[ACT-R-users] [Re]ACT-R and Visual attention problem
Dan Bothell
db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Aug 23 22:50:54 EDT 2010
--On Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:40 AM +0900 "=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?udrDosf2?=" <y3rr0r at etri.re.kr>
> Hi,
> Great thanks for answers.
> I'm examining those suggestions (Dan, Frank, Marc, Troy's ).
> Firstly, I'm trying to understand Dan's method. But don't understand yet.
> As Dan said, I need more understanding for act-r system and lisp language.
> Anyway, 3 questions (for Dan's answer) are also occurred now.
> 1. Role of a device?
> -->You said "If you want a model to be able to see a picture, you will have to create a device
> which can convert a picture into chunks which the model can use."
> --> This sentence let me understand the role of a device and show me how to be inputted a
> picture.
> --> (Except for ACT-CV, SegMan, Vision C++ toolkit and so on)
> Only way for a model to get a picture is a converted chunk of the picture?
> --> For that, Should our new device convert any picture to several chunks automatically?
> --> For example) there are people and cars in a picture. then should the device convert the
> picture into oval, rectangular, line, etc chunks?
> --> Of course, I know there is another role of a device such as Interfacing role.
ACT-R's vision module is a model of visual attention and assumes the world is composed
of "objects". All the model sees are the feature and object chunks which the device
makes available. It has no real commitment as to what features those objects should
have. It is up to the modeler to decide what those features and objects are for any
new type of input, and creating those items is the role of the device.
> 2. I can't see any device.
> --> For understanding about a device, I wish to see an example source code for a device.
> --> In order to make a new device.....
> --> But I can't find it.
> --> Please Can't you show me an example?
The source code for the default devices are found in the /devices directory in separate
directories for each of the particular systems available (ACL, LispWorks, MCL, and the
virtual windows). The Lisp code which implements the example device is on the slides of
the "extending-actr" presentation, and can also be found in the /examples/simple-new-device.lisp
file. There are three other example devices which show some more advanced techniques one
can use with a device found in the "new-vision*.lisp" files in the examples directory.
> 3. like 'Add-text-to-exp-window'
> --> I saw the GUI function 'Add-text-to-exp-window'
> --> This function inspires me.
> --> like that function, If we make a 'add-picture-to-exp-window' function, the first step of our
> goal will be completed.
> --> and then, a device needed to convert the picture into chunks.
> --> Is it right?
> --> Then, Do you know how to create a GUI function?
The ACT-R GUI functions (everything related to "experiment windows") are built
for use with the default devices. So, one could write an "add-picture" command
if one knows how to use the particular windowing implementation being used in
that Lisp and how the device that goes with it works. The code for the ACT-R GUI
commands is found with the devices in the /devices directories.
I will note however that the internal details of the ACT-R code are generally
below the level at which I provide support. So, you are basically on your
own if you want to modify or extend things at that level instead of writing
your own device.
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