ? Affiliate member (1 year $30; 2 years $40) for ENNS and JNNS
members only

Every INNS member receives, for example:

    ? A reduced fee to attend the annual IJCNN conference and the
biennial INNS Symposia, as well as many other INNS co-sponsored
conferences worldwide
    ? A subscription to the Tri-Society Newsletter
    ? A subscription to the flagship journal Neural Networks
    * Participation in many special interest groups and regional chapters, etc. etc.

For further information, contact: INNS VP for Membership, Irwin King
<king at cse.cuhk.edu.hk >

11.  Post-doc at U. of Melbourne on games, closing date in sept?

Date:         Fri, 29 Jul 2011 23:09:36 +1000
From: "Florian 'Floyd' Mueller" <floyd at floydmueller.com>
Subject: Job: More research post opportunities in Australia


If you are interested in HCI and games, and are interested in
research-only (no teaching required) posts in Melbourne, Australia,
please consider the
RMIT vice-chancellor fellowship (see rmit.edu.au, then click on ad),
deadline in 2 days, and also the following below:



The McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme has been established to
attract outstanding recent doctoral graduates to the University in
areas of research priority for the university and its faculties, and
in particular to recruit new researchers who have the potential to
build and lead cross-disciplinary collaborative research activities
inside and across faculties.

The University offers a leading and lively research environment that
is internationally engaged, public-spirited, and with many outstanding
areas of research strength.

The objectives of the scheme are to:

assist the university to build an ambitious program of research activity, and
[to] attract outstanding postdoctoral researchers to be part of
that and to begin to build the next generation of research activity.

Applicants must have graduated or have completed all the required
steps to be eligible to graduate with a PhD by the closing date of 7
October 2011, from a university other than the University of
Melbourne.  The PhD must have been awarded in the preceding 12 months,
i.e. on or after 7 October 2010. The McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships
are intended for applicants who do not hold a fixed term or continuing
appointment at the University of Melbourne.

Applicants may be drawn from any field in which the University of
Melbourne has research strength, and must have an ability to
contribute to research collaborations and programs across faculties or

Applicants will be required to provide a declaration of support from
the department/school in which they would be located if successful but
the criteria for selection will be university-based.

International applications are welcomed. The applicant must have the
right to work in Australia. Permanent residency or citizenship is not
a requirement.
Fellowships can be awarded for fractional appointments.

Assessment will take account of achievement relative to opportunity.

Outcomes are expected to be communicated first week of December 2011.

The Fellowships will be funded by Melbourne Research to the value of a
Level A academic salary including on costs. Fellows will be employed
at Level A.6 in the University Salary Band.

Fellows will receive an additional $15,000 to be spent on travel
and/or equipment over the term of their Fellowship.  Awards will be
for a maximum of three years commencing (1 January 2012) but start
date may be deferred up to (30 June 2012).

Funding Guidelines along with the application form and FAQ are
available at the following link:


For further information in the first instance please email:
McKenzie-application at unimelb.edu.au
or you may phone the Office of the Executive Director, Research - Dr
David Cookson: +61 (0)3 9035 4413.

Candidates should submit their application directly to
mckenzie-application at unimelb.edu.au but should also cc to
gwenda at unimelb.edu.au  on final application. Should MSE staff seek
assistance in reviewing applications from candidates, please forward
to Gwenda Pittaway no later than 26 September.

Any other queries may be directed to Gwenda Pittaway,
gwenda at unimelb.edu.au, x44421 (MSE)

Gwenda Pittaway
Research Officer
MERIT Research Services
Depts Electrical and Electronic Engineering, CSSE and Mechanical Engineering
Melbourne School of Engineering
Parkville campus, Victoria  3010
Tel: +61 3 83444421
gwenda at unimelb.edu.au

12.  Junior Professorship for Psycho-/Neurolinguistics, closing date 8 sept 11

From: "Angela Schwering" <schwering at uni-muenster.de>
Subject: Junior Professorship for Psycho-/Neurolinguistics, University of Osnabrueck
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 10:14:07 +0200

