[ACT-R-users] ICCM 2010 Doctoral Consortium
Dario Salvucci
salvucci at cs.drexel.edu
Tue Apr 27 21:59:43 EDT 2010
[Note to ACT-R folks: Although the ICCM doctoral consortium is on the same day as the ACT-R Workshop, the DC will start in mid/late afternoon, and thus DC students will be able to attend most of the workshop as well.]
ICCM 2010 Doctoral Consortium
August 5, 2010 at ICCM 2010 in Philadelphia, PA
Conference Web Site:
The doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore their research interests in a multidisciplinary workshop under the guidance of distinguished research faculty. The consortium is intended to (1) provide a setting for mutual feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions; (2) develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research; and (3) contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other students and researchers.
The doctoral consortium will be held the day before the main conference program begins (August 5, 2010). Accepted students receive free registration to the conference and financial support (amount to be determined) for travel and accommodation expenses.
** Deadline [Extended] **
All submissions to the doctoral consortium are due Thursday, May 6, 2010.
** Submission **
Interested students should submit a 2-page extended abstract of their thesis work as described on the web site:
Submit the abstract as a PDF file by email attachment to stamant <at> csc.ncsu.edu. Put your name and "Doctoral Consortium" in the email-message subject field. In the email message, include your name, your department, your institution, your thesis advisor's name, and keywords that describe your research area (both modeling approach and domain area).
** Letter of Recommendation **
Have a letter of recommendation from your thesis advisor emailed to stamant <at> csc.ncsu.edu by the deadline. The recommendation should include a formal review of your research and the expected timetable for completion.
** Reviewing **
The review committee will select participants based on their anticipated contribution to the consortium objectives. Participants have typically passed their qualifying exams and settled on thesis directions but have not necessarily had their research proposals accepted by their thesis committees. The doctoral consortium encourages participation of students from a wide variety of modeling approaches. Students from under-represented groups or institutions, including students from institutions where modeling is not a strength, are especially encouraged to apply.
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