[ACT-R-users] [Act-cv]have you any manual about act-cv?

Marc Halbrügge marc.halbruegge at gmx.de
Tue Sep 28 05:52:02 EDT 2010

Hi Chanhyan,

> Anyway, I'd like to use the act-cv with act-r. 
> so, I have read some documents(overview, setting, etc without detail
> description) about the act-cv from web and tested it with
> act-cv-demo. 
> But  I can't understand the file 'act-cv-dev.lisp'. 
> I'd like to know a description for functions defined in the
> act-cv-dev.lisp. 
> If you have any document about that, would you plz let me get it? 
There is no documentation but the online docs here:

act-cv-dev.lisp is not covered there, so I'll try to give a short

This file provides the glue between the OpenCV/C++ world on the one hand
and the ACT-R/Lisp world on the other hand. The first half of
act-cv-dev.lisp contains code for loading the library libAct-CV.so/.dll
and calling function from it. The second half of the file - beginning
with "(defclass act-cv-device" provides a class that serves as a device
in ACT-R terms. The methods of this class are called when a model runs,
- "build-vis-locs-for" when ACT-R processes the display ("proc-display")
- "device-update-attended-loc" during 
        isa move-attention
       screen-pos =visual-location

...and so on

Mail me off list if you have more questions


> -changhyun
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