Junior Professorship for Psycho-/Neurolinguistics

The interdisciplinary Institute of Cognitive Science of the University of
Osnabruck offers a

   junior professorship for Psycho-/Neurolinguistics (salary level W1)

to be filled as soon as possible. The contract will be initially for
three years with the possibility of an extension for a further period
of three years, provided the intermediate evaluation has been passed

The successful applicant will represent the discipline of
Neurolinguistics or Psycholinguistics within Cognitive Science with
regard to both teaching and research in his or her own responsibility
and will act independently also with regard to the acquisition of
external research funds. The position involves research in the areas
of Neuro-/Psycholinguistics.  Candidates are expected to
interdisciplinarily collaborate with several of the other research
groups at the Institute of Cognitive Science (Artificial Intelligence,
Cognitive Psychology, Computational Linguistics, Neurobiopsychology,
Neurocybernetics, Neuroinformatics, and Philosophy of
Cognition). Furthermore, the position involves teaching with a focus
on neuro- /psycholinguistic approaches in the international BSc, MSc,
and PhD programs of Cognitive Science.

Requirements are a doctorate in Neuro-/Psycholinguistics or closely
related subject area; excellent research qualifications documented by
an outstanding dissertation and publications in international reviewed
journals; interest and documented experience in interdisciplinary
work; thorough familiarity with linguistic theory, brain research, and
experimental methods.  Very good knowledge of English as well as very
good teaching qualifications are required.  Applicants should have
completed their doctorate within the past five years.

Classes taught by the successful applicant are offered to foreign and
German students of the international BSc., MSc., and PhD programs
?Cognitive Science?. All classes are taught in English. Further
information on the Cognitive Science programs and the Institute of
Cognitive Science can be found at http://www.cogsci.uni-osnabrueck.de)

Osnabruck University is an equal opportunity employer. Women are
therefore particularly encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants with
equivalent qualification will be treated preferentially.

Candidates are invited to send their applications with the usual
documentation (including CV, lists of publications and taught courses,
names and addresses of three referees, and a sketch of a research
program) no later than 8th September 2011 to the Director of the
Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabruck,
Albrechtstrasse 28, 49076 Osnabruck, Germany.

13.  faculty position in computational linguistics at UCL, closing date 30 sep 11

Faculty Position in Computational Linguistics
Closing date: 30-Sep-2011
Further details at:


14.  Senior Scientist Position (hiring notice), no date given

From: <dlunt at adcogsys.com>
To: act-r-users at act-r.psy.cmu.edu
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 10:29:43 -0700
Subject: [ACT-R-users] Senior Scientist Position (hiring notice)

Adaptive Cognitive Systems LLC (http://www.adcogsys.com) is a stable
small company, founded in 2006, seeking an exceptionally reliable and
diligent senior scientist to conduct human-computer interaction
research. ACS has a current contract with the Naval Air Warfare Center
(NAVAIR), and ongoing collaborations with university partners,
positioning ACS as a leader in the emerging cognitive modeling
software domain. The work is fascinating!


  -Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics, Psychology, Machine
    Learning, Linguistics, or a related field.
  -Minimum 5 years experience industry experience as a senior
    scientist (with excellent references)
  -Experience in analysis of very large data sets, experimental
    design, and software development
  -Proven ability to successfully and quickly write all levels and
    types of funding proposals
  -A track record of high quality journal publications and established industry contacts
  -Works effectively with research assistants and research programmers
  -The ability to present complex technical information in a clear and concise manner
  -Comfortable with change, learning and novelty

  -Interest in virtual environments, gaming, and artificial intelligence

  -Performs all aspects of senior scientist research and documentation
  -Co-writes all levels and types of funding proposals

Location: Downtown Fairhaven 	located in Bellingham, Washington

Compensation: Salary Depends on 	Experience

Interested applicants - please send a cover letter and CV to dlunt at adcogsys.com.

Thank you,

Diane Lunt
Adaptive Cognitive Systems, LLC
Executive Assistant
1942 Broadway Street, Suite 314
Boulder, CO 80302
Office Phone: 303-413-3472


15. PhD student fellowship, U. of Lausaane, 15 jul 11 (but may be open)

From: "Marewski, Julian" <marewski at mpib-berlin.mpg.de>
To: <act-r-users at act-r.psy.cmu.edu>
Cc: marewski at act-r.psy.cmu.edu
Subject: [ACT-R-users] Doctoral student position at the University
	ofLausanne Faculty for Business and Economics (HEC):
	Cognitive modeling of decision making processes

Dear all,

I seek candidates for a doctoral student position at the Department of
Organizational Behavior of the Faculty for Business and Economics at
the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Since the position can start
as early as the summer/fall 2011, I'd like to spread the word
quickly. I would appreciate it if this email could be passed on to
potentially interested students. The student will have virtually no
tasks other than doing her/his research. There are no teaching
obligations. Parts of the research should focus on the mathematical or
computational modeling of human cognitive decision processes and/or on
the cognitive mechanisms underlying bounded rationality in
organizations in business, industry, and/or political
contexts. Candidates with an interest in heuristic decision making
and/or ACT-R modeling are especially encouraged to apply (but prior
knowledge of these is not necessary.)  Swiss salaries are competitive.

Best wishes and many thanks,


The Department of Organizational Behavior of the Faculty for Business
and Economics

at the University of Lausanne seeks applicants for

Doctoral Student Fellowship

The position (60%) is to begin August 1st, 2011 or later. The contract
is limited to 1 year, and can be prolonged for 2x2 years. The maximum
funding period is 5 years. Successful candidates will obtain a
Ph.D. in Management. The work location is Lausanne Dorigny.

Job description

We seek applicants to work on the cognitive modeling of decision
making processes in organizations in business, industry, and/or
political contexts. We expect Ph.D. candidates to publish their
research in top-tier journals. The candidate is expected to devote at
the very least 50% of her/his time to her/his research project, and at
the very most 50% (and only if necessary) to support other research,
administrative, and teaching activities. Excellent candidates will be
freed as much as possible to devote their time exclusively to


Applicants should be interested in the mathematical or computational
modeling of human cognitive decision processes as well as in the
cognitive mechanisms underlying bounded rationality in organizations in
business, industry, and/or political contexts. Knowledge of quantitative
research methods, and ideally, programming skills (e.g., MATLAB, R,
ACT-R) is helpful but not required. A university degree in psychology,
business, economics, mathematics, computer sciences, physics, biology,
or another quantitatively-oriented discipline as well as very good
English skills are required.

Application materials and deadline

Please submit applications by July 15th, 2011.

Applications include  a cover letter describing research interests and a
potential thesis project, curriculum vitae, university transcripts, two
letters of recommendation, previous work transcripts (if available), and
up to two publications (if available). The preferred method of
submission are PDF files e-mailed to the responsible professor, Julian
Marewski (marewski at mpib-berlin.mpg.de).

The Department of Organizational Behavior and Lausanne

The Department of Organizational Behavior of the Faculty for Business
and Economics at the University of Lausanne provides a stimulating,
interdisciplinary research environment. We value the diversity of the
expertise of the members of the department (we have Ph.D.s in
business, management, psychology, and economics) as well as the
diversity of the departments at the Faculty of Business and
Economics. We publish in top-tier journals in different disciplines,
including Science, Psychological Review, and the American Economic
Review. Our department's members come from different countries, and
the working language of the department is English.

Located near Lake Geneva and surrounded by the Jura Mountains and the
French Alps, Lausanne is a beautiful and cosmopolitan spot to live and
work. We have a collegial atmosphere that makes it easy for us to carry
out our research.

Information about the Department of Organizational Behavior is
available at
cl=en . Information about the University of Lausanne's Ph.D. program
can be found at
http://www.hec.unil.ch/hec/doctorats/phdmanagement/why/welcome . More
information about the position can be inquired directly from Julian
Marewski (marewski at mpib-berlin.mpg.de and

Disclaimer: This ad stills requires final official approval from the
University of Lausanne.


